
Meeting the Cold Prince Tying a Towel

The King is seen with few of his son friends and his daughter in the royal dining hall ( a luxurious looking hall with the chairs and table made of gold and silver the plates, cups and cutleries made of silver ) with them eating


King Theron a man in his 50's is seen with his luxurious looking crown made with pure gold placed gracefully on his dark hair , with his green eyes and his pointed nose with his heart shaped lips with a bit of wrinkles he is seen as a very handsome man , despite his age he still made different ladies fall for him with his very contagious and handsome smile. He says "we need to plan a surprise birthday party for my son as he his in his mid 30's but he acts like a old man in his 70's pls you people should help me" he said it with a wide smile

Princess Bella ( The Prince sister ) agreed to her father idea, Prince Alli ( prince's close friend) replied " true" with a big smile on his face .Prince William (close friend ) said "but who will keep him distracted or rather far way from the palace till it is fully decorated and it is time" . Princess Bella said it is announced that Her majesty the Queen is entering the dining hall, as she enters she says" Sara can do that "as she walks forward bows her head to the King. Then the King responded with a slight nod as he greeted her back and smiled. Her maid "Linda"puts out the chair so she could sit and king Theron said ohhh! finally my queen is here . It is delightful to see you King Theron said ."Of cause i have to come when my King calls for me who am i not to reply said Queen Elizabeth in response to the King" she then faced Bella and said "Sara can do it she can distracted Damien till the decorations are done" as she said that she turned back to face the king and asks s "right my King ?ohh yes!!! absolutely Theron responded with a smile .And why would we need a outsider to distract Damien, Alli can do that instead said Princess Bella with a annoyed expression. Alli replied saying ohh i am sorry my lady but i will be attending to something at that time just before i attend the party. The Queen faced Bella and said " first of all Bella, " Sara is not an outsider"and secondly you heard Alli said he will be busy at that time . After saying that she gracefully turned her head to face Alli and asked will Prince Alli give us the privilege of knowing what he will be doing at that time? that he says he will fail to distract Damien if given the job . Alli face the queen with a smirk and said " that is my own personal information your majesty and i hope you won't force me to say something private out ".Elizabeth replied by saying "say it i am curious what will you be doing at that time..".Enough!!! Elizabeth dont force my hand stay within your limit said the King. Elizabeth quickly stooped asking question and faced her food that was juat served by her maid Linda as she peeped at Alli and saw him smirking as he was eating his food she gave a knowing look to Linda and Linda nooded her head (which means she understood what her lady meant) . The silence in the hall was weird as the queen broke the silence and said my King how about we go to our Throne room and await her because i heard her carriage was sighted in the Magadha market with a nod he rose up and said let's go


Sara's carriage got to the Magadha palace a stool was placed for her to step down ,she came down delightfully with a warm smile on her face asshe entered the hall it was announced Princess Sara of Lydia Kingdom is entering the hall now

Sara spotted the Queen wide smile which meant she was happy with her arrival and turned to look at the King and as usual he had a neutral expression she got to the King and Queen front and bowed respectfully to them saying " Greeting my King" Princess Sara from the Kingdom of Lydia pays her respect she tilted to her left side and said "greetings my Queen" Princess Sara from the Kingdom of Lydia pays her respect to you my Queen .

The king and queen both said arise

Elizabeth then said Sara my dear how have you been and i hope the journey was not to stressful Sara replied to the queen by saying "that it was just a little bit of stress but it is worth it my Queen" as she smiled in response to the queen. The queen smiled and said "delightful"... the king interrupted them by saying :Sara you are aware that Damien birthday is coming up .Sara smiled brightly and widely yes my king i have prepared a befitting gift then the announcer announced that princess Bella is entering the hall now. Bella in her royal blue grown with her brown hair packed up with gold and silver hairpins with her emerald big chains that mached her green eyes withher full lips that only hap nude lip taint on , light lashes black in colour which complemented her eyes walked in gracefully as she got in front of the king and queen and slightly bowed and faced Sara . Sara smiled and bowed slightly Bella responded with a nod and said did he ask you what you got for him ,we are planning a surprise party for him and her majesty the queen suggested that you should distract him by taking him away ( responded with a indifferent face ) Sara smiled brightly and faced the queen thank you your majesty i won't let you down she responded Bella then said "you better not face the king and queen bowed slightly and left the hall Sara squeezed her dress with her hand and maintained a fake smile sensing the tension after Bella left the Queen said Sara why dont you go and see the Prince Damien . Sara smiled widely and faced the queen and responded saying i would have bit i dont know where he is

The Queen smiled and said why dont you go to his hall and find out Sara nodded and then bowed slightly and left


A peaceful lake is seen someone is seen inside it the Prince is shown having his bath


Sara got to the Prince Damien hall and entered then asked different maids till she located his room and she enters without knocking .Then sees no one inside but hears the sound of water she then goes to check the bathroom but no one was there she then decided to wait while checking out the big yet not so colourful room. The room had black curtains and black bedspread . She opened his cupboard only to see only black and red outfits she decided in her mind that when she marries him she will add more colours to his life


Prince Damien is seen in the water called for Lord Mattew ( Matt!!!! ) ( his butler)

Matt get me a towel Lort Mathew responded saying yes my lord as he headed into the room he then slide the glass and remove the curtain only to see a female on his Lord bed Matt said "excuse me my lady but you are not allowed to be in here ". Sara heard him and got up ohh!! you must be " Lord Matt his highness butler" .Matt replied saying yes but then he asked who are you . Sara replied saying ohh!! i am " Princess Sara from the Kingdom of Lydia and i would like to see the prince" and how did you enter you did not use the door Matt replied saying forgive me my lady but my Lord doesn't want to see anyone right now they both heard the Prince shouting Matt the towel!! Sara then pushed Matt and removed the curtain to see a slide glass as she slide it to see a lake she then came outside "Matt knew he was going to be in serious trouble today so he quickly grabbed the towel on the bathroom door and ran out saying "my lady you cannot be in here".. but it was to late his lord was out of the lake standing there naked in front of princess Sara . Sara looked at the man standing (as she held her breath )from his wet black coloured hair , to his lashes that was dripping water and his red eyes that was starring at her, as she looked at his enchanting heart shaped lips ,to his alluring well sculpted chest that had a chain dropping to his chest which made him look out of this world to his ... Damien used his powers to tie the towel on his waist with his indifferent look as if the way she saw him did not matter.He went to sit down to sip the tea already poured by Matt and said Matt i thought i told you that I did not want to see anyone today. Matt wanted to reply his Lord but was cut off by the princess

Sara turned around and said immediately when she heard him blame Matt." Your highness please do not blame Lord Matt he tried to stop me but i did not listen".Damien kept an in different face and said Princess Sara right that is your name right ?

Sara replied saying yes your majesty

He then said was i talking to you ? Do you not manners my lady or were you not taught that it is highly inappropriate for a maiden to barge into a man's room because my lady i believe every woman is supposed to have that particular training he said that while sipping his tea gracefully

Sara feelings embarrassed said i apologize your majesty it was .. (not waiting for her to finish talking Damien said) " Matt pls walk princess Sara out". Matt did as he was told and started signalling for Sara to go out

I have only written two chapters . I want to know your opinion on the book . So I would if I should continue or stop . Enjoy

Kittlycreators' thoughts