

What would happen if Bruce Banner aka the Hulk. Received gifts from an unlikely source. And upon receiving these gifts, He learns the truth of his wife and child's death. Armed with newfound powers and intelligence what would they become...... Savior or Destroyer. Read and find out. But one thing is for certain, those responsible will have to face Wrath Incarnate! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys author here, just wanted to thank you for reading and supporting this novel. Also, I really appreciate the likes and support. This is my first time writing on here and I'm quite nervous. But you guys are awesome with the love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, if you want to but you don't have to you can support me more by donating. Again, just an option not a requirement. I will still write even if you don't donate. It would help speed things along in getting materials to help me out writing. As I'm in school. So, if you want to here is my cash app, 'RomexNM.' Thx again and enjoy the story!

Venomous_X · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

CHP73: The Plans of Mathos & The Madness of Rage

Hey, hope you enjoyed that little fight between Wrath and Draxen.

Don't worry, another crazy one between Wrath and Mathos is coming up soon.

So, I hope you enjoy this chapter.




Darkness of untold wretchedness blanketed out a space hidden from all but one.

It was but the form of an extremely pale, skinny, and weak looking man sitting on his knees alone in the dark.

He was shivering like he was cold and the darkness heavily concentrated on his skinny, and weak looking frame.

But his mind was another story.

"It was dark, that much I could tell, and very cold, oh so cold that my body was very stiff, and I struggled to move."

"My blood was so still and cold that I forget that I am alive sometimes."



"My hands ached greatly as I clawed through the walls of blackness before me."

"I had thought that I would be here forever, as my hands bled after each of my attempts to break free of this all-encompassing darkness."

"It's all because of all of those large eyes that I'm here in the first place." He said as he grits his teeth together.



Each punch he threw he got madder and madder, he can't even remember his name, did he have a family.

He didn't know, all that he could see or hear form his memory was laughter, crawling and screams.


The man continued speaking.

"After each punch and clawing in this darkness, it felt like I would touch a wall, but each time no matter how hard I would try to look for that same feeling again, it would just vanish from me."

The person speaking paused as he felt it or the warmth return.

"But it was not all horrible, as you keep me alive...." the man looked at his right hand.


The man's hand lit blaze with a small but warm emerald, green flame. It was so beautiful to the man; it was his only source of comfort in this place.

"The green flame was back again, and every time it returned, I grew stronger and more determined to break free."

"It would also grow in size as it returned, and it would remain on my hands longer to."

The person's mood brightened, and he felt the green flame form an image in their head, the person struggled to see what it was as the darkness really swarmed around them and inside of him.

But the green flame was like a bonfire, it burned away the darkness trying to swallow up the image in the person's mind.


The darkness let out a screeching sound like it was hurt from the green flames act.

Feeling some warmth for the first time in a while the person latched onto the image. The image took the form of a man.

A man with black hair, and vivid green eyes, he was tall, and covered in the very same green flame that was on him.

Plus, he also looked like him in the facial area, but much very different than his own skin and bones.

And to the shock of the skinny man looking at the image, the man smiled at him, and the man's mouth opened saying, "KEEP....FIGHTING...B."

The man hearing was overcome by the sound of scratching echoing in the darkness. But he strained to hear what was being said.


'Once more,' he thought.

"B...U... E."

"Again please!" He exclaimed loudly in the dark.


"SAY IT LOUDER!!!" He screamed.


It was like a bolt of lightning struck the person once they heard this name, and it felt really familiar to him.

"Bruce...Bruce..., the man mumbled to himself, the man in his mind said to keep fighting Bruce.

Was this his name? He wondered, it felt right every time he spoke it, and for the first time in a while without the darkness making him sick the man smiled.

His dull dark eyes reflected a joy indescribable by words, but his sight was taken away by the form of the green flame in his right hand.

"It is still here." He exclaimed to himself in shock.

"I have to keep fighting; my name is Bruce."

The man's body caught a second wind, and his blood unfroze slightly.

"I have to keep fighting; my name is Bruce."

As he kept saying this, the green flame grew a bit stronger and a bit larger on the man.

"I have to keep fighting; my name is Bruce."

And the green flame comforted him, letting him know that soon, soon he would break free.

Unknown to him, his once dull dark eyes had that were lifeless, they now had that same green flame sparking to life in them.

Bruce got up; the green flame stronger than before covered his body like a jacket. His mind renewed he continued to punch his way through the darkness.

As he kept punching, he felt the green flame grow stronger and hotter. He even felt a familiar feeling bubbling in his chest.

Eventually a small crack formed in front of him, the green flame urged him on, and the man for the first time in his miserable existence felt alive.

Soon, soon, he would return, and they would pay dearly.


[Black Castle of the End]

High upon an extremely large black and blood covered castle, laid a platform with many bones in a spiral pattern.

Trails of red blood flowed from the walls; it ran through the bones covering them in an ominous light.

The trails of blood extended to the center of the spiral, where a red crystal-like pool of water was formed.

It was like a big pool of blood that shines with magic, and death.

The pool of blood was steaming a little, and the center part of it was bubbling a little bit.



The sound of thunderous clashes shook the castle making the pool tremble and the bones fly of their position.

These powerful aftershocks were disturbing the entire castle.

So much so, that a pale claw like hand emerged up from the pool of red blood, followed by the pool of blood to burst into red flames that shrank inward.

The red flames of blood formed a tall figure that was floating in the air.

Eventually, the blood solidified on the person.

And it revealed a pale man with red eyes, and long wavey jet black hair. 

This man hand long horns on the top up his head that curled upward.


The man's eyes twitched in annoyance from the aftershocks of the fight going on.

He seemed to think of something, then he waved his right arm.

The red blood energy formed a mirror in front of him reflecting the entire HellPlane.

Or should I say, his hell plane.

Mathos looked at the horrid damage that was being done to his plane and he was livid greatly.

"Fucking Mongrels!" His deep voice growled out.

Still mad at the damage being done to his plane, his mood plummeted down even more once he saw the cause of this mess.

"Draxen, of course he is a part of all this shit," Mathos said, then he turned to look at the one who actually beating Draxen.

And when he did, the man in the mirror turned around to him, and the green energy on the man bleed into the mirror and destroyed it completely.


The mirror reflecting the fight was burned into gray ashes, that floated on the ground.

Mathos was quiet for a while as he thought of the woman he captured and sold over to that horrid creature.

"It would seem that she was right, Mathos." And aged voice spoke from within the castle.

Mathos was still quiet, then the voice chuckled and said, "I wonder how you will fair when he learns of what you have done."




Mathos released a dark red aura silencing the voice, then he looked back at the ashes of his mirror.



A blackish red tentacle wiggled out from Mathos's back the tentacle was covered with orange eyeballs that narrowed as they emerged.

The eyes seemed to shine with a chaotic and mischievous light.

And Mathos had a very dark grin on his face, and he said, " Finally, I can now prepare."

And he teleported out this room of the castle.

He knew that he needed to prepare for the Breaker of Worlds arrival, and the fight for his throne.

All so that he can claim his prize.

'Caiera,' he thought to himself as he left.


[Upper stratosphere of the HellPlane]

The clouds swarmed with orange fire and swirled with a green menacing light; they were filled with green crackling lighting. 

It was extremely dark and scary, almost like the end of the world was happening.

One part of the clouds in the center of the sky though, it was actually melting into nothingness.



The sounds of bones breaking, and of vomit echoed out greatly, shockwave after shockwave blew apart the clouds.

Shattering the sky in the process.

Coming up above the destructive looking clouds, we can see the form of Draxen slashing down with his sword, and an orange fiery arc extending from it.

Followed by his voice saying, "Did you forget already, Gorath feeds on emotions, and your just like a free buffet."

And the attack he let out was massive, splitting apart the clouds and even tearing through space of the hell plane itself.

Just showcasing the might of his sword and his own power.

But his opponent was someone who had no limits to his power.

That arc of fire was directed a Wrath, who was currently looking annoyed at this move, he just wanted to know where Cairea, his wife was.

It was kind of weird though, he has never known her like that, and he was calling her his wife, when he was nothing but the avatar of Vhaalku. 

Truly a weird and mind-boggling thing to think.

His mind was trying to make sense of these weird feelings and thoughts, but the green energy around him and filling him with such destructive power was filling his head with nothing but brutalizing Draxen and finding out where Cairea was.

And the green energy was winning by a landslide, Wrath so enraged looked upon the massive arc of fire slamming down upon him.

Then he proceeded to just punch it into oblivion with pure strength.

That is exactly what he did to.

With a sharp swing of his arm, Wrath obliterated that attack from Draxen like it was paper, and he didn't let up either.

The green power on him circled around his arm and shot of like a huge beam of green light tearing through the clouds, and the space itself.


Drraxen still standing like a dolt, was taken by surprised at how fast that punch from Wrath came and he could not defend in time.


The punch from Wrath blew a hole in his chest and he was frozen in the air, in serious pain.

Wrath then proceeded to punch the side of Draxens' ribs, breaking them entirely and making him vomit up large amounts of blood.


 Then Wrath slammed his right foot into the chest of Draxen, making him plummet towards the ground like a meteor.


Draxens body broke the sound barrier crashing down in the air.


Crashing down in a pit of rock, fire, and darkness, his body was crumbled in a wall of black rock.


Gritting his teeth, Draxen forced himself to fall on the ground.


As the cloud of smoke and dust faded from his sight, Draxen began to have thought like, 'I may have fucked up greatly.'


'I should've said something other than that, but it worked wonders.'

Draxen's mind was still reeling from the power of Wrath, hell he felt that his wounds were healing slowly from that green energy Wrath was surrounded in.

As he was thinking to himself, Draxen felt the air get hot, like hotter than normal.


Straining his head up, he slightly shocked to see sight of the Wrath still enshrouded in that green energy already floating directly above him.

It was quite horrifying to say the least.

Two dark green orbs of pure rage stared down at the beaten, battered, and bloody Draxen.

"I will only ask one mor-"

Wrath paused as he felt someone watching him, he turned his head to the left and looked into the air.

There he saw a mystical red small mirror facing him, and from that mirror Wrath felt a gaze watching him.

Wrath still getting increasingly angry, was annoyed of being watched, so he simply flexed his power, and it blew up the mirror.

Once he was done with that, he turned back around to Draxen and said, "Where is my wife."

His firm and serious voice commanded to know.

Draxen was quiet.

Seeing that he was still silent, Wrath thought that Draxen was stalling for time. So, Wrath reached down and grabbed his right leg.



Wrath squeezed it a little, fracturing the bones inside of it. And he growled out as he said, "Where is she!"


Draxen chuckled, and this made Wrath madder, this in turn made the green pulse melting the ground around them, turning it black with green spider web crack in them.

Sensing Wrath anger and practice growing even more, Draxen was about to say something, but he felt a message enter his head.

And smirked right in front of Wrath face like an idiot.

Wrath feeling like this man was playing him for a fool was about to continue breaking the bones one by one in Draxen's body, when all of a sudden, a frivolous, sneaky voice echoed out above them both saying,

"Oi, Oi, Oi, what do you think you're doing with my little bro there."

Wrath taken aback as he felt no energy approaching him, snapped his head up to see the figure of a tall women floating the air looking down at him with a serious face.

She had long and curvy dark purple hair running down her back, pale skin and amethyst eyes shining with a rueful light in them as she look at Wrath.

She wore black leather cloths on her body, and she also practically reeked magic power.

"Draxen, what have you done now, you dolt," She asked tiredly.

Draxen chuckled with his leg still in Wrath's hand, and said, "Well big sis Arien, I felt a really interesting power entering the realm, and decided to check it out...."

"And well you can see how that it is going."

Arien smiled thinking this was just like her brother, and she said," You never think things through do you..."

The siblings went on and on, seemingly forgetting the form of Wrath standing there in-between them.

Wrath just stood there annoyed with this bullshit, and so he simply...



The sound of Draxens right leg snapping half echoed all throughout the area.

And Arien snapped her head in Wrath direction sharply saying, " Oi. what do you think you're doing yo-


Wrath snapped and pillar of that green energy erupted from him in full force, it pierced the sky darkening the natural color if the realm itself.



The ground began shaking like it was about to tear apart, and reality began to turn a bit green, and Wrath was incensed with anger.

Arien and Draxen upon seeing this got serious.

Wrath squeezed Draxens leg harder eliciting a cry of pain from him, then he raised Draxen's large body off the ground.

Wrath then flew up in the air, not that far from Arien.

His green torch like eyes bore into hers as he said, " I grow tired with both of your games."

Then he said, "If he won't tell what I want to know....he rose Draxens body up in the air, "then maybe you will if he was about to be erased from existence!"


The clouds above Wrath crackled with green lighting and the wind blew harder than before, the world around them all began to shake greatly.

He bore into her soul with his sight, show casing he was very and deadly serious.

Arien seeing this got serious and taking care of her brother to priority, so she said, " Well I apologize for the unnecessary trouble."

"Don't hurt my idiot of a brother anymore."

Wrath squinted his eyes as he studied her face for any deceit. Seeing none, he calmed himself down a little.

And the world stopped shaking, but the clouds still blew kind of hard, and the sky calmed a little.

Arien seeing this said, "So, what is it you want to know, stranger."

Wrath only said, "My wife, he said she was here, along with some other things."

Arien was confused until the image of a tall and strong grey women came to mind, widening her eyes open in shock.

She practically screamed out, " You are her husband!"

Wrath hopeful that he finally would get information nodded, "saying yes, I am."

Arien still a little doubtful said, "Then what is her name, tell me that and I will tell you all you need to know."

Wrath although annoyed went along and said, "Caiera, my wife's name is Caiera."

Airen was silent for minute as she looked into his green eyes, seeing a worried gaze she knew and she said, "You're telling the truth."

"Ah shit." She smacked her head and said, "Well before I tell you what happened, can you come down to the ground and let that idiot go."

Wrath although untrusting of her and Draxen, nodded in agreement, as he could feel that she was since in her actions.

Besides if she did try to trick, or run away from him, he didn't mind destroying everything in his path to kill them.

So, he floated down on the ground, and with a little toss he let go of the injured and near death Draxen.


Draxen groaned as he hit the ground hard," Shut up idiot, you're lucky to be alive, Arien said as he landed on the ground.

"Elousss." She spoke as a purple glow covered Draxens entire body, "Sit there and behave will the adults talk."

Arien spoke as walked near Wrath, So, your Caiera's husband, well she did you were strong, but not this strong."

Seeing the annoyed look in his eyes, Arien said" Well what I'm about to say will not be pleasant."

"Just say it," Wrath said fearing the worst already.

Arien nodded and said, "Well, some odd twenty years ago, the sky above split open and an injured grey woman fell out of it and landed near our home."

"We took her in as we were curious to see someone fall out of the sky."

"She was badly injured, but we nursed her back to health, then she woke up. She was confused as to where she was, but I explained to her the new reality that was upon her."

She paused getting her words together.

"Time passed and after she adjusted herself, then she began helping random people who needed it."

"Her power was really something, she could move the very ground like they were her arms, and the gravity obeyed her will.

Wrath smiled as that was something she would do, "But one day, it all went to shit." The solemness of Arien voice made that smile of his turn into a frown.

He looked at her and said, "Tell me everything that happened, and do not skip any details, no matter how small or unimportant it may seem."

She nodded and began saying, "well, it all began the day that IT, arrived here"..... Arien involuntarily shook in fear as she spoke..."I can never forget the feeling of pure chaos and horror that I felt when looking upon it."

She shivered as she remembered that crack in the sky, the large red and orange eye that looked down upon everyone in the Hellplane like they were nothing more than playthings it's view.

"Then a man appeared, an abnormally tall dark-skinned man, he came from that horrid eye that split open the sky." She said looking at the ground.

When she said that, Wrath felt something moving in the wind... no, the shadows themselves, and even the chaos of the Hell Plane.

It was crawling.

He squinted his eyes, and a name randomly just popped up in his head.


As soon as he thought that name, he heard coarse and chaotic laughter in the background of the world.

Wrath felt annoyed hearing that, and he looked at Arien to see if she heard it as well. But it would seem like she didn't.

So, Wrath just pushed that noise and feeling to the back of his head, but it never went away, it just felt like something, or someone was scratching a door in his mind.

Ignoring that, Wrath focused back on Arien talking about Caiera and it would seem like she was getting to the important part.

"Caiera, bless her soul, caught the attention of the realm ruler himself Mathos."

"He tried all manner to whoo her, but nothing he did worked, and this embarrassed him to the entire realm."

"And on one day when Mathos was tired of being rejected, he forced all of us and the realm to watch as he beat Caiera within an inch of her life."

Wrath was oddly quiet as he listened to this.

Arien continued by saying, "I tried to help, but she rejected it...." Arien teared up a little bit.... "Mathos stripped her bare and in front of everyone he carved his name on her stomach."

"But she never gave in to him, and she never uttered a sound, she only had a single tear run down her face."

"When Mathos asked her why she would shed a tear, Caiera only sadly said that her husband would come soon and that he would break this world because of their actions."

Wrath heart ached immensely, she took all of that and could only think and care about the safety of this realm inhabitants.

"Mathos was angry when she brought up you, so he was about to kill her and be done with it." Arein spoke.

"Then the tall dark-skinned man stepped in and then gave him a proposal...." Arien paused like she didn't want to continue.

Wrath looking incensed, said, "Keep going."

Arien looked at him and knew she need to keep going, Wrath eyes were beginning to swirl like tornados.

So, Arien just kept going, "The man told Mathos in front of everyone, that if he would hold Caiera and deliver her soul to him, then he would bestow great power to him...."

"And....." Arien looking distraught paused once again, even Draxen who was listening in looked sad.



Wrath loudly exclaimed, crushing the nearby mountain into dust, and creating a trench in the ground.

Arien flinched from feeling the rageful aura surrounding Wrath like an inferno and she quickly said,

"And he said along with the power, he would destroy all of whom and what Caiera was, then he would deliver her back to Mathos in future so she could be his puppet, and Queen for eternity."

"But the price was your life, Mathos has to kill you and only then will that man return Caeira to him." Arien finished speaking.

Wrath stepped away, he felt that same crawling and laughter come back full throttle in his head.

But he paid no mind to it, and to the surprise of Arien and Draxen the rageful aura surrounding him ceased, and the wind was silent, like it was non-existent.

Wrath with a calm look on his face looked at the both of them and simply said six words, "where is the home of Mathos."

Draxen was quiet as a mouse as he saw a dark swirling storm in Wrath's currently green eyes, Arien was no exception, but she spoke up saying,

"It is in the center of the Hell Plane, a separate dimension hidden from prying eyes."

Inside and floating above an ocean of blood, is Mathros's black castle, and the red walls which are covered in the blood that fills up his blood ocean."

She pointed to the north part of the place that they were all at.

Wrath nodded and was about to leave, but Arien said," It will take you a very long time to reach that place, possibly years."

"It is inside a separate space, surrounded my many layers of protection that even my magic can't breech."

"I can may-"

Arien was silenced by a look from Wrath, he simply said, "Take care of your brother, I would also recommend leaving the Hell Plane entirely to survive."

Then he remembered something, and said, "Also, if you see a large Dragon and a Red headed man, take them with you."

She nodded, and Wrath smiled, but it was not a nice or normal type of smile, it was one devoid of all emotion.


The crawling and laughter echoed in his mind like a bell, almost like it was taunting him at this point.

He ignored it and turned around facing the area Arien pointed out.


Then the same green energy but much brighter rippled out of his body again like water, and he took single step on the ground, a single step.

And like he was the very concept of Speed or beyond it, Wrath erupted off of the ground, destroying the land for miles.


His foot left the ground split open like a gash in a canyon.

Wraths speed even blew Arein and Draxen far back, they even got slightly injured from this.

The entire HellPlane began to shake and quake.

And the wind whistled loudly like a choir, and rain began to fall upon the land, it was like the world could sense Wrath sadness and anger.

But the rage overtook the sadness in him, and the entire Hellplane felt it, so the land rumbled like a great earthquake was about to happen.

Volcanoes all over blew up, shooting lava and great balls of fire on the land, melting all in the way.

The clouds swirled, crackled and darken greatly from the green comet shooting beyond what even the HellPlane could register.

And all that saw his onset fled in amaze, demons, vampires, witches, the dead themselves unfeeling even felt fear.

As they all were thinking that end had come, for a great madness of rage was upon Wrath, so great that his eyes shone like the sun had had exploded.

His body enlarged greatly and the green flame on his skinned treaded behind him in the sky like a painter with a brush, burning the clouds and space into nothingness.

For he knew, that if they had her, then she would be ruined beyond all comprehension. Dark thoughts filled his head of what she could be going through.

Unkown to Wrath but the gray skin on his chest cracked, almost like how you crack a door, but he was too angry to notice what happened.

Wrath was so enraged that he could only let out a roar, a roar so mighty that it broke all logic in the realm.

