
The Emperor Dragon of Douluo Shocked the World

When the Golden Dragon encountered the Killing Spear, when the Ultimate Power encountered the Weapon of Heaven, in the most noble Douluo Palace, Lu Yuan wore a crown on his head and solemnly declared: This world of Wuhun Palace is destined to dominate the mainland! i am just translating Author: Wind and Cloud https://h5.imiaobige.com/novel/204513.html

WarreP01 · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Chapter 92

"It's okay!" Lu Yuan waved his hand and said, "Then I can go in now!"

"Please come in!" Wang Wu looked respectful, and said, "Do you need a villain to inform the dean for you?"

"No, I can go by myself, you just need to keep the door!" Lu Yuan said lightly.

"Okay, Master Yuan, then go slowly!"

Lu Yuan took Hu Liena's hand and walked side by side on the path of Notting College.

It's still time for classes now, and there are not many students on the campus of Notting College.

"Junior Brother, where are we going now?" Hu Liena asked.

"go home!"

"go home?"

"Well, the old man and I have a special small courtyard in the college. Let's go there first and wait for the old man to come back!" Lu Yuan said.

When he returned to Notting College, Lu Yuan had an unspeakable sense of ease. This was a feeling that was only available at Notting College, because this was his home.

It's where he grew up.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Lu Yuan's footsteps seemed to have become a little brisk.

Hu Liena on the side clearly felt Lu Yuan's changes. It was the first time he saw Lu Yuan's relaxed smile from the heart, and he couldn't help but stare at it for a while.

"Brother, it's so good!" Hu Liena's heart seemed to have a small person shouting, taking advantage of Lu Yuan not paying attention, quietly moving the small hand held by Lu Yuan in the palm of his hand, and shook his backhand, and the two fingers interlocked. .

Lu Yuan tilted his head slightly, and what caught his eye was Hu Liena's pretty face and pair of shining beautiful eyes.

Seeing the love overflowing in Hu Liena's eyes, Lu Yuan couldn't help it a little bit, and firmly clasped Hu Liena's jade hand.


"Junior Brother, is this your and uncle's home?" Hu Liena asked with a smile looking at the small but neatly arranged courtyard in front of him.

"Yeah!" Lu Yuan took Hu Liena into the small courtyard, looking at the still familiar furnishings, nothing seemed to have changed here.

"This is where I grew up. You see, that's where I practice every morning!" Lu Yuan pointed to the corner of the yard, where the ground was pitted, and a tall banyan tree had deep fist marks on it. When Lu Yuan was practicing, he punched it out.

"Well, that's great!" Hu Liena smiled.

"Really good?" Lu Yuan was a little puzzled.

Hu Liena took a deep breath and said, "There are traces of you left here everywhere, so good!"

Hearing Hu Liena's words full of true feelings, Lu Yuan's heart warmed, and his eyes softened a bit when he looked at Hu Liena. Sister, why are you so good at talking?

From time to time, I am moved.

Lu Yuan and Hu Liena were able to heat up quickly in less than a month. Thanks to Hu Liena's method, the female chased the male gauze. Hu Liena did not conceal her feelings, enthusiasm, boldness, and sincerity. The heart that a person carries is filled into another person.

Faced with such a beautiful, generous, sexy girl who really loves you, how many men will refuse it cruelly?

Unless he is an eunuch.

Of course, Lu Yuan was not an eunuch. On the contrary, his abilities were far beyond those of others. He was also a normal man. Facing Hu Liena's offensive, although he tried his best to resist, he couldn't resist in the end.

Hu Liena and Qian Renxue are completely different types. Hu Liena is passionate and unrestrained, Qian Renxue is cold and shy. It is even more difficult for Qian Renxue to say things like love, she will only hide her heart deeply, so and When Qian Renxue was together, Lu Yuan always took the initiative.

With Hu Liena, it was Hu Liena who took the initiative, and Hu Liena's initiative and enthusiasm made Lu Yuan a little overwhelmed, and before he knew it, he quietly fell.

"Senior Sister!" Lu Yuan stared at Hu Liena with gentle eyes.

"Junior Brother!" Hu Liena also looked at Lu Yuan gently.

The figures of the two slowly approached.

Suddenly, a voice came.

"Ahem, who are you, in the old man's yard, you are in my yard. Which class do you understand the rules?"

"Ah!" Started by the sound, Hu Liena's pretty face flushed, and immediately hid behind Lu Yuan.

Speaking of this girl, Hu Liena is very interesting. She is bold and shy. Sometimes she is bold and unrestrained, but sometimes she has a very thin skin.

Like now.

If there was only Lu Yuan alone, Hu Liena wouldn't feel ashamed even if she made any seductive moves, but there were others present, even if she was only seen kissing Lu Yuan, she would still be ashamed.

"Why, old man, you haven't seen me for three years, you don't even know me?" Hearing the familiar voice, a smile came up at the corner of Lu Yuan's mouth. Who else could this voice be besides the old man Felos?

"Are you Xiaoyuan?" Looking at Lu Yuan who was in front of him, he could still see the original shadow. Fellows was startled and said, "How come your kid grows so fast?"

"The blood is awakened, so it grows faster!" Lu Yuan smiled.


"The golden dragon bloodline, the old man didn't expect it, besides the golden dragon martial soul, I also have a golden dragon bloodline!" Lu Yuan said quite proudly, without any idea of ​​concealing it.

For him, Felos is the person he trusts the most. There is no one, even Qian Renxue can't do it.

Not because of anything else, just because the old man in front of him, who raised him since childhood, was the old man in front of him who gave him a chance to survive.

The grace of nurturing is greater than heaven!

Lu Yuan didn't dare to say anything else, but he was a very principled person. The grace of dripping water should be repaid by the spring, let alone the grace of nurturing?

In his heart, Fellows is his forever father in this life, and if he becomes a god in the future, he will also bring Fellows with him.

Unlike Tang San, who only cared about becoming a god, instead made Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong and others die in Douluo Continent.

The so-called being a teacher for a day and being a father for life is like nonsense.

It was also the first time that Hu Liena heard that in addition to the Golden Dragon Martial Spirit, Lu Yuan had the blood of the Golden Dragon. She and Lu Yuan slept together for three years without even knowing.

But she was not angry, because Lu Yuan said it at this time, which meant that he didn't mind Hu Liena knowing, so Hu Liena would naturally not blame Lu Yuan.

Although she and Lu Yuan were sisters and younger brothers at the beginning, they were not as close as they are now. The younger brother chose to hide the secret. Although she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, it was understandable.

"Golden dragon blood, haha, I knew my son was extraordinary!" Felos laughed. The better Lu Yuan was, the happier he was. He completely regarded Lu Yuan as his own son and treated him as if he was his own.

"This is?" Felos smiled and asked, looking at Hu Liena who was still hiding behind Lu Yuan.

"This is my senior sister, Hu Liena!"

"Come on, Senior Sister, I'll introduce to you, this old guy in front of me is my old man, Dean of Notting College, Fellows!"