

Hazel with the help of her maid got dressed and proceeded to the palace Hall, in the hall she saw the king sitting on the throne and the queen beside him her mother

Hazel father wasn't really bad to her but he never took the time to care for her but she was still confronted by her mother's love throughout her growing age and her brother Zach of course so she didn't really like seeing her father

as she stepped into the hall all the gazes were on her she saw an intimidating man sitting and conversing with her father before she got to the hall the man looked like he was in his mid twenties for some unknown reason Hazel was totally mesmerized by the man aura but somehow whenever she look into him deep red eye she felt the body become cold

there was complete silence in the hall for about a minute before her father broke it by telling the man that "here is my daughter Hazel she's the precious jewel in this kingdom and we would love for you to converse with her"

and again there was total silence in the hall for half a minute before her father broke it again and said to her "Hazel come and offer these young gentleman something tea"

and in the next moment Hazel was shocked to the core she could not speak neither move her body became Stiff because she had just realise that this was a marriage proposal between her and this young man and felt that all hell broke loose in her mind but tried to remain calm

and It was total silence in the hall again but this time it was the young man that broke it saying "it's not necessary all I want to know is whether she is willing to marry me"

every single word that came from that man mouth felt like her heart had been stabbed by countless knives she could not do anything but look at her mother to help her situation but even her mother remained quiet ignoring her Gaze she then she realised that this was entirely her father's doing

before Hazel could summon up the courage to say something her father had already spoken saying "of course she will marry you all you need to say the word and it will be done as long as you keep to your promises these marriage will happen"

at this moment Hazel felt like screaming between herself but held it in, then she could hear the man the dominant voice saying "I want the answer from her and not anybody else"

after a long while the Queen sayed "that please give princess Hazel sometime for she just heard the news and doesn't know how to react to it"

Lucien sighed knowing that he doesn't have a lot of time to get this marriage done so he said that "I will give her a day to think about it and she will give me an answer if she refuses to marry me I believe king Richard you know the consequences right

king Richard frantically nodded his head and asked a maid to direct Lucien to his room and after Lucien left the hall the air was tense none of the family members were able to speak.