
The Elements.

ExtendedLaw · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs



Destruction as far as the eye can see. Laying in a pool of blood was a kid no older than seven. His clothes tattered, his skin dirty and his vision blurred.


The boy mumbled as he tried standing, only to find himself trapped underneath something.


He thought to himself as he kept struggling. The more the tried to free himself from whatever was trapping him, the harder it became to move. His body was numb and aching in pain from the attack that just transpired.

'What exactly…?'

He flashed back to before the attack. He was peaceful enjoying his morning breakfast with his family when suddenly….BOOM!

Before the sound could even be processed, he found himself waking up here, wherever he was.

'Could it be…?'

Just as he was thinking this, he suddenly heard multiple footsteps coming towards his direction as well as the roars from elemental dragons.

"One Non-Elementalist. Three dead Elementalist, sir!"

Someone shouted aloud. Hearing this, the boys eyes bucked. He knew that he wasn't an Elementalist, a person who couldn't use one of the four main elements nor the unique ones. When he heard that three of them were dead, tears ran down his face slowly as began tearing up.

His mother, a Water Elementalist, his father, an Earth Elementalist, and his older sister, a Plant Elementalist, were dead and he knew.

"If the boys alive then capture him. We can use him as a Prisoner Of War…"

The soildiers all said "Sir!" in unison and began searching, knowing that it'd take a while since regular people with no element are harder to track than people who have one.

The boy recognized the voice and gave a long and depressing sigh. He knew of the man speaking. His tone of voice, his words and dialogue, were all the characteristics of one person.

"The Corrupt General…" The boy said is a whisper.

As if the title summoned him, the General turned his head towards the boy who couldn't see from his angle. In thought not realizing that the General was now standing over him, the boy kept thinking to himself before he slowly felt the pressure come up from off his back.

The boy slowly looked up at the man who smiled back down at him.

"Found ya."

He said with the most vile smile he could muster. The boy freaked and tried moving, but couldn't as he had no strength.

"So you lived,….but they didn't? That's the problem with this world. The strong dying off and the weak forging ahead.

The General grabbed the boy by his neck, raised him to eye level and slowly began strangling him. The boy couldn't do anything to this 6'4 monster that reigned supreme over everyone.

The Corrupt General:

Element- Corruption.

Control- Intermediate Mid.


His eyes glowed a starry purple as he stared into the eyes of the boy. They boy stared back as snot and tears all came out at once.

"I see that you're…confused and scared…" He spoke in a quiet and mysterious tone.

"Wondering why this had to happen to you. Well, don't worry, okay? I'll take you as my prisoner and turn you into a Absolute Soldier, even if you are a Non Elementalist."

If the boy could talk, he still wouldn't as even the slightest aggression towards the Courrupt General would get him killed, no questions asked.

"It's a shame though, seeing people like you in this silly state. Your continent produces the strongest Elementalist and yet, you exist somehow."

He looked around and so did the boy. The once blue skies were grey and the beautiful town he grew up in and loved had no longer existed. He could see one of the Generals soilder killing off the last of what the boy thought to be his people.

"The reason for all of this,…well, I'm sure you already know. It's because well, it's…absolutely fun! Seeing all the death and destruction makes me feel a certain kind of way! I feel my power increasing by the second whenever I see the corrupt and confused looks of people!"

What he said about his power increasing was true. If you aren't born with an element, you can gain one through one way and one way only.


If you go through enough of it then you can awaken as an Elementalist, gaining an element based on the traumatic experience.

The General did things like stealing and blackmailing from a young age becuase he wasn't born with an element, taking the rage out in others. Being seen as a disappointment made him commit even more crimes which in the end, corrupted him and gave him an element.

"Oh well. It's not like your going to remember this anyways…"

The Corrupt General said before his eyes glowed brighter. The boys eyes closed shut as he began remembering his past with his family. He had a beautiful and loving mother who was overprotective of him. He had a father who showed him the rights and wrongs of life. And then his older sister, who showed him how to care for those around him.


The boy slowly muttered as he opened his eyes.

"Why did this have to happen..?!"

Oddly enough, the boy felt a strange surge of power which wasn't familiar in the least. He grabbed the Corrupts General arm and squeezed. The General hastily dropped him and stepped back as the boy fell to his knees, only to slowly rise like a zombie of some sort.

"Woah, I thought you bastards said he was a Non Elementalist! How the hell did he…?"

The General looked over his shoulder only to see that all one hundred of his men, including their elemental dragons, were gone without a trace. The General stood frozen for a split second before covering his body in a purple aura.

The boy was thrown back magically as blue lightning then came down from the grey clouds. It striked the aura barrier made by the General but like a hot knife going through butter, it easily penetrated the barrier, killing the General instantly.

Almost as if they were descending from the heavens itself, three dragons came down from the clouds with people on them. One dragon had blue scales with lightning enchanting it. Another dragon was made from wood seemingly and the last one had scales that were shifting around.

"We were too late."

"That's it though. You killed the last man who stood against the alliance between the nations."

"Yeah! And boy was it awesome! Can I get your autograph?!"

The three communicated with each other as they descended from the sky. Just before they touched down on the ground, the dragons disappeared into particles of light.

"We were only able to save one. This mission was ultimately a failure…"

They walked up the the boy who they had gave the strength to escape for the time being. He was unconscious on the ground as the three people squatted over him.

"Non Elementalist. And he's the lone survivor?Fascinating."

"Wow, he's a little guy. His fight is insane though."

"What are we going to with him?"

They all stared at the kid as they thought about what to do with him.

"We'll….just leave that up to him…"

The three nodded as they started touching on their watch. One of them then picked up the boy which cued them all to press a button on their watch simultaneously.

A dark blue portal opened behind them in which they all walked through, reinforcements arriving as soon as they did.
