
The Empire of Magical Technology

Ali died in a car accident but was reborn in a world where witches and the church fight and demons are coming, but fortunately he was born with a technology tree

Ali_AOM · Sci-fi
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9 Chs

thr educational system

After firing Ronf and completing the paperwork check, Ali went to lunch with his sister. Ryan was busy checking the materials, making soap, as well as besan kiln tools, as well as tools for cutting and leveling wood with the blacksmith John. Ryan was really busy.

He entered the room and found his sister Laila waiting for him to eat with him and Ryan, "Hello Laila, how are you?" Ali smiled and greeted Laila.

"I'm fine, but where's Ryan?" Laila Beheira asked

"He's gone and he's got some work. Layla. I have an assignment for you that I think you can do." Ali sat in the chair and smiled at his sister vaguely.

"Really, what kind of task?" Laila rejoiced. She was the type who liked managing and taking care of things

"It's a special mission. I want you to run half of the farms in Ceylon and also later tell Master Josh to come to me. I have an assignment for him." Ali said this to his sister after drinking the milk.

"Okay, I will definitely pay attention to the farmland." Laila smiled while clenching her hand with a smile

"I also know that this is disgusting, but we have to make compost to increase the crops and also arrange the crops where the legumes are by themselves and the vegetables are by the unit and other important things. Take this paper and do what is inside without arguing." Put on a paper that contains all the requirements for making compost. The compost was a disgusting but useful substance for the plant and soil

"Okay?" Laila began to read the paper and continued to eat his food

"Huh, how can this be useful?" Laila was shocked when she found out the ingredients of the fertilizer

The compost consisted of human and animal feces, as well as dead leaves and other things

"I know it sucks. I will explain its benefits to you." Ali began by giving a long lecture to Laila about the benefits of compost and how it benefits the soil.

Although Laila was not convinced by Ali's words, she followed his words as he actually was


After eating his lunch, Ali returned to his office and began to draw some manuscripts on how to develop the army and make it a modern regular army.

Doo dooo doo!

Ali heard a knock on the door, "Ibrahim open the door."

Ibrahim opened and Ali's former teacher, Josh, entered

"Josh greets the lord of the city, Ali." Josh bowed respectfully to Ali

"Come in your time, Josh. I have a mission for you. I want you to bring me every educated person in this city. Tell them that the master of the city has a guest with a salary of 12 silver coins per month per person."

"Okay, sir, but what do you want with this number of learners?" asked Josh Beheira

"I want to set up an education system for this city in four to five days, gather the educated people in the backyard of the castle."

"Sir, do you want to teach the common people? I think this is forbidden in the kingdom by the nobles." Josh responded quickly

"Who cares, do as I command you now and also have anyone bring with him a piece of wood or goatskin and ink. There is a lot to write. Now get out."

"Okay, sir." Josh walked out of the office

"Oh, I remembered I forgot to put a paper mill and also a printer, really, that's going to be tiring."

Ali started drawing paper-making tools with their precise details, the required tools, and also the printing tools. After he finished, he waited for the paper to dry

"Mike, take these papers and go to the blacksmith John, have him make them for me faster than the Besmar engine tools and the chair factory, I need them in three days" Mikey was Ibrahim's deputy and was also the same age as Ali

"Okay, sir." Mikey took the papers and quickly went to the blacksmith's workshop and also the carpentry workshop