
Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Demus Pov

The dawn is breaking, sun shone from the east enlightening the surroundings.

Mists from the cold night parted and the world displayed the unrecognizable surroundings.

Fallen trees loitering around.

We're outside the camp.

I traced my gaze and happened to have a sight of a once lively village which is now a ruin.

Wrecked into shambles, scattered remains of the once whole houses.

Though I'm not from here , I know that it's once a village inhibited by at least thousand of people.

I grimaced ' Those beasts!'

They made it.

They ruined every thing.

The people

My community

My child

My wife

My life

I clinched my fists, hatred burns.

I can't wait to trample those beasts and cover my path in beast blood.

I want a blood bath. My eyes reddened.

" Calm down, you seem to forget, You're once an assassin. Maintaining rationality is crucial in battle. Letting yourself be swayed by emotions would led a warrior into his downfall."

A voice woke me up. Then I look at its origin.

A man in military uniform overflowing with murderous intent.

He's hot-blooded as well. I can see flare seemingly saying 'I want to raze all the beasts and burry then all to the ground. But his eyes were not blackened by hate.

Jack Grimmer, I think that's his name. A senior soldier who brought us here for training.

" Yes sir" I lowered my head reply. The flame of hate still burns like wildfire.

Can't calm myself.

Living a simple ordinary life away from killing I used to experience in daily basis before, I lost the feeling indifference unbothered by human feelings.

I used to killed without bathing an eye lid. I consider human life as livestock which were just waiting for me to slaughter.

Emotionless. Cold

However, in this passing days I experience love , had a wife , had a child.

I became an emotional being the same with the others I considered lowlifes.

Now I am gravely affected by my loss.

" Ready your weapons. We're here. Remain alert and not be too impulsive."

The cold goddess saying.

I look at the Lookie guy, The other recruit aside from me in this special training.

He's gripping his sword handle , shaking.

He's nervous, a complete newbie.

I readied my katana while remembering the old days when I slice throat after throat in my way to kill a mafia commander year 2021 in mainland China, An order from the Mafia boss.

The feeling of drawing my katana stealing countless breaths.


Katana Drawing technique from the Kendo Japanese Martial Arts, my favorite killing technique.

'Haven't executed in a long time.' I said under my breath while fluidly gripping the handle of my weapon in gentle motion.

Draw. Then



A brunch from a still standing tree fell off cleanly sliced.

" What are you doing? Don't draw unnecessary attention. You won't want us to be swarmed by beasts here."

The cold lady glared at me.

" Nah, it's okay. It's just a little disturbance. No need to desuade the guy. He's just getting himself attuned to using weapons again."

Jack waved his hands Geneva's way then again said.

"That's a good technique."

We continued our way. Slowly venturing the surroundings.

"This area will always be occupied by some beast in night time. Though we have night watch , hitches and lapses can't be avoided so we make a clearing operation every morning. And that's our mission. This place is a perfect hunting ground for low rank mutants as yourselves since the beasts here were basically low ranks as well ranging from tier 1 to tier 3 power beasts equivalent to the 3 levels of Leaper rank. Of course it's only true for about 1 kilometer radius using the camp walls as the center."

" Thread your ways carefully. They might be low ranks but so as yourselves. They're still a threat for you."

" We'll be at your back ,yes. But we won't rescue you unless it's life and death."

"Now go."

After a series of blabbering ( at least it's not non sense ), I look at the nervous Lookie who's aura suddenly change from a weak nervous prey into a predator.

' How so sudden?'

Third Person Pov.

While the other recruits were struggling in there tests at their respective areas, things also progress in Lookie and company's case.

Blowing winds whistle passing the trees unbridled with leaves, leaving the branches with the dried brittle twigs.

It's now the state of some of the forests in the uninhabited areas.

Beasts were destructive that upon sight of a seem to be in a okay state thing would pounce and wreck the place into sorry state.

Many abandoned villages were so upon contact with beasts ferocity.

Lookie can't help but clinched his fist upon the sight.

Thinking about the destruction of many families, his village and many other people in the world. The sight of the a family gulping their food with shaking hands tears dropping.

His heart is aching.

Then his eyes gleam with its own ferocity.

'Those beasts deserve death.' He said in his heart.

'I'll hunt this beasts one by one. I'll get strong along the way and hunt some more 'till not even a single one is left'

He declared . It's childish but whether he could do it or not, his emotion at the moment is as clear as a bright sunny day.

The goal was set.


The seniors had already retreated after giving orders.

Lookie and Demus were left in their own device looking around in caution while slowly advancing deeper together.


While they were on their way searching for prey, two shadows flash from their behind without them noticing.

They hid at the shades of a still living tree while keeping an eye to the two person ahead and the surroundings.

"How do you think those guys would fair against beasts?"

"That question is foolish. Demus was a former weapon of killing . He would be 7 out of ten. For Lookie, I don't know?"

" Want to make bets?"

" How do you want it to play?"

" I'll wager my Lava Crocodile Scale Armor in favor of Lookie. In your case you'll only bet your love ..hehe."

Of course this two shadows were Jack and Geneva monitoring the star recruits.

" Your dreaming." Short reply with still plain face.


Jack sighed. Hopeless. Her eyes didn't even give a twitch.

" Okay, I'll still bet with you. I'll give you my Platinum Core Sabretooth Dagger if you win but I don't want your armor in return."

"What do you want then ?"

"You'll be my training partner for three months." Geneva answered glaring eyes with Jack who then shuddered .

'Evil woman! She just want a person to beat.'

'But it's not that bad if I could make this cold goddess break the ice barrier in her heart within this months of company. Hehe'

Frown turn into grin, he replied.


'What is this guy grinning?' _ Geneva.