
The Emperor Dragon of Douluo Shocked the World

When the Golden Dragon encountered the Killing Spear, when the Ultimate Power encountered the Weapon of Heaven, in the most noble Douluo Palace, Lu Yuan wore a crown on his head and solemnly declared: This world of Wuhun Palace is destined to dominate the mainland! i am just translating Author: Wind and Cloud https://h5.imiaobige.com/novel/204513.html

WarreP01 · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Chapter 93-Hu Liena and Felos

"Hello, Uncle Fei, I'm Lu Yuan's senior sister, Hu Liena!" Hu Liena bowed to Felos and said.

"Hello, hello!" Felos said hastily, with a strange smile on his face.

"Old man, what are you doing with such a weird smile?" Lu Yuan rolled his eyes while looking at Felos's weird smile.

"Hey!" Fellows smiled and said: "Senior sister and brother, okay, okay!" While talking, he gave Lu Yuan a look that I understand.

"Weird old man!" Lu Yuan spit at Felos, and took Hu Liena's hand, and said, "Sister, let's go to the house and ignore this stinky old man!"

Then he took Hu Liena and walked into the room.

"Hey, you stinky boy!" Felos cursed with a smile, and followed Lu Yuan.


"Junior Brother, is this your room?" Hu Liena asked looking at the simply furnished room.

"Yeah!" Lu Yuan nodded, and said, "It's very simple!"

Lu Yuan doesn't like complicated things, so the room layout is very simple, with a bed, a bedside table, and a desk, and there is basically nothing else.

"Fortunately!" Hu Liena nodded.

"Then I will be wronged by Senior Sister to live here in the next few days. The house is very small, with only two rooms." Lu Yuan said with a smile.

"I can do it, as long as I can sleep with my junior brother, it doesn't matter where I sleep!" Hu Liena looked at Lu Yuan with beautiful eyes, showing a beautiful smile.

Lu Yuan's heart trembled, Sister, can't you stop being so sensational, I'm so moved.

"I haven't come back in three years, and this room is still so clean. It seems that the old man cleans it often!" Lu Yuan sighed as he looked at the spotless room.

"Well, it seems that Uncle Fei treats you very well, cleaning from time to time, just waiting for you to come back that day." Hu Liena said.

Lu Yuan nodded, took Hu Liena's hand, and said, "Let's go, Senior Sister, go find the smelly old man, let's have a meal together."

"Yeah!" Hu Liena replied, letting Lu Yuan take her away.


"Old man, what are you busy with?" Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows and said as he looked at Felos who was busy in the kitchen.

Fellows rolled his eyes and said, "The brat is watching the fun, so don't hurry up to help, I want to exhaust my old man!"

"Oh!" Lu Yuan took Hu Liena into the kitchen and said with a smile: "Sister, haven't you eaten the food I cooked, let you taste my craft today?"

"Do you still cook?" Hu Liena's grown-up beautiful eyes were a little surprised. After three years of being with him, Lu Yuan never seemed to show his talent in this area.

"Of course!" Lu Yuan smiled faintly, his cooking skills are quite good.

In his previous life, he was a single dog. In order to better chase his girlfriend, he deliberately learned the cooking skills. The food he cooked was really good.

It's a pity that I didn't find my girlfriend, so I came across this world.

In this world, I have cooked several times since I was young, but I still eat the canteen most of the time.

As for why?

Maybe it's because he is lazy!

But Felos was quite satisfied with his cooking skills, after all, the food he prepared was still relatively new to the people on Douluo Continent.

"Old man, what do I need to do?" Lu Yuan asked.

Fellows said: "The dishes are almost washed, you just need to start cooking, I'll help you watch the fire!"

"Okay!" Lu Yuan stroked his sleeves, washed his hands with water, and began to chop vegetables and prepare for cooking.

"Junior brother, let me help you chop vegetables!" Hu Liena said.

Lu Yuan turned his head, with a strange expression, and said, "Sister, have you ever cut vegetables?"

"No!" Hu Liena blushed and shook her head.

She has never been in the kitchen, never washed the dishes, let alone chopped them.

"Uh, Sister, you should just wait and eat there!" Those who have never chopped vegetables should not join in the fun, it won't be good if everything is done.

"Um, Junior Brother, I can't eat it for nothing, you see what can be done, let me do it!" Hu Liena said.

In her opinion, the younger brother has already cooked herself, she can't do nothing, no matter what, she always hopes to help the younger brother.

"Um..., sister, please wash those bowls with clean water and use them to serve dishes later." Lu Yuan said, pointing to the rice bowls in the cupboard.

These bowls look pretty clean, but after all, after some time, it is necessary to wash them with clean water.

In terms of hygiene, Lu Yuan is quite particular.


After getting the task, Hu Liena was very happy, splashed a basin of clean water, and started to wash the dishes.

Every bowl was washed over and over several times. It was not like washing the dishes, but more like a massage. It was really clear as a mirror. Lu Yuan was secretly funny when he looked at it. According to this, the restaurants outside are afraid that they will close down and wash the dishes. At that time, a few other people's dishes have been fried.

However, he didn't use a few bowls to eat at his own house, and Lu Yuan was too embarrassed to discourage Hu Liena's enthusiasm.

Cut the side dishes, pour in vegetable oil, heat up, add the ingredients, stir briefly and add the seasonings, and soon a strong aroma of the meal will be tangy.

"Wow, it smells so good!" Hu Liena sniffed, "So you really know how to cook!"

Hearing this, the corner of Lu Yuan's mouth twitched, so this girl didn't believe it before?

It seems that today you have to let this girl look at her craftsmanship.

I, Lu Yuan, is an almighty wizard, there is nothing I can't do!

After frying a dish, Lu Yuan washed the pot and continued on his cooking journey.

An hour passed.

The three of them sat on a stone table in the yard, with four dishes and one soup on it.

"Small fried pork tenderloin!"

"Red Braised Big White Shrimp!"

"Spicy Swordfish!"

"Stir-fried rabbit meat!"

"Red fruit cod soup!"

Four dishes and one soup, all filled with tangy aroma.

"Wow, Junior Brother, you are too good!" Looking at the four dishes and one soup in front of him, Hu Liena's eyes flashed with small stars, which was an admiration for Lu Yuan.

My younger brother, not only looks super handsome, talented, and intelligent, but he also has such a good cooking skills. He is also too charming.

I really love the younger brother more and more!

"How does it taste?" Putting a chopsticks of rabbit meat into Hu Liena's bowl, Lu Yuan smiled, "Look at how this rabbit meat tastes?"

Hu Liena took a bite, her eyes lit up instantly, and she said, "It's delicious, spicy and fragrant, and it's not old at all. On the contrary, it's very tender, brother, your craftsmanship is really good!"

"If it tastes delicious, eat more!"

Lu Yuan smiled and said, "And this rabbit meat is actually average, but the delicious one is rabbit head. How about making spicy rabbit head for you tonight?"

"Okay, add more cumin and chili!"

"Okay!" Lu Yuan smiled.

"Ahem, brat, did you forget something?" Felos rolled his eyes.

"Forgot what?" Lu Yuan was a little puzzled.

"You haven't brought me any dishes yet, sure enough, with a daughter-in-law, even the father has forgotten it!" Felos sighed and said.

Hearing what Felos said, Hu Liena blushed and lowered her head embarrassedly.

"I don't repair it!" Lu Yuan scolded with a smile, picking up a large piece of pork loin and stuffing it into Felos' bowl.