
Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Dissatisfaction with fellow recruits happen often.

Even in a family ,conflict arise,

so naturally in a recruitment camp like this, clashes is already expected.

" Okay, I'll give you a chance. If you could prove me that I choose wrongly then you can have his spot instead."

With the only hurdle giving him a way, of course the initiator of the challenge would be delighted.

" I'll prove to you sir that this trash is undeserving." Shouted the guy, while making his stance.

He's a martial artist for sure. Or at least has practiced one in his life.

His right hand was slightly reached out clinched fist , the other one is placed at the side slightly above the waist , legs wide open to the side while his body slightly bent facing me his enemy.

His taking it seriously. He probably saw my exhibit of strength earlier.

But he's a tough guy.

for him , strength is only secondary.

His confidence came from his vast fighting experience and advanced techniques.

I'm slightly shaken but his aura is not as strong as the beasts, making me slightly eased.

I readied myself in an awkward stance, and the people almost laughed. I saw them snickered. Disdain in their eyes were prevalent.

They're looking down on me.


The Gorilla of the underground's seemingly gigantic yet agile body swoosh in offense, taking the lead of the fight with a swift frontal kick that suddenly twists mid air into a sweep with the heel aiming at my temple.

" Okay , It's a sure win for Brother Bob…." The bootlicking guy never finished his sentence.

Swoosh , pah!!



" Oh sorry, my bad." I apologize. My voice reach the other recruits' ears.

One by one they took a clear look then paused like a photograph, mouth's agape.

Eyes opened wide. The crowd are dumbstruck.


A resounding cry wake them up. They look at the figure on the ground to see their idol squirming.

I might have broke a rib of his.

'Hayst' I sighed . I overestimated the guy. I was nervous for nothing. My reflex is already that high before, and it's even more enhanced after mutation.

Normal humans and Mutants has such a big gap.

What's more I seem to have accidentally leveled up before I slept last night gaining another power up.

I see the crowd looking at me with different gaze.


I ask to which they flinch.

Don't blame me the guy's moves were too slow for me.

" Now do you believe me that they're on a higher level than you ."

Captain Harley voice then sounded. He has plain expression. He wasn't shock at all. As a mutant himself, He fully understand the advantage of mutants in a fight.

Mutants strength and speed is not something that a non-evolve could compare no matter how good his martial arts is.

No one answered.

"Now we're good."

The calm captain said.

" There should be no one objecting now. So let me continue where I ended. Your objective in this game is to try to defeat your seniors in any way possible . You could do anything; tricks , fighting, tactics . You can swarm him in group. Of course the same couldn't be said for those who'll fight one on one."

" You'll have a day worth of time to consume. Take the best of it. You'll now be designated to an area where you'll compete. First team to the east of the camp , a clearing with obstacle course is good for you to use. A senior is waiting for you there."

" The second team, to the west a forest clear with beast is of your use , a senior is also waiting for you there."

Successive instructions flew out of the Captain's mouth which we the recruits took in like sponges . Then he look at us after.

" You already know where to go. Two seniors will take care of you . Meet them at the armory. Now go." Instructed the Captain gesturing his fingers pointing to the armory's direction.

" Sir yes sir." Both of us responded before we marched our way to the armory.

I'm still trying to control my strength more efficiently and am having progress a little.

I can now ran with little disturbance.

I put my gaze to Demus. He has an impressive muscle control. I tried to copy him but failed every time.

I might not be comparable to Demus level of control now. At least I improved a lot.

From march, we increase our pace in to wide strides making our journey taking only a mere minute.

What's more , I didn't bump.

All were well.

But I seem to feel a sudden chill.

Is it a premonition?

Nah, forget it.


At the entrance of the armory, two figures were standing in wait.

One has long slender legs and curvy Coca cola body which was covered by something like a combat suit ( Imagine black widow) , shape's in full display tempting the beside guy reaching out for peaches and melons.


I can already imagine what's playing in the other guy's mind who's sneaking glances at the latter with sparkling gaze at the moment. Of course the two officers were Miss Geneva and Jack.

" Continue Lingering your gaze at me and I will pull out that sinful eyes of yours." A cold threatening voice came out of miss Geneva's sweet mouth while she's touching the sharp edge of her dagger.

Then the man shivers , taking a bit of time stabilizing himself before looking at our direction.

He might have sensed us. As expected from a veteran mutant.

We're just a hundred meters away , Demus is with me.

" Ma'am "

" Sir"

We saluted when we reached their positions to which they then responded.

Both stared at us. Then a nod was given by Jack towards our way.

" You're called here in a guise of a game but in whole actuality, you're here to undergo a special training."

As cold as always , without dilly dallying , Miss Geneva spoke.

" Do you know you're scaring them?" Jack gave a wry smile, hopeless. The babe before him has no hope for change.


Same as I remembered.

The vibe of an unapproachable lingered around her but she's not that bad of an anti-social.

At least sir Jack could have a good friendly relationship with her.

Though he seem to be fooling around, it's clear in his eyes that he wants more than freindship.

He can't help it. The girl is an ice block as big as Antarctic iceberg. Tough.

Miss Geneva just shrugged her shoulders in response then she resumed.

" You shut your mouth. I want this all and done quick. Anyways you both were excellent recruits. Same as you Lookie , Demus here is also a Leaper. You might have already noticed so there's no need for further explaining."

" What's important is , your both mutants and we're already cut among the rest. Your learning speed is already on another level. So speeding up your training this way would be better for you both."

She said which gained continuous nod from Senior Jack.

" Now as some sort of training, you'll join our patrol at the outside perimeter."


It's like a bomb shell. I widened my eyes.

Wasn't it too quick?

I was about to open my mouth and speak my part when she continued not giving me any chances.

" No more negotiations."

'com' on ' I complained under my breath.

" You'll learn by experience. We'll go on a real hunting. This training were all aimed for both of you. Though for an experienced assassin it seem to be unnecessary, what we want you, Demus to do, is to learn to team up. You're no longer an assassin but a soldier."

She blurted a lot more stuffs after that like the type of beasts we might encounter, its strength and weaknesses to which environment we could expect the monster to come out. Military sure had made research. And I'm sure they sacrifice quite a number of soldiers to get such information.

The briefing took over two hours finishing at 6:00 am . Of course within that hours, I was also officially taught with a martial arts, the full set of martial arts that Jack had performed before ' Black and White Combat Arts' to which I learnt at initial level directly.

Not yet usable to win a fight but enough to protect and defend myself.

" Take the weapons you desire and we'll set off immediately."

With the instructions, I go to the sword rack inside the armory and took the sword that I'm comfortable with. Demus choose a katana as well.

Then after we both took a knife as secondary weapon, we went out of the armory and stood waiting for another instructions.

" okay, now that you're done. Let's set off."

Jack said while taking his axe from the nearby tree which is now in the verge of collapsing.

He's not eco friendly.

Miss Geneva who now is silent just nodded.

She doesn't have worry of forgetting her weapon. Her daggers were always in her waist all the time even in sleep.