
The Eminence in Shadow - Extra Mob Mc

A young man, chased by a white-robed yokai shouting, "Magic... magic..." was run over by a truck and died while escaping to a safe place. Upon being reincarnated into a different world and starting his second life, he found himself turned into the "right arm" of a mentally unstable man.

takumi_9800 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

It feels like I'm being healed after a long time.

──The sacred land of "Lindblum."

The most revered religion in this world is the "Holy Faith," and Lindblum is considered its holy land. It is said that the goddess descended upon this land to bestow power upon the three legendary heroes.

In Lindblum, there is an annual festival called the "Trial of the Goddess." It is the only opportunity to open the doors of the sanctuary, and it is said that the past heroes who respond to the challenges of those who dare to try reveal themselves.

If one can compete against the heroes and emerge victorious, they will be recognized and respected by knight orders from any country, leading a stable life.

For this reason, when the "Trial of the Goddess" takes place, swordsmen from all over the world gather in Lindblum. I came to this country as a member of the "Crimson Knights" to serve as the escort for Princess Alexia, who was invited as a guest from the Midgar Kingdom.

A rare trip abroad, it should be an exciting event under normal circumstances. In fact, when we set foot in the sacred land after a two-day train journey, there was a sense of exhilaration as if we were on a vacation. Though it quickly faded away.

"Hey! Are you actually thinking properly?"

"...If only I didn't have this..."

"Did you say something?"

"No, nothing."

Recently, I've grown accustomed to hearing angry voices. It's Claire glaring at me with her nicely shaped eyebrows twisted. I wonder why she's so quick-tempered. She's someone who hasn't grown at all since the old days.

"Since you're deciding on a souvenir for Cid, think about it properly, okay?"

"Why do I have to accompany you on your souvenir hunt? Besides, giving something to Cid won't motivate him at all."

Currently, Claire and I were strolling around the city of Lindblum. Since the "Trial of the Goddess" is tomorrow, we had the day to ourselves.

Princess Alexia seems to have gotten motion sickness from the long train journey and is resting in her room. We brought other knights with us as escorts, so there shouldn't be any need to worry.

"Oh, speaking of which, how about this? It's an accessory with a sword pierced through the arm."

I pointed at a silver chuunibyou accessory that is popular among elementary and middle school students. The typical type is a dragon, but this time it's an arm. I never thought I'd come across something like this in this world.

"Eh?... You mean this?"

"Yes, that's it. I think Cid would be happy with it."

"...Are you sure?"

"I'm saying it quite seriously."

There's a high chance that Cid would be pleased with it. He's probably the type to buy accessories like this without thinking ahead, like on a school trip or impulsively buying a wooden sword.

"...Then, let's go with this one, I suppose."

Oh, how unusual. It would be lovely if she were this obedient all the time. She's disappointing on the inside, considering how good she looks on the outside.

"Here. This one is for you."

"Huh? Why do I get one too?"

"You helped me, so it's a token of appreciation. Please accept it gratefully."

"I don't really nee--"

"Here you go."

"...Sigh. If you're giving it to me, I'll take it."

Honestly, I don't really need it, but it's foolish to argue over something like this. I took the offered accessory and stuffed it into my pocket. I never dreamed that the day would come when I would own something like this.

"...But it's really bustling here."

As I look around, many people come into view. There are couples who appear to be nobles, families consisting of parents and children who seem like ordinary households, and knights like us who have been entrusted with the role of escorts. Though they may differ in their backgrounds.

"It's the annual 'Trial of the Goddess.' It's only natural for it to be this lively."

"It's also a tourist attraction. It's good to have a high social status."

"What about you? Didn't you go to Vega--"

"Yeah, but I came back in three days."

Vegalta, the country known as the "Land of Swords." It is a country with one of the strongest levels of swordsmanship and has gained widespread fame through its overwhelming martial strength. When I was ten years old, my family proposed that I go there for a sort of warrior training. What Claire is referring to is probably about that time.

"It took two whole days to get there. I was only in Vegalta for one day, and I couldn't do any sightseeing."

"The purpose was for training, right?... Come to think of it, I haven't heard much about what happened then."

"There's not much to talk about. I don't remember much either."

I sparred with a few adults, and I lost with just the right amount of restraint. I didn't find any techniques I particularly wanted to absorb, so the training didn't yield much.

Quickly brushing aside those childhood memories, I called out to Claire, who had a motivated expression on her face.

"You seem fired up."

"Naturally. I will definitely pass the 'Trial of the Goddess.'"

From this conversation, it is clear that Claire intends to participate in the upcoming "Trial of the Goddess." Apparently, she received a recommendation from Princess Iris, and her enthusiasm is evident.

She probably didn't ask me to join because she expected me to refuse. It seems like she's gradually starting to understand my character, which is a good thing.

"...By the way, don't you have anything to say?"

"Huh? About what?"

"I'm asking if you have anything to say when you see my outfit!"

Once again, Claire angrily showed me her attire.

It was a feminine white knit sweater that revealed her shoulders, paired with simple black pants. The white color complemented Claire's black hair, and the pants emphasized her slim legs. As I thought before, she's undoubtedly a beautiful girl when she's not angry.

"Oh, I think it suits you."

"You're so monotone! Can't you show some emotion?"

Claire crossed her arms in dissatisfaction, but I am definitely not at fault in this regard.

(Because I was the one who chose that outfit... as Lev Light.)

It's a story from three days ago when I was transformed into a female. I don't really understand it myself. As a temporary measure, I introduced myself as Lev Light and ended up assisting Claire as a shop attendant at the "Mitsugoshi Trading Company."

While listening to the obvious statement that we would be going to "Lindblum" three days later, I was dragged into helping Claire choose her clothes. Since it's a fashion that incorporates my opinions, it's too late for me to offer any comments now. Well, Claire wouldn't know about that anyway.

"You're a boring guy. You won't be able to get married like that."

"I don't need to hear that from you."

"What did you say!?"

"When there's no one else willing to marry you, Cid will do. Don't worry, I think that's a good match. I don't know, though."

"What?! Shishishi... There's no way I would marry Cid!"

Well, I can't confidently deny that possibility when it comes to you. Although she denies it with words, her expression doesn't look disgusted. At this point, it feels like her brother complex has reached its peak.

"I see. I apologize... So, what are you going to do later?"

"...I'm going to a place where I can swing my sword. I want to adjust for tomorrow."

As Claire brushes her hair aside with her hand while her excitement subsides, it means we can split up from here. Thank you, Claire. I've been waiting for those words.

"I see. In that case, there's a training ground for knights straight ahead. You can use that if you say it's for challenging the 'Trial of the Goddess.'"

"Why do you know that?"

"It's for when you said you wanted to swing a sword. You wouldn't bother researching something like that."

"Oh, I see... Well, I'll say it anyway. Thank you... for helping."

No, no, I should be the one thanking you. I was wondering how to bring up the topic of parting ways, but you took the initiative.

"Alright, let's temporarily part ways here. See you tonight."

"Yes... What about you? Do you have any plans?"

"Well, yes. I have something important I can't miss."

As time is precious, I start walking quickly. I was dragged into souvenir shopping, but there is still plenty of time until the meeting time. If I jog, I'll definitely make it in time.

"Hey, Takumi! What's that 'important thing' about?"

"It's a 'date,' a 'date'! See you later! Good luck!"

Without turning back to look at Claire, I wave my hand behind me. And the feeling that wells up inside me is not the exhilaration of going on a trip, but a completely different emotion, causing my heart to race.


That day, Alpha was unusually nervous.

She woke up before the sun rose, took a shower, and meticulously cared for her hair. Spending an hour choosing her outfit and another hour applying makeup, it was a sight that couldn't be imagined from her usual efficient self.

After exerting an incredible amount of effort since the morning, she admired her completed self in the mirror.

"...Is this good, I wonder?"

The outfit, predominantly black with lace designs, made her fair skin look even more beautiful and exuded an indescribable allure. The matching scarf extended down to below her knees and had a beautifully gathered form overall. Her slender and fair legs that peeked out from it were sure to attract attention from those around her.

As for her hairstyle, she contemplated different options but settled for a simple half-updo. When she recalled being called cute with this style before, she made a relatively quick decision. Her hair, now a golden color with a touch of variation, fluttered softly, likely to create charming movements.

"Alpha-sama! You look absolutely stunning!"

"I-Is that so...?"


Epsilon praised Alpha's reflection in the mirror. As requested by Alpha, who wanted to hear her opinion, Epsilon had come to see how she looked.

"But, still..."

"It's okay! The current Alpha-sama is more beautiful than a goddess! To lack confidence now would be an insult to all women in the world!"

Alpha found it somewhat surprising to hear her say that, but when it comes to beauty, there is no one in Shadow Garden more passionate than Epsilon. Alpha chose to believe her words and finished preparing to go out.

They were currently in the temporary base in Lindblum. It was an unfamiliar place, so Alpha wanted to head to the meeting place as soon as possible. It was a clear expression of her determination not to be late.

"Take care, Alpha-sama."

"Yes... I'll be going."

Seeing Alpha, who was genuinely nervous, even Epsilon's heart rate accelerated. With deliberately exaggerated movements, Epsilon went outside, and witnessing Alpha's cuteness caused her to collapse to her knees.


Alpha arrived at the meeting place approximately thirty minutes before the agreed time. Despite rushing to prepare, she surprisingly had some spare time.

"...Was I a bit early?"

Under the shade of a tree, Alpha held a parasol and wore a hat to make her elven heritage less noticeable. In her other hand, she carried a slightly oversized bag, which she gazed at lovingly.


Tilting the parasol and hat slightly upward, Alpha's gaze fixed on the sky. What she saw were clear blue skies adorned with white clouds. Unaware of it herself, Alpha had a gentle smile on her face as she slowly rotated the parasol.

Ideally, she would have checked her appearance one final time in a mirror at a nearby store. However, if her waiting companion were to catch a glimpse of her doing that, it would be embarrassing. Overwhelmed by her sense of shame, Alpha had no confidence left to speak.

As time passed, her nervousness increased. As she absentmindedly gazed at the sky, a pleasant breeze blew through, causing Alpha's hair to sway. When she briefly opened her eyes... she saw her waiting companion.

"Ah, sorry! ...Am I late?"

Wearing a light blue jacket, a white shirt, and brown pants, Takumi Gavin, Alpha's rendezvous partner, appeared. Perhaps due to rushing, his expression was tense, and even that made Alpha find him endearing.

Three minutes before the meeting time, Alpha's waiting companion, Takumi Gavin, had arrived.

"Heh, you're not late."

"I-I see... But, did I make you wait, Alpha?"

"Huh? ...No, I just arrived myself."

"Phew, that's good then."

Although she had been waiting for thirty minutes, there was no way she could say that. Instead, Alpha was grateful for the waiting time as it gave her a chance to prepare mentally.

"Shall we go then?"

"Yes... Let's."

And so, their planned date began. It was a secret date known only to Epsilon, and the location was the highest-rated tourist destination, a city that left nothing to be desired for a date.

Alpha pressed her lips together to suppress her loosening smile and walked closely beside Takumi as they set off.

"You came running."

"There was an unexpected incident. Glad I made it in time."

Alpha laughed while folding the parasol. Her hidden golden hair caught the sunlight, sparkling brilliantly.

"U-Um... That outfit suits you. And your hairstyle is cute."

"A-Thank you... I'm happy to hear that..."

Receiving a sudden compliment, Alpha hid her face behind her hat. While feeling joy at being praised, she silently celebrated with a small victory pose where Takumi couldn't see.

"You too... look lovely. It's been a while since I've seen you in something other than a school uniform."

"Haha, that's true. It feels like summer vacation."

Takumi smiled while his glossy white hair swayed. His expression was calm, and as Alpha glanced at him from the corner of her eye, her cheeks slightly flushed.

"We're both on our day off. Let's take it easy."

"Yes, let's. Can we leave the escort to Esco?"

"Leave it to me. I've done thorough research."

"Hehe, I can rely on you."

Naturally, they held hands, and Takumi took charge of Alpha's parasol. They basked in the warm sunlight on a clear day, enjoying the pleasant breeze. Despite simply walking, both of them were in high spirits. The cityscape of Lindblum, evoking a sense of history, provided an enjoyable setting for their stroll.

They repeated the pattern of entering shops that caught their interest while chatting. Takumi guided Alpha to a café where they drank tea, engaging in casual conversations.

Later, they followed Takumi to a bookstore where they each bought a book, and then they made their way to a beautiful and spacious park.

"It's such nice weather."

"Yes... It feels wonderful."

As they settled on a bench in the park, Takumi stretched his arms toward the still-clear blue sky. Alpha nodded in agreement with Takumi's words and shifted the bag she had been carrying onto her lap.

"I'm getting hungry. I was thinking of having pasta at the restaurant over there, but is there anything else you'd like to eat? There are plenty of shops around here, so we can probably meet most requests."

"Thank you. But..."

"Hm? What's wrong?"

Alpha seemed somewhat hesitant. When Takumi curiously peered into her face, Alpha took a deep breath and took out a wooden basket from her bag.

"I-I made this... If you'd like, you can have it."

Opening the basket with slight nervousness, Alpha revealed a large quantity of sandwiches. The white bread was filled with various colorful ingredients, making it appear like a treasure chest to Takumi. As the trapped aromas escaped and filled the air, his hunger was further stimulated.

"Could it be... homemade?"

To Takumi's question, Alpha nodded softly. Seeing this, Takumi secretly celebrated with a small victory pose, loosening his expression in sheer delight.

"Let's dig in!"

"I woke up early to make these, so... they might not look perfect or anything."


"Oh my... Haha."

Alpha's response was so immediate that it made her previous nervousness seem silly. Takumi had chosen the bacon and egg sandwich. All the sauces used were also homemade, and it was his proudest creation.

"We also have coffee."

"Thank you, I'll gladly have some."

As they continued eating without dwelling on their impressions of the taste, the sandwiches that had been made in abundance disappeared in no time. Alpha couldn't help but smile wryly, feeling that they were rather underwhelming considering the effort she had put in.

"Ahhh, I feel so happy."

"What's the matter? You're like an old man."

Seeing Takumi leaning back against the bench while yawning, Alpha chuckled mischievously. She also felt a sense of superiority, knowing that the person she usually relied on was able to be himself so naturally in front of her.

"I feel like I'm being pampered after a long time."

Lately, Takumi had been burdened with many things that caused him stomachaches. Taking care of Princess Alexia, pretending to be a mob character to the point of stopping his own heart, the girl who lost her parents, the foolish ones who tried to bear everything on their own—there was no such thing as healing for him.

"...I feel pampered too, you know?"

Snuggling closer to Takumi's shoulder, Alpha let out a small yawn as well. As she felt Takumi's body warmth, drowsiness suddenly overcame her.

"Feeling sleepy?"

"...Just a little."

"You can sleep if you want. I'll lend you my shoulder."

"Hehe, thank you... But, that's a bit..."

Before the words "what a waste" could continue, Alpha fell asleep. After making sure not to wake her, Takumi adjusted his posture carefully. Once he had a good look at Alpha's sleeping face, he began reading the book he had just bought.


"Don't worry about it. I got to see your sleeping face, after all."

"~! Ahh, I let my guard down."

In the end, Alpha ended up sleeping until sunset. Takumi, who had served as her pillow, laughed as he loosened his stiff body.

"You must have been tired. Alpha always pushes herself too hard."

"...You're always so kind."

"No, it's a fact that you push yourself too hard."

While stroking Alpha's head, Takumi smiled wryly. As the one who essentially led the Shadow Garden, Alpha had a heavy burden. The leader was a klutz, and the vice-leader was also a klutz. Takumi had always felt sorry for Alpha.

"Thank you, Alpha."


Alpha gazed at Takumi's face illuminated by the setting sun. At the same time, she realized that her own face had grown warm. She found her own obvious self a little unpleasant.

"Haha, but you really slept a lot."

"...It's your fault."

"Huh? Is it my fault?"

Embarrassed, Alpha spoke without looking at Takumi. It had been years since she had slept so defenselessly.

"But... thank you. I can do my best again starting tomorrow."

"Don't push yourself too hard. I'll help you anytime."

"Hehe, the Shadows might get jealous, you know?"

"Alpha and the others are more important than them. When I heard that we were going to Lindblum, I was surprised. Coincidences can be scary."

As Takumi said, it was truly a coincidence that he happened to meet Alpha in Lindblum. Takumi learned from the regular communication he had been reviewing on behalf of Cid that the Shadow Garden would be visiting Lindblum. He saw it as a good opportunity and invited Alpha for a date.

"Is it really just a coincidence?"

"Of course. I can't predict things like what Alpha is thinking. Well, I can't do that even if I wanted to."

"Hehe, let's just go with that."

Although Takumi was speaking the truth, Alpha couldn't believe it. She thought of it as his usual modesty, and her evaluation of Takumi remained unchanged.

"Well... don't push yourself too hard. I really mean it when I say I'll help, and I want you to rely on me."

"Yes, of course. You're a reliable vice-leader, after all."

With a smile, Alpha lifted herself from the bench. The way the sunset illuminated Alpha gave off a beautiful painting-like charm.

"Yeah... I have more confidence in being helpful than being a leader."

"Indeed, we're good friends."

"No, that's not it."

While Alpha smiled, thinking of their relationship as best friends, Takumi denied it with a serious expression. Even during such exchanges, Alpha felt happy, but she also felt a sense of loneliness knowing that this time would come to an end.

"Well... it's about time we disband, I suppose."

"Yeah... I need to go back too."

The time had come for Takumi to return to the Scarlet Knights and Alpha to return to the Shadow Garden. Alpha didn't regret taking a nap, but she still felt a sense of regret.

If she stayed together any longer, she would find it difficult to part ways. With that in mind, Alpha took the initiative.

"I had a really great time today... truly."

"Me too."

"Will you... go on a date with me again?"

"Of course. I'll invite you again."

Those words made Alpha's heart dance.

With just a few words exchanged, the loneliness eased. Alpha couldn't help but think that she might be a simple person as she covered her mouth with her hand.

"Well... then... see you later."

"Yeah, see you."

Their parting words were simple, and the two walked away from each other.

Fueled by the healing they had received today, they prepared themselves for the tasks ahead starting tomorrow.

The first trial of summer vacation... has be-gun.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

takumi_9800creators' thoughts