
The Endless Hunt

The Gods are real, demons are all real, all their myths are real. And they're bored so why not use humanity. Humans have never failed to entertain them before but this time why not up the stakes a little bit and who knows maybe humans will go back to worshiping them. And why not up the stage for the maximum amount of entertainment. Let’s make all creatures from mythology real. And let’s add classes to this as well. Now some will die, but their deaths will serve as their amusement and some will rise to the peak's of heaven while others will descend into the darkest pits of Hell. And let’s make who awakens completely random because the humans always get jealous of others who they feel outshine them which causes them to act irrationally. Who knows, maybe some will rise high enough to even rival the gods and constellations and mantle them. I'm a recent Highschool graduate and this is my first ever novel. So hopefully you can excuse the beginner level mistakes I make. This is a passion project of mine.

TrueChaos_9558 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The beginning .

On August 15th 2010, from beneath the Mariana Trench a tower that reached the heaven arose and pierced the sky. All the governments in the world didn't know what to think but humans do what they normally do when they experience things they don't understand. They panic. Some people thought that it was the end of the world, others thought it was aliens. The Tower from Earth looked like it went on forever but from space it looked like it ended at the stratosphere. Governments sent in people to investigate and for awhile when people entered the tower they wouldn't come back. Until on December 9th 2017, Lawrence Smith, an explorer sent by the British government, Juan Delgado, an explorer from the Mexican government, Wayne Townshed, an explorer from the U.S. government came out the tower and told the world of what happened in the tower. They told them of the powers the could be acquired and the monsters that resided there in the tower and of course people didn't believe until them showed them Lawrence demonstrated his own powers and this one event broke the minds of everyone. They continued to tell them of the Gods, demons, and constellations that dwelled in the tower and that the reason that all those explorers never came back to Earth was because some of them died, while others didn't see a reason to return given the new powers they had acquired. Wayne told them what his god told him that energy that the tower gives off called Mana will start to enter our bodies and that people will randomly start to awaken. Their bodies will stronger and tougher, they'll basically be superhumans. After hearing governments freaked out. Random people would awaken and become stronger and faster then even the best olympic athletes if some of these people were allowed to run loose then chaos would befall everyone but this caused people in droves to enter the tower regardless of whether they could get to the Tower's entrance at the Mariana Trench. Governments went into chaos because even their own officials were abandoning them to go enter the tower. And just like that the Tower Era began