
The Eminence in Shadow - Extra Mob Mc

A young man, chased by a white-robed yokai shouting, "Magic... magic..." was run over by a truck and died while escaping to a safe place. Upon being reincarnated into a different world and starting his second life, he found himself turned into the "right arm" of a mentally unstable man.

takumi_9800 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Maybe They Make a Good Team

Enemy organization "Diabolos Cult" attacked the Swordmaster Academy two days ago.

Since classes couldn't be held, the summer vacation was moved up, and the students of our academy went their separate ways to spend their time as they pleased.

Some went home to their families, while others remained in the dormitory. There were also some who went on distant journeys for sword training.

Among the many students, I didn't fit into any of those categories. I had my own way of spending my time. I found myself at the "Mitsugoshi Trading Company" in the capital, which had a solid reputation. In other words, it was not as Takumi and Gavin, but as (Light) that I spent my time there.

"La, Light-kun! It's amazing! Eta-san's way of thinking!"

"Light. Sherry is a good girl. The best."

I was enthusiastically approached by a pink-haired little girl and a wine-red-haired little girl. If those with a lolita complex saw me now, they might shed tears of envy.

From my perspective, both of them seemed like younger sisters due to the age gap, and they stirred up my protective instincts unconditionally.

"Alright, alright. Calm down, you two. I'll listen properly."

Sherry became a member of Shadow Garden under me, so there was no choice but to go and check on her. Since the start of "Crimson Knights" work was tomorrow, I came here this morning for the time being.

(...But I had a feeling they would get along well. Well, I sort of had that expectation.)

The two little girls chatted and laughed in front of me. Sherry, who possessed the kingdom's top-notch intellect, and Eta, the foremost inventor of Shadow Garden. I thought it would be interesting to see them together, but I never expected it to become a reality. Life is really unpredictable.

"We're going to analyze Eta-san's artifacts now! If it succeeds, we can create a mana storage device that can store mana, which would contribute not only to combat but also to the development of various technologies!"

"...Uh, yeah. I see."

I blocked them before due to lack of time, but I did say I would listen properly this time. Well, I didn't actually say it out loud. I just thought it in my mind.



"Sherry is... a good girl."

"Yeah, that's right."

"Light. Good job."

"G-Good job."

Eta, who doesn't speak much, spoke quite a bit. It wasn't unusual for him to give a thumbs-up, but his expression seemed softer than usual.

"But it's good to see that you've become close. If you have any troubles, don't hesitate to tell me. Not just me, but everyone around you will definitely help you."

"Yes! Thank you, Light-kun!"

Sherry showed a happy smile. Of course, she didn't completely recover, but it seemed she had managed to avoid falling into the worst state. Even after losing her parents, she still moves forward. She's truly a strong girl.

"Oh, right! Light-kun! Eta-san and I developed something together yesterday! Can you take a look?"

"Huh, you've already developed something?"


Isn't that quick? They met and developed something in less than a day? Seriously? Maybe they have incredible chemistry, or maybe it was dangerous to mix them.

"So, what did you develop?"

"It's over here! Come and see!"

"Come, come!"

"Hey, hey, don't pull me."

They pulled my arms and we moved to another room. In the place they brought me to, there was a fairly large and sturdy machine. It emitted a small amount of smoke and had a distinct vibration, giving off an apparent sense of danger.

"...This won't explode, will it?"

"It won't."

"It won't!"

"Sure won't!"

Eta had a sleepy look in her eyes, while Sherry had bright eyes. I could feel their opposite gazes penetrating me, and I could only nod in response.

"What is this machine for?"

"It's called the 'Gender Reversal Device~'"

"It is!"

"Wait a minute."


Why are these two tilting their heads? Don't they realize what a monstrous thing they've created? Eta said it casually, but even just the name is outrageous.

(They actually made a gender-swapping device...)

I forced a smile and looked at the machine that continued to emit smoke. Its appearance was far from what I would have imagined based on its name. Well, I don't think there's a device that fits this name.

"...Um, so, using this device, men can become women and women can become men... Huh? Haha, that can't be true, right?"

"That's right."

"That's right!"

"That's right!"

It seems I wasn't wrong after all. These two little troublemakers managed to create something dangerous on their first day together. This is practically a weapon.

"Shadow Garden had an artifact in storage, and Sherry analyzed it. This is the result."

"Don't skip that part."

"Eta-san developed a device that can perfectly control the power of that artifact! This is it!"

"Don't skip that part."

My words didn't reach them, and the pleasant atmosphere of the little girls remained unchanged.



These two guys, happily doing a double peace sign. There's no doubt, it was dangerous to mix them. Oh no, I messed up.

"But, is it really complete? It's hard to believe..."

"Of course! Right, Eta-san?"

"Yeah, yeah. Perfect, flawless, 100%."

I didn't want to hear such confident statements. Sensing an unpleasant atmosphere, I began to think it was time for me to leave.

"W-Well, Sherry seems fine now... I think it's about time for me to..."

"But I haven't used it yet."


"You want to be the test subject, Light?"


This was exactly what I predicted, which is why I was trying to leave. Eta, who cutely tilted her head, got close to me. Her slightly disheveled hair and sleepy eyes. Just hearing her soft voice made me feel sleepy.

Eta has always liked inventions. I often ended up helping her with experiments, or rather, I was often used as a test subject. Well, even if I say I helped, I was basically just a guinea pig.

I possessed a level of magical power that was almost unmatched, according to Eta. When using a device powered by mana, I could be treated as an endlessly rechargeable battery. That's why I was the perfect test subject.

"Well, you know, being a test subject... I don't really want to."

"Light... Is it not good?"


These two, they are truly light and darkness.

They have completely opposite natures, but they are doing the same thing.

(...Maybe they make a good team.)

One of them was scorned as a "demon-possessed" girl, who miraculously survived. The other lost her beloved father two days ago and became an orphan.

Who could refuse when these two looked up at me with pleading eyes? No one, that's for sure.

"...You'll be able to return to normal, right?"

Sherry nodded with a beaming smile, while Eta nodded confidently. I made up my mind and decided to cooperate with their experiment obediently.


(Mitsugoshi Shokai) has become so popular that it creates trends in the capital. They specialize in women's clothing, cosmetics, and lingerie. Since nobles have a strong desire to dress up, they attract customers ranging from single individuals to married couples.

In one of the rooms at Mitsugoshi Shokai, I found myself being turned into a dress-up doll.

"Light, you look adorable."

"This would suit you as well, wouldn't it?"

"Sherry, try this too."

They seemed to be having so much fun, and I let out a sigh with dead eyes. Well, considering the current situation, it might be more appropriate to refer to myself as "me" instead of "I."

(...I've really undergone a gender transformation.)

In the large mirror in front of me, I saw a beautiful girl with white hair. Her hair was slightly longer than shoulder-length and had a glossy sheen, and her overall complexion was fair. Among these features, her jet-black eyes stood out prominently. Although it may sound self-praising, she was a beautiful girl, except for the lifeless eyes.

"Light, try this one as well."

"Light, how about this...?"

"Hihi, Killyou."

I had been mechanically changing clothes since earlier. I had given up resisting. After all, I had been turned into a girl (that was a fact).

(...Well, it's not so bad.)

Seeing Sherry and Eta happily choosing clothes, even if only slightly, lifted my spirits. It was especially good to see Sherry smiling. If I could contribute even a little to her mental recovery, I would accept this humiliation willingly.

"Oh, I almost forgot, Eta-san!"

"I apologize. We forgot."

With their hair tied up in ponytails, Sherry and Eta suddenly got excited as if struck by inspiration. What else are they planning to do? This feels like kicking a dead body.

"Let's go get some makeup tools!"

"Yes, yes! They'll definitely suit Light!"

"Light-san, please wait a moment!"


Leaving those words behind, the two of them left the room. Apparently, they went to fetch makeup tools to use on me. It truly felt like kicking a dead body.

(...So this is me.)

Looking in the mirror again, I saw a beautiful girl. They say summer vacation is a time for growth, but I must be the only one at the Magic Swordsman Academy who experienced a gender transformation. It was indeed a unique experience.

(...Scarves like this feel fluttery and unsettling.)

I was currently wearing the uniform for female store employees at Mitsugoshi Shokai. It had a modest design with black as the main color, but the well-fitted upper body combined with the soft and fluffy scarf created a sense of luxury. Well, it's a given that my kids have good material.

As I amused myself by spinning around once, enjoying my slightly decreased height, and finding amusement in the results of the experiment, the door to the room opened.

I shifted my gaze, thinking it was Sherry and Eta returning, only to find someone I never expected standing there.

"Pardon me... Ah, are you an employee?"

──Claire Kagenou, appears.


I let out a surprised sound, my throat tightening. Black hair, crimson eyes, and the uniform of the Magic Swordsman Academy. There was no mistaking it; she was Claire. Not a doppelganger, but the ultimate rival in my sister complex.

As I was panicking, things took a turn for the worse before I could calm down.

"Pardon me. What's going on? Claire-san."

"My sister. It seems she should know about trends... Oh? A cute employee, isn't she? I've never seen her before."

──Princess Iris, the First Princess, and Princess Alexia, the Second Princess, appear.


No, this can't be. I couldn't comprehend the situation. Why did the people I least wanted to see in this state of affairs suddenly appear? Is this room open to customers? I won't forgive you, Eta.

"What's the matter?... I see!"


A savior appeared. A goddess peered out, dressed in a black dress. She was probably here to attend to the three visitors. I saw a glimmer of hope, a chance of escape from this situation.

"Excuse me... Light-sama?"

Squeezing through Claire and the others, Gamma approached me. As expected of the brains behind Shadow Garden, she instantly recognized that even in a female form, it was still me.

"What... happened? You look... cute."

"Well, it's an experiment with a machine invented by Eita. It's incredibly embarrassing, but I need your help."

As I quietly explained, so as not to be overheard by the princesses and my sister complex, Gamma nodded slightly and put on a smile.

"I'm an employee undergoing training here. I apologize for the intrusion. Please have a seat over there. We heard that you came to the store to prepare for your journey. Please take your time to browse through our Mitsugoshi Shokai products."


She smoothly diverted the attention away from me and successfully guided me towards the chairs. As expected of Gamma, the president of Mitsugoshi Shokai, she exuded an air of elegance.

"Light-sama, now is the chance."

Thank you, Gamma. I won't forget this favor.

To seize the opportunity, as soon as the three of them sat down, I sprang into action. Desperately, I moved my feet towards the door, with a graceful walking style.


"Wait a moment."

Claire grabbed my hand just as I was about to escape. She completely halted my movements as I tried to pass by while they were sitting in the chairs.

"W-What is the matter? I am a new employee undergoing training and not in a position to attend to you."

With a voice transformed into that of a woman, I desperately tried to respond. I'm not good with a feminine voice, but it seemed that there was no sense of incongruity.

In a tense moment, Claire uttered words that felt like a demon to me, who was sweating from nervousness.

"While I can't allow you to attend to the princesses, would it be fine if it's me? I'm only a low-ranking noble, so you don't have to be too concerned."

What is she saying? This is no joke. Even if by some chance my true identity isn't revealed, if I were to engage with her, my reputation as (Light) would be completely ruined.

Unable to show such emotions on my face, I opened my mouth with the best smile I could muster.

"N-No, I am still inexperienced. It would be far too--"

"Hm? Did I introduce myself to you? Have I?"

I messed up.

"Ah, well, um... That's right! Princess Iris called me by name earlier! That's why!"

"Oh, I see. You have a good memory."

"Yes, thank you very much."

Danger averted. I was the most flustered I had ever been in my second life. My response just now was truly nice. I want to praise myself. As I let out a sigh of relief, Claire cheerfully repeated her proposal.

"I can be your practice partner as much as you want. Right?"

Not "right?" Not at all "right?"

"With your white hair and black eyes, you remind me of someone irritating, but unlike them, you seem friendly and capable."

"That's right. Everything is a learning experience."

"You have a cute face. What's your name?"

The princess sisters also went along with Claire's proposal. It would be difficult for Gamma to come to my rescue in this situation. In other words, there was no way out.

In times like this, giving up is crucial. I plastered a dry smile on my face and squeezed out the words with my faltering thoughts.

"-Lef... Lefa (Light)-sama is my name."

After that, I provided customer service like crazy.


"...I went through a terrible ordeal."

"I-I'm sorry, Light-kun!"

In a way, I managed to overcome hell and safely returned to being a man. It was already evening, how long did those people stay?

Since tomorrow I'm supposed to leave the country as a member of the "Crimson Knights," I should also start heading home soon. Sherry seems to be seeing me off. Eita had shamelessly fallen asleep on the bed at some point, but I'll forgive him since his sleeping face is cute.

"Well then, I should be going."

"Yes. Thank you for today. Being able to play with friends like this... it was fun."

"...Is that so? I'm glad."

From now on, I hope to get along well not only with Eita but with all of Shadow Garden. Sherry's intellect will undoubtedly be useful, and her joining will have significant implications in terms of strength.

"I won't be able to see you for a while, but take care. When I come next time, I'll bring Cid along."

"Yes! I'm looking forward to it!... By the way, where are you going from tomorrow, Light-kun?"

"Hm? Ah, I'm going to 'Lindblum.' I'll be Princess Alexia's escort."

This is the first task entrusted to me alongside Claire. I wonder if anyone with the name Kageno has the fate of challenging me.

"Be careful, Light-kun."

"Thank you. Well then, Sherry."

From here on, I'll prepare for tomorrow and go to bed early. We're supposed to meet at the station since we'll be taking a train. It's going to be an early morning, if I'm late, Claire might kill me.



As I walked, looking up at the evening sky, Sherry called out to me. When I turned around, I saw a girl bathed in the sunset, shedding tears.

"Thank you for saving me... 'Thank you.'"

Crying while smiling. Seeing Sherry's face like that, I was overwhelmed by complex emotions.

I wondered if there could have been a better solution, if there was another way that didn't take her parents away, if inviting her to the organization was really the right thing to do, and so on.

But she clearly expressed her gratitude. In that case, there can only be one response from me.

"...'You're welcome.'... Goodbye."

Without spending much time face-to-face, I started walking again. I may not say clever things, but I think it's fine. I understand Sherry's feelings, and she probably understands mine as well.

If it's said that my words are lacking, then so be it. I'm not someone inherently good.

So, I don't think I did a good thing, but maybe I can think that I did something for Sherry's sake. I don't think anyone would complain if I indulged in that level of self-satisfaction.

"...Well, let's do our best from tomorrow."

Pushed by a sense of accomplishment that cannot be expressed in words, I stretched myself out in one big stretch.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

takumi_9800creators' thoughts