
The Elusive Book Keeper

Zane Black, the illegitimate child of an elite family received a diary from his future self. The diary not only detailed his fall into obsession and obscurity, but it also contained a set of requests and regrets. Incidentally, he begins his life as a member of the Gnosis society, the Universe's largest intelligence gathering organisation, gaining an edge that he never had before. But an edge is not the only thing that he would gain, family, friendships and dare he say it... Love. The problem in his otherwise wonderful life ... Keeping his huge secret from his protagonist brother who seemed to have huge secrets of his own and more importantly, his lover whose genius was emphasized in the diary nine times. Zane must learn to be smart, discreet and elusive. After all, the worst fate of a spy is to be caught. Two sticky people, one secret to keep. Dedication: For those who have been waiting for an action/mystery bl with a heavy side of wholesomeness and romance, this one is for you. #Cover to be taken down at owner's request!

Dark_Scholars · LGBT+
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354 Chs

Readying arrows before a hunt

After his call with Emeka, he touched his left ear and the holographic screen in front of him disappeared. He leaned back and sighed, before taking out a snack bar made with oats and dried fruits.

"I am too young for this, I am even stress eating now."

System 340901 had been watching silently so it asked, "What is the Host planning to do?"

Zane sat up, his eyes suddenly unyielding as he raised his hands to the heavens, "I have no mother or father, I have just my faith and I never bend my knees. My back would forever remain straight and even the Heavens and the gods are incapable of making me submit. If I die, so be it, I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees." The shuttle remained silent after his impressive declaration and he slumped back on his seat, snacking on the bar, "Just how boring is your life system. Azias, Kingdom Season 1 episode 5. You should download it, I feel like we do not speak the same language at times."