
The Endless Hunt

The Gods are real, demons are all real, all their myths are real. And they're bored so why not use humanity. Humans have never failed to entertain them before but this time why not up the stakes a little bit and who knows maybe humans will go back to worshiping them. And why not up the stage for the maximum amount of entertainment. Let’s make all creatures from mythology real. And let’s add classes to this as well. Now some will die, but their deaths will serve as their amusement and some will rise to the peak's of heaven while others will descend into the darkest pits of Hell. And let’s make who awakens completely random because the humans always get jealous of others who they feel outshine them which causes them to act irrationally. Who knows, maybe some will rise high enough to even rival the gods and constellations and mantle them. I'm a recent Highschool graduate and this is my first ever novel. So hopefully you can excuse the beginner level mistakes I make. This is a passion project of mine.

TrueChaos_9558 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1

"We have to give him another beating today,'' Bailey said, not wanting to. "Are you serious, again really?". John complained. John loves doing this and hates this prisoner not because of the crime that he committed just for the fact that he's awakened and he isn't. "Yeah John we have to, you know how unpredictable he is, I hate it as much as you do don't get me wrong but would you rather deal with the warden or him" Bailey said. Bailey, like John, hated his job but it was John who loved beating on the prisoner and plus he doesn't want to have to face the warden's wrath. "God why did he become an Awakened human, everytime I hit him it feels like I'm hitting against iron.I think I have a hairline fracture in my hand already".The strength between unawaken human and an awakened human aren't in the same ballpark. Let's put it like this: the strongest human in the world could never beat an awakened human in a contest of strength. And that's if the awakened human doesn't have a class, now if you add a class to them then you can't even put them in the same conversation. " Bailey, you can't complain to me. I was just in a hand cast for 3 months and still only have partial feelings in my right hand because of what he did to me!" John said aggressively. John very much hated his job, actually he hated awakened humans only because he wanted the power they had. A lot of people like John seeing other people awakening they couldn't help but feel envious and on the rare occasion that people would leave the tower and tell them stories of these powerful humans and the even rarer occasions that these awaken humans chose to stay on Earth and not return to the tower that envy grew to jealousy and then blossomed into hatred. Achieving an awakening was very much like winning a lottery not many people would be able to do it and to those that do not all would be able to go up the ranks. " How could scum like him get so lucky to awaken". John thought disgustingly. " We should be lucky he doesn't have a Class,because if he did he wouldn't be imprisoned at all and we would be dead" Bailey said sternly. "Well maybe he would've only gotten a common class not a rare,legendary,or mythical class" John responded. " Just because a class is common doesn't mean it's weak and just because a class is legendary or mythical doesn't make it powerful, that's a misconception everyone has. Perfect example you've heard of the Forest King right". Bailey asked. " Of course who hasn't heard of him, he's an apostle for the goddess of the wild Artemis and his right hand Claire is a Druid who is an apostle of Devana. No one is allowed to enter the Forest of Dreams without his permission". John sarcastically. " He's extremely powerful and dangerous and his class is uncommon," Bailey said. " What, there's no way he's only uncommon," John said shockingly. " There are differences in the power of the classes that is true, but the real differences between them are the requirements to get the classes and that as your class gets stronger you get more powerful abilities and that the gods and demons pay attention to you more". " Holy shit man, if he's only an uncommon how strong would he be if he was a rare or legendary or even a mythical?". John said astonishedly. " If you want to imagine someone who has legendary class strength, think of The Tyrant," Bailey replied. " The…The Tyrant… that woman is a different kind of monster". John replied with fear in his voice. "Well enough stalling let's get in there" Bailey said.

In the Cell

"Really gentleman, another beating you aren't getting bored of this" Khalil said. " Shut the fuck you scum if you weren't an awakened I'd of killed you already" John said angrily."Oh god here we go again when is he ever going to learn he's playing right into his by always getting angry" Bailey thought. " You kill me, yeah right let's get this straight right now you're nothing to me, you're a bug I could easily squash" Khalil said sternly. " You're just jealous that a criminal like me has power you could only dream of and it infuriates you" Khalil added. " FUCK YOU, you think just because you're awakened you're special you're, not look where you are asshole in a cell with no way out for the rest of your life. All in all you're just a murderer". John said angrily. " I'm a murderer, you're not wrong but then you should be careful around me because what's stopping me from killing you next".Khalil said smirkingly. "Anyway what the hell did I do for you two to grace my cell ". Khalil said snarkingly. " Don't act coy, you know exactly what you did," Bailey said sternly. " Really, because Martinez got hurt, that wasn't my fault". Khalil replied, annoyed. " He's been in the hospital for the last three days and still hasn't woken up yet, he had 4 broken ribs and a punctured lung". Bailey replied. " Ok but that doesn't make it my fault, he could have gotten those injuries we all know who he associates with". Khalil said. " True very true but we can just say it was you and no one will bat an eye at it". John said while smirking. " Really, I expect this from him because he's a dumbass but you're doing this as well, and here I thought you liked me". Khalil said sarcastically. " I'm not mad though after what I did to end up here whatever punishment is given to me is well deserved". Khalil thought. "Just hurry the fuck up with this bullshit I got shit to do". Khalil replied stoically. " Oh no i'm going to enjoy this and since you messed my hands I got a little help this time". John replied while taking out a metal pipe. " Well shit this is going to hurt a bit more than usual". Khalil thought.

John swung repeatedly laughing and smiling while he did. John normally didn't like beating up on Khalil because he had to use his hands but today he felt superior to him in every way possible. " You aren't so big now are you maybe awakeners aren't so powerful after all" John said proudly but exhausted. Khalil laid there chained up beaten and bloody but he wanted to have the last laugh, he always wants to have the last laugh. " Hey come here dickhead". Khalil said while smiling. " The fuck you say to me you bitch" John said aggressively. "Fuck you" Khalil said and then headbutted John.

John reeled back in pain covering his face, most likely his jaw was dislocated and his nose was smashed in. He squealed in pain and in rage, the only thing that he wanted right now was to kill Khalil. " You fucking piece of shit, I'm going to fucking kill you". John said, now beating Khalil even more. " Ok,ok,ok, get off him or the warden will kill us both quite literally". Bailey said, trying to get a hold of John and pry him off of Khalil. All the while Khalil is laughing at both of them. " You're lucky we can't kill scum like you" John as he spits on Khalil. " This is going to take awhile to heal from. Who'd have thought that my life would've come to this." Khalil thought despairingly. " What I wouldn't give to go back to that day and right my wrongs". Khalil said with tears trickling down his face. " You know that you could make that wish come true". A voice said. " Who's there, who said that". Khalil said. " Let's move to a more private place and talk about this shall we?". The voice said. Khalil was being enveloped by darkness. " What did you do, where did you take me". Khalil said, dreading what was going to happen. " Calm down you silly rookie, if I wanted to harm you or worse I'd have already done it.". The voice said nochanlanty. " Are you from the tower? If you are, what do you want with me?". " You are someone that my God is very interested in and I can somewhat see why ". " Why would God be interested in me? I'm just a random awakened criminal".Khalil said flabbergasted at what he's hearing " No,no,no,no you little rookie you are much,much, more. You have potential that rivals The Five Great Ones and The Forgotten One but we'll have to see if you can achieve that potential". The voice said happily. "The Five Great ones, The Forgotten One, who are they?" " Don't worry about the Five when you get into the tower there's a chance that you might grab their attention and the Forgotten one well you don't need to worry about him no knows where he is but again who knows with your potential maybe you'll get him to slither out of whatever cave he's hiding in he does love monsters''. " I'm a monster?". Khalil said '' You think the Gods and Constellations don't see what happens outside the tower? We know the sin you've committed." The voice said " I know what I did, I don't need anyone else to remind me and I will never be able to atone for what I did but I do want to try and who are you anyway?". Khalil said. "Oh my I've forgotten to introduce myself, my name is Alexander Wright and I am an Apostle ''. Alex said, hoping for Khalil to be enamored with him. " Ok, so you're a God's apostle. Which God do you serve that wants me so bad?". Khalil asked. " It's Cernunnos. The Horned One has taken an interest in you". Alexander said