
The Empire of Magical Technology

Ali died in a car accident but was reborn in a world where witches and the church fight and demons are coming, but fortunately he was born with a technology tree

Ali_AOM · Sci-fi
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9 Chs

History of the mortal kingdoms

The next day he decided that I should go to the castle library in order to get a better knowledge of this world

After eight hours of falling asleep, I woke up from the bed

"Maria" Ali called his personal maid, Maria

The maid opened the door and entered, "Yes, sir."

"Get my clothes and bring me hot water," he told me and got up from his bed


Finally, after his bath, Ali went to the castle library and began walking between the shelves to choose a book

History of the Great Belt

This was the title of one of the books about kingdoms under the magic line. Ali began to read quietly

The kingdoms under the belt of magic were called mortal kingdoms. The mana was present but very weak as some middle magicians barely appeared and they were working directly under the kings and the status of magicians was much higher than the nobles as the law made the magician pay a fine if a noble was killed this was the maximum punishment for them

And the kingdoms below the belt were subject to the great magic empires, and the kingdom of Faluna was subject to the magical empire of Guan

The Juan Empire also included the Kingdom of Leon, the Kingdom of the Moon and the Kingdom of Berga

The purpose of colonizing the mortal lands was because it contains magic stone ore and has two uses, the first is to absorb energy and the second is very useful for Ali

It is that it can store data from one brain and transfer it to another brain, this will enhance the advancement of technology in the city of Silani

In general, from the book's estimates, the fireball power of a low-level magician was as strong as a normal weapon's bullet, while medium magicians were as strong as a bazooka or a machine gun.


After reading for more than two hours, Ali got up from his chair and went to the dining room to meet his two brothers. The path of the castle was like medieval castles, with shields here and there.

Ali entered the dining hall and sat on a chair, and Ryan met him, and on his right was his sister, Laila

"Tell me Ryan, have you collected the required materials?"

"Yes, I have collected it and it is in the store after breakfast. I will lead you to it."

"Okay, eat your food."


After Ali and Rayan left, the butler will be with them

"City lord, because Bibar has taken over the farms behind the Red Valley, we will have less food. What do we do?" Sichun asked Ali.

"Oh, what do you think we do?" He asked me this question to test Sichuan

"My master suggested that we pay this year's food out of our pockets, and that next year we hire mercenaries and pirates to take back the farms behind the valley."

"Great suggestion, Sichuan, and what do you think, brother?" He asked me the same question to Ryan

"Hmm, we can lower the food rations a little bit and lower the agricultural taxes so that the residents can eat," Ryan said as he thought of a better solution.

"Your opinion is good, but I have another plan based on land reclamation and the use of compost. I will explain it to you later. Now, let's go to the store."

The trio moved and when they reached the store, Sichuan took out a key from his hand, unlocked the door, and entered Ali, then Ryan followed him, then Sichuan followed them

Ali looked at the stored plants and animal fats and grease in front of him, "That's fine, I think we can try making soap today already. Seshun. Go and call the trio. Will here, and you Ryan, bring me a paper and pen." I order the two of them.

"Okay Sir "

"OK brother