
" Only i can rule the Magadha Kingdom "

Sunsets in Magadha Kingdom ( a kingdom of wealth ,A kingdom that won every battle/war that came its way ,famous for their courageous king and fearless Prince . A prince known for his looks and brain . Describing with one word "Devilishly beautiful "


A woman says why is our prince like this do you know how many woman the king his father has brought for him to marry but he rejects everyone of them the second woman replied saying yes i heard they said ever since the death of ... Shut up you know her name is forbidden to be said by anybody and everbody said the first woman ohh yes ahh thank you for reminding me i would have been hanged by now but i heard that they said princess Sara has a chance on him that she is a pretty and beautiful woman replied by the second woman i don't think it is possible tho regardless our prince has been reserved and been in seclusion since you know what he has been living like a dead man since she can only try her luck but i know it can't work said the first woman me i know it will work said the second woman pls let us get back to work all this is not our business tho said the first woman


Carriage is seen headed for the Magadha kingdom

Princess sara is seen in the carriage with her long dark hair packed to the back in a ponytail with few hairpins on her hair a woman with enchanting eyes and her pointed nose with her smallround lips and her elegant smile ,known for her model shaped body with the light green net ball dress flowing elegantly from her body , her soft angled ( high arch ) brows laying elegantly on her face . Eyed by many men but princess Sara only has eyes on one man The prince and future king of Magadha kingdom her maid is seen pouring tea for her into the cup looking at her lady looking outside the Window wondering why her lady was so quiet and asked my lady is anything the matter Sara that was looking outside the window turned elegantly to look at her maid and replied gracefully why do you ask ? The maid answered saying nothing my lady i just felt that you are a bit quiet today Sara replied saying" it's nothing i am just a little nervous about meeting his Majesty that all" her maid answered saying "my lady there is no need for you to be nervous i believe that his Majesty cannot ignore you for long and remember my lady you are favoured by the queen". Sara sipped her tea gracefully and said i know but Gloria ( the maid ) i can't help but feel nervous you know he isn't really friendly with the queen. Gloria ( the maid ) replied saying "your Grace" how about you take a nap so you can relax i am sure everything will be all right. Sara responded with a nod and dropped her tea and said" i want to be alone".Gloria who has been working with her lady for a while knew that it was her queue to leave she stood up and bowed her head and came down from the carriage and started walking with the other maids, then the carriage started moving . Inside the carriage Sara closes her eyes and sighes then opened it back and said" i can't take any chances" she said as she gently rose up and raised up the foam of the couch and brought out a wooden box and took out a bottle filled with a purple coloured potion and drank it then placed the empty bottle back in the wooden box and placed the box back inside the couch


A carriage arrives at the Magadha kingdom as the carriage passes the Magadha market ,people were gossiping " i heard that princess Sara is coming to Magadha kingdom today ", " me i heard that she is coming next week " . " No i think that is her carriage". " They said she likes the Prince, hmm... she doesn't know what's good for her "

Many indecent gossips were heard as the carriage headed towards the palace


A luxurious hall is shown with gold and diamonds on the wall the vases where diamond and silver. On the entrace of the hall was written on top " THE QUEENS HEADQUATERS" no male was allowed inside the hall it was considered disrespectful to the king .

A woman in her mid 50's is shown with a brush in her hand combing her hair while sitting facing the mirror on her dressing table.

Appling red taint on her lip , with her blond coloured hair filled with jewls and hair pins , her heart shaped nose , her elegant graceful red ball grown showing off a part of her cleavage. As she is seen applying makeup on her face .. with somebody else in the room who appeared at her back ( a man who is wearing a mask with black clothings) .

Queen Elizabeth then asked what took you so long? i waited for you at the regular spot but you did not show up why?

The masked man replied by saying "remember you do not get to question me, i have the info regarding Sara she drank the portion i paid the enchanter to give her, then i saw the king entering inside a painting in the king chamber the queen then said "thank God Sara drank it", she scoffed Sara thinks she drank a love potion ,fool she doesn't know what she has gotten her self into she said with a smirk .But how did she not know you were inside her carriage with her ? She asked making the maskedman squeeze his brow in annoyance,he then started strangling her and replied asking "are you trying to know my ways Elizabeth ? He asked as he tilted till his lips reached where her ears could hear him clearly " be careful i told you the first day we made this alliance that you are not to investigate me but you once again showed your foolishness and got your messager or rather spy killed". Elizabeth showed a shocked expression and swallowed her saliva and then startedb coughing like she was being choked . The masked man smirked but she could not see it due to the mask but from his eyes one would know he was smirking and replied by saying " yes i killed him and i am will hesitant to do the same to you" as he let her go with annoyance and hesistance and disappeared. Elizabeth who was alone in the room slammed the table and threw everything on it away with annoyance and said "who the hell does he think he is to treat the most favoured and most beautiful Queen of Magadha kingdom like that? Elizabeth you just need to put up with him for a while everything will end when i become the Woman King of the Magadha kingdom "only i can rule Magadha Kingdom i won't even let my son take my place " she said it with determination in her eyes as she adjusted her big ,full siver / gold chain which have been shifted by the masked man when he was strangling her and called her favourite maid by ringing the bell on her table ..Linda arrives and shuts the door and walked gracefully to her lady with her head bowed down as she arrives to the mirror side of the very spacious of the luxurious room . With a bowed head she said "your majesty"and a slight bend . Elizabeth with her head held high said i told you to send someone after the masked man what happened?

Linda quickly bowed down with her head touching the floor said "forgive me my queen but the messenger i sent was found dead this morning forgive me for my incompetence and failure to report i deserve death".

Elizabeth then said "forget it" as she brushed her hands back word and brought it back forward just make sure such a thing does not repeat it self Linda replied saying yes my Queen a knock was heard on the door a maid opened the queens door and said my queen his Majesty the king has asked you to come downstairs because of the arrival of Princess Sara Elizabeth replied saying " ohh no problem report back " i will be there very soon the maid said yes my Queen as she left and locked the door on her way out

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment

Kittlycreators' thoughts