

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

CHP71: You Should Let Loose, I'm Not Weak

Ok guys, Wrath has finally found a place where he can fully let loose.

Also, who is Draxen, and who was the presence in the black castle.

Hope you enjoy this chapter.



[Pov ???]

Far off in another realm beyond space, time, reality, and even comprehension. A supreme dark mist full of whispers that would drive most people and gods insane lingered.

It was moving and warping around the darkness of the realm.

And inside the mist sounds could be heard, it was the sound of voices.

The sounds of screaming, screeching and wailing could be heard echoing throughout the place like thunderclaps.

And if we listen very closely the noises wound come one after the other, almost like it was two people talking.

The mist parted, and what welcomed our sights was...the very epitome of abominations and the meaning of fear itself.

There was a very tall and lanky dark-skinned man, it like he was as thin as a stick.

He looked like he was of African descent.

The Mans face was a combination of rotten flesh and excess tentacles extending from the back of his head.

He wore an all-black Victorian era suit.

But what really wade him standout was the large reddish orange eye that sat on his chest, it glowed with an ominous light.

As well as the very long black tentacles extending from his back, they wiggled and looked to be erratic.

The very tall African man was looking towards a very large combination of what seemed to be a white and black mist, but there was a very large black mass of goo that looked like algae from an ocean in the center of the mist.

Beneath the two of them was a black as night water, it looked like an ocean, but acutely it was the body part of the Mist that was talking to the tall man.

Every step the tall black man took left a white imprint in it.

"Cluchhh reeee, mmekefo!"

"Modijjij oi fhsido sdoifio se!"

A very heated conversation was happening that most wouldn't even be able to understand, as the language being spoken was not of normal tongue.

It was like thunder and lightning was striking each time a noise came from one of them, the words were hard to understand but we could make out most of it.

"I will not be a part of your games, Nyarlathotep!" the dark mist boomed out to the tall man.

Nyarlathotep smiled a wide grin, showing off is very crooked and long teeth as he said, "Ah, common Magnum, this could be quite the opportunity for us all!"

"Think about it, we could use him to leave this retched place once and for all!"

"The very cradle of existence and even the Prime Dimension would be ours to do with as we please!"

Nyarlathotep then smirked as he said, "Besides I'm in the process of collecting the very thing that will pull all of this off."

He then revealed a yellow orb in his hands, Magnum Innominandum looked inside of it and immediately knew his brother's insane plan.

"Brother, I hate you, but this could very well end in chaos beyond even you!" Magnum Innominandum roared.

Nyarlathotep simply shrugged and grinned abnormaly as he said," That is the point dearest brother, CHAOS!!!!"

"I will let you think on it, but just know with or without you my plan shall go forth." 

Then he looked down inside of the yellow orb and in his mind, he said,' Ah, what a beauty, too bad you belong to my brother."

"We could have had such wonderful chaos, but I need you to awaken that monster and begin the Eternal era of CHAOS!!"

Nyarlathotep then looked at his brother and smirked, after that he left his brother's realm.


As he felt his brother leave his realm, Magnum Innominandum simply retreated into his own mind.

Magnum Innominandum pondered his brother words very carefully, to be honest it was a very full proof idea.

But Magnum thought of their younger brother...Vhaalku, or he is newly named incarnation The Hulk and Bruce Banner.

He thought that this plan of Nyarlathotep would backfire greatly on him in ways that would redefine the entire pantheon of the OuterGods as a hole.

Mangnum could still feel the cataclysmic battle between his father Azathoth and his brother Vhaalku.

The Abyss as a whole still had the scars to prove this decision would not end well for all of them.

Mangnum and his other siblings never knew where Vhaalku came from, but his father said that he was their brother, so they all just left it at that.

To Mangnum's recollection, Vhaalku always wanted to be left alone in his own place of Destruction, but his father saw the perfect vessel to carry out his will upon the entire Omegaverse and beyond.

Vhaalku's power of Rage and Destruction knew no bounds, as did Mangnum's and his other siblings, but Vhaalku?

He was an entirely different breed of them, Mangnum and his kin knew no fear, as they all embodied that in its entirety.

Fear was given form and birth because of them.

But on that red night of battle between Azathoth and Vhaalku, him along with his brethren learned what it meant to truly know fear.

Granted Vhaalku lost, but he inflicted damage upon someone who they all thought supreme, and none of them himself included could ever do what Vhaalku did.

Vhaalku's body was fractured, and his father Azathoth sought the opportunity to possess him fully, and he almost did, if not for that golden crazed being snatching Vhaalku before his father could fully control Vhaalku.

And that day, Azathoth donned the name of the Fractured Son upon Vhaalku and he went to sleep, seemingly waiting for the future to arrive.

So, upon hearing his other brothers plan of awakening that monster again, Magnum Innominandum did not want to risk losing all of what he has gained in the time since then.

'But that woman in the yellow orb,' Magnum Innominandum knew that this was going to be a horrid time, but he also wanted to see the end result.

And with that, Magnum Innominandum simply slept waiting for the day all of Nyarlathotep plans came crashing down like they always did.

It was sickening but he and his family loved it oh so much, besides he also wanted to know how he stacked against Vhaalku now that he has grown much more powerful than before.

The mist and darkness went quiet as he waited for when Chaos would reign.

Very sick and weird individuals to say at the least.


[Outer Chaos]

 Nyarlathotep left his brother domain and walked though abyss smiling thinking of all the chaos, misery and death that would come in the future.

He knew all the plans would align themselves according to his design, even without him lifting a single finger to help it.

 Nyarlathotep paused as he thought of the new incarnation of Vhaalku, he wondered how far they would take it, especially once they find out he has her soul quite literally in the palm of his hands.

'Maybe he should introduce her to the abyss, give Vhaalku and his incarnations something to remember him by for eternity.' He thought to himself.

Some very sick ideas and thoughts formed in his head, and eventually Nyarlathotep just decided to go with the flow and see where the current take him.

"Oh?" Nyarlathotep just sensed Wrath entering a Hell Plane.

"Hmmm, can't have dear old dad get in the way just yet, plus he is still sleeping." Nyarlathotep spoke into the void.

Then a crack opened up near him, and an incomparably large black leathered long tentacles swarmed out from it.

"Thanks, main body." Nyarlathotep said looking at one of his legs stretching out towards the Hellplanes and shielding them from all other OuterGods sight.

His leg was so large and beyond understanding that it reached the Hellplanes from the abyss and destroyed many other creations in the process to Sheild Wrath from the others.

Once that was done, Nyarlathotep kept walking further into the darkness and he began singing a little song,

"First, I was afraid,

I was petrified, Kept thinking, I could never live, without you by my side.

But then I spent so many nights thinking, how you did me wrong.

And I grew strong, and I learned how to get along.

And so, you're back, from outer space!

I just walked in to find you here.

With that sad look upon your face

I should have changed that stupid lock.

I should have made you leave your key.

If I'd a known for just one second

You'd be back to bother me.

Woah now go, walk out the door, just turn around now.

'Cause you're not welcome anymore.

Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye?

Did you think I'd crumble? Did you think I'd lay down and die?

No, not I, I will survive.

Oh, as long as I know how to love, I know I'll stay alive.

I've got all my life to live, and I've got all my love to give.

And I'll survive, I will survive!"

 Nyarlathotep form vanished from all sight as he disappeared into the darkness, he continued to sing that song.

All while he wondered how Wrath would react to finding out he has the soul of his wife, his shine with delight as sang.

Like I said the OuterGods are a very fucked up race of beings. And Nyarlathotep is one of the worst of them, and dude loves that song apparently.

Keep our guy Wrath in your Prayers!


[HellPlane of Mathos]


A large fist whizzed past the face of Wrath, who felt the sheer force of it even though he dodged it.

Wrath counter attacked with a sharp elbow to the ribs of Draxen,


Feeling no movement, Wrath looked up at the unmoved form of Draxen with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

Draxen smirked, and then he said, "You should let loose, I'm not weak."


Wrath didn't see it in time, but he felt and was blasted down to the ground beneath Draxen.

Grabbing his chin, Wrath looked up to see the black chains wiggling around Draxens large body like menacing whips, and so Wrath noted down that the chains were not just for decoration.

And they actually hurt, quite a good bit to.

Draxen wasted no time and followed up with an attack of his own.

Hope you can keep up!"

Draxen roared at Wrath and then he quite literally formed a mini sun of dark orange fire behind him.

He made a throwing motion at Wrath with his left hand.

Undeterred, Wrath shot up in air and punched through the mini sun, he still felt the heat and power of it as he broke through it.

As he did come out on the other side, he was met with the large black chained fist of Draxen slamming down on top of his back.


Crashing on the ground, Wrath blasted right off of it when his foot touched landed on the ground, showing off his crazy endurance.

As that punch from Draxen would have blown apart entire galaxy and multiple solar systems.

Wrath also made his move; he summoned up a bit of his very destructive power on his right arm.

Then with quick movements he uppercut towards Draxen with a red light covering his entire arm and fist.

And this punch of Wrath's burned all that it came into contact with into ashes.

Draxen upon seeing this red fist coming at him, smiled and poured even more of his own power the Hell Force into his left arm that was covered with his black chains.

Then he collided with Wrath.


They quite literally split open the land, and even blacked out the color of the sky.

Red and Orange light filled the area for miles.

Both fighters landed back on the ground, both injured but nothing serious in their eyes.

Wrath has a hole in his shoulder that closing up from his healing factor, while Draxen had his entire left arm incinerated off of its socket.

But it regrew as he looked at Wrath standing not far from him.

No words were spoken, only two crazed grins on two crazy people enjoying cutting lose.

Then they blitzed to one another and kept going.

Tit for tat, they battled hard, moving so fast all across the hell plane that the devastation they caused would have many people redrawing the maps of the whole Hell Plane.



It was many hours that went bye as the two men fought.

But the crazy thing was that Wrath got more stronger and faster the longer the fist went on. His form was surrounded in a magnificent red miasma glow as he moved.

While Draxen on the other hand was enjoyed the destruction he felt all around him, but slowly he was getting worn down.

So, he decided to up the ante even more so.

Blocking a knee strike from Wrath, Draxen blew out a red fire breath into Wraths face stunning him briefly.

Draxen took advantage of this by unleashing a mean roadhouse kick into Wrath stomach and giving himself some room for what he was about to do.


Then he controlled his black chains to wrap around his arms all the way up to his shoulders. Then points of both chains then stabbed into his back.


Causing some of his orange lava like blood to spill out of him.

Then in an ancient language of hell, he spoke, "Enoch azfal torag latish!"

"Enoch azfal torag latish!"

"Enoch azfal torag latish!"

"Enoch azfal torag latish!"

Over and over, he spoke those dark words, Wrath upon hearing them could smell the darkness and foulness of them.

Maybe it was a lapse in judgement, but Wrath decided to wait and see what would happen once Draxen was finished.

Draxen, finally done with his preparation waved his hand in front of him, and a gap opened up, then extending from the gap was a huge red meat cleaver.


This weapon gave Wrath the impression that it would do serious damage to him if it touched him.

Grabbing the handle of his trusty weapon, Draxen smiled then he faced Wrath and said, "Meet Gorath, it feeds on the emotions and bloods of its victims."

Wrath felt Draxen's aura change completely, if before he was a brute, then now he was blood thirsty demon.

"Do keep up," Draxen said, then he swung Gorath downward at Wrath.

Wrath did not hesitate to dodge this attack.


Good thing he did, looking at the aftermath of that strike, the space was cut, and the land was grey from death.

But Wrath did not halve the time to look at the damage of that attack, as multiple of them were launched in succession.


Wrath was dodging like a madman.


But each attack kept getting closer and closer to him.



"You forget, Gorath feeds on the emotions of the one before it." Draxen voice thundered above Wrath.

And before Wrath could move, a white-hot light slice his entire left arm off completely.


Wrath jumped back away from Draxen, making some room for himself to heal.

But it was taking a while, much longer than he was used to. 

Draxen, looking down at Wrath struggling was a little unsatisfied, and the power he felt emerging in the realm earlier seemed so weak or normal now that he has unleashed Gorath.

'Maybe he needs a push.'

So, he decided to stoke the flames a bit to get the battle he was after.

It was unethical what he was about to do, but he needed to confirm that terrifying power he felt dormant within Wrath.

And so, he said, "Man, and here I thought she would be right, considering she told everyone you'd come for her soon."

Wrath confused, and a burning hot lump formed inside of his chest, he looked up at Draxen and said, "She?"

"What are you talking about?"

Draxen pressed on, "don't tell me you forgot her already?"

Sensing Wrath become agitated quickly, Draxen grinned.

"How could one forget such beautiful gray skin, that silky midnight black hair, the tattoos, those long thick legs, and especially that huge rack."

That hot lump in Wrath's chest turned in a burning inferno and it was rising quickly as he hoped the person that Draxen was describing wasn't who he thought it was.

Unknown to him, but a faintly dark green aura began emanating from him, like a flame and his arm began to steam.

Draxen, as he spoke sensed a change in the air, his sight saw the body of Wrath begin to faintly smoke with a dark green color.

Knowing that this was working, Draxen kept going.

"But it was such a shame, she just had to fall in the hands of the ruler of this place."

"I didn't quite get to finish completely the last time we met."

Wrath's eyes widened, and a dark green flame began to pour out of his red eyes. His left arm healed completely and emerged good as new from his wound.

His body surrounded in that green energy began to slowly grow muscle mass.

"Oh man she was quite the sight, and the feeling of grabbing those soft ass chee-"

Draxen didn't even register when Wrath arrived in front of him, nor did he see the semi enlarged grayish green lightning covered fist driving right into his face.



The sheer force of that punch made half of the entire Hell Plane tremble, and shake.

And it sent Draxen straight across the entire Hell plane, destroying all kinds of buildings and killing a lot of demons.

Draxen left a long line of destruction in his waking of getting the absolute shit knocked out of him.

And Garoth was knocked away like trash from its owner.

'It couldn't be, could it?'

'But she was dead, how?"

His thought got really dark and rageful.

For the first time in his life, Wrath actually was truly rageful, green sparks of lighting began circulating around him causing earthquakes around him.


And storms filled with green lighting began to form in the dark sky above him, his body slowly began getting bigger.

But Wrath didn't care know about that at all, his focus was only on the man that just described someone he thought dead and wasn't coming back.


A bestial growl came from Wrath's mouth, and he launched after Draxen with full speed.


A few thousand miles away from Wrath, Draxen came back into consciousness from that brutal punch Wrath gave him.

"Ugrhh, Horrly shiittt." Draxen couldn't even speak straight, he looked down at his mouth and saw that the right side of his entire face was gone!

Even his body was still burned into dark flesh from that green lighting on Wrath's fist.


Focusing a bit, Draxen healed himself, but it was slow.

"Damn, probably shouldn't have gone that much into detail, but it was worth it!" Draxen crazily smiled, he was still feeling the absolute pain from that punch.




Draxen looked up in time to see the black clouds split apart from a dark green energy covered man.


And he was nearly knocked down again from the sheer air pressure coming from the form of Wrath smashing down near him.

"I will only ask this one time and one time only." Wrath said in a monotone voice, his voice almost sounded like another person was speaking.

Wrath stared directly into the soul of Draxen as he commanded to know,


The lightning struck the ground as Wrath spoke and the wind blew fiercely, making tornadoes form all a around them.

It was like the elements themselves were influenced by the sheer rage of Wrath.

Even the ground began fissuring apart from the sheer pressure radiating off of Wrath.

"Heh, Yeah I'm Fucked." Draxen said in his head, looking at the green-eyed monster standing in front of him.

Then he just decided to be crazy, holding out his hand, Draxen summoned back Gorath to him.

The sword ripped through space and entered Draxen's right hand.

Holding his sword, Draxen felt some type of confidence return to him.

Feeling a little bit better he looked at the much bigger form of Wrath surrounded in that terrifying green energy and said, " Well, if you want to know the answer....then you're going to have to beat ever living shit out of me!"

Dark green energy spewed out of Wrath's mouth as he said, "So be it."


And with sheer force of the green energy on him, Wrath knocked Draxen straight into the atmosphere above the clouds.

Wrath looked up and loudly said, "By the time I am done, I'll know even your deepest secrets."

And he just leaps up from the ground, shattering it into rubble.



[Far across the Hell Plane of Mathos]

In very different and far place in the hell plane of Mathos, right near an ocean of fire and smoking volcanos of hellish flames.

On top of plateau of red jagged land, the red-haired form of Crixus could be seen cutting apart some demons that were attacking him.


"And that is the last one," Crixus mumbled out as he cleaned his hands with his long tongue.

All round him were bodies of all kinds of demons, some lizards looking one's, fire elementals, even drakes littered the ground.

Crixus admired the guts, blood and stench of death in the air.

He had to admit it, this place was tailer made for a slime like him.



The body of a very large dinosaur looking demon crashed down beside him and it was followed up with a voice saying, "This is the last one you dolt."

Crixus rolled his eyes in annoyance as he turned to look at the flying form of Visera landing down on the ground near him.

"Yeah, Yeah, I left that one for you to handle," he said not wanting to admit she was right.


Visera snorted a cloud of smoke on him, then she turned to the body and began eating it.



Crixus simply waved his hand to clear the smoke from around him, then went near her and sat down on the ground.

He then looked up at the orange fiery sky and wondered where his master was. And he knew Visera was thinking the same thing, but she wouldn't admit it to him.

Crixus knew that his master was alright, as he still felt the link between them, although it was muffled and worn down because of this realm.

The space of this place was really strong, it took most of half his strength to even tear through it, and that is saying something.

But he knew his master was out there somewhere more than likely looking for them as they were looking for him to.

Though it was weird how him and Visera came through the gates at the same time. But his master wasn't around when they did, it was only these lesser demons that were here.

And although Crixus wasn't a very smart Cruxes Slime, he still knew a plot when he saw one.

He just wondered what the person behind all of this trouble wanted.


The sound of Visera finishing her food enter his ears, he looked over at her and decided it was time to keep moving to look for their master.

So, he got up and said, "You ready to keep moving along, who knows what will pop out next to try and kill us."


A weird noise came from Visera's throat as she groaned in compliance with Crixus's words. 

As she got up from the ground though, both her and Crixus felt the wind around them change. 


They both looked up at the sky and saw that the dark clouds were twirling and flashing with a green color in them.

And very powerful pressure bled through the air. It was like anger itself had gripped the very atmosphere all around them.

That was when they a horrific loud boom sounded.


They even felt a bit of the impact from the boom, Visera and Crixus looked at one another with a serious look.

"That came from the northern area of this place." Visera said, and Crixus nodded agreeing with her.

No other words needed to be said, as they both took off for the origin of that power.

They knew only one person could have a rage that potent, and it was none other than their master, Wrath himself.


[Another Place in the Hell Plane]

In a dark cave, underneath a black mountain, a pair of amethyst eyes opened.

This person was disturbed by the shockwaves and power from the ongoing fight.

They looked off into the distance as if they could see all in the realm.

The amethyst eyes squinted.


Then a feminine voice said, "that idiot, what has he gone and got himself into now."


Feeling the aftershocks of that fight the voice said,

"I better go and help him before this gets anymore out of hand."

As the voice finished speaking, the darkness around it receded backward. The darkness then took the form of a very tall, voluptuous hard looking, but beautiful black-haired woman.

The darkness made her clothes, and she just warped through space, heading to the crazy fight above the clouds.

"Hold on Draxen, big sis Arien is on her way."

