
The Elemental Sword

As he was exploring some underground ruins our protagonist finds himself in a live-threatening situation, as he somehow manages to make it out alive. For this troubles he is rewarded a strange blade which links itself to his body. With his newly acquired item he decides to investigate similar ruins and sets out on this new mission.

Filipe · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Wolf II

Aster raised himself sword in hand as blood was dripping from his wounds. His face was cold like his mind. In from of him with a threatening expression was one of the reasons he was bleeding right now.

"What's with the gloomy expression. Its like I just killed your family or something... actually I probably did, didn't I ?" Aster said as he looked to the side.

One headless wolf could be seen and the other had the top half of its head missing, the scene was pretty unsettling to look at.

As if he understood the Wolf clenched its teeth as the Wind aura around it became more violent and savage.

"Now that is just cute."

'Now how exactly am I gonna get out of this situation?'

Before Aster could give that question much thought the aura around the wolf started changing as multiple wind blades flew straight at him.

Aster moved to the side as the wolf followed swiftly striking him with its paw.

He moved too fast for Aster to dodge, so he raised his sword and tried his best to soften the impact.

The strike however still sent him rolling to the side as he got up and readied his sword just in time to stop the wolfs claws from cutting his throat open.

"About three times faster than me hu? Wind Essence is a Bitch! But compared to him your moves are just plain sloppy."

Aster then poured energy into his sword as he sliced the wolfs paw downwards and then tried to slice at the wolfs head. Blood started to gush out and the wolf flinched, but he managed to back away before Aster's strike landed.

"Not that deep, but I'm surprised I managed to draw out blood from that."

He then moved his attention towards the blade.

'My aura is surrounding the blade so well it is as if I was surrounding a part of my body, its almost as if the sword is an extension of my arm. Not only that but it is molding the energy I'm pouring at it naturally. I'm still concentrating and changing the energy myself but, it is as if the sword itself is acting like a catalyst.'

Without a second thought Aster starts to change the flow of energy on the sword according to the guidelines the sword is giving him.

"Now that is an improvement." He said as he glared at the Wolf in front of him.

"Let's just hope this it is enough to cut through that thought skull of his."

The Wolf still enveloped in Wind Essence dashes towards Aster, yet he sidesteps the attack and slices at its back, the attack only manages to scratch pass it as the wolf hops out of the way and strikes at Aster at the same time cutting his torso on the side.

"That speed is really pissing me off."

Similar clashes occur for about two minutes as neither of them manage to land any critical hits. Aster however is being hit less and less as they clash, managing to leave unhurt on the last few trades.

"I'm getting used to the pacing but at this rate I'm gonna either bleed out or run out of energy before I manage to kill it. This Sword is cutting trough that bastard like butter but it is also really thirsty for energy, specially the way it is making me concentrate it and mold it around the blade."

He looks around for a few seconds at the scenery.

"I guess I need to switch strategies."

He then moves behind a tree.

The wolf cautiously stays in place as he sends Wind blades towards it again, and again, and again, until the tree falls in pieces, reveling nothing behind it.

The Wolf clenches its teeth as he starts to dash in the direction of the Human's smell.

Aster was of course running for this life as he kept this energy sense sharp to pinpoint the location of the wolf charging behind him.

The Wolf kept gaining speed as the gap between the two was shortening every second.

"Not yet..."

Aster said as he kept running as fast as possible while the wolf started to launch wind blades at him.

Having to dodge while running made Aster stumble a bit as the distance started to decrease at a faster pace.

20 meters

"A bit more... *gasp* "

15 meters

"Just a bit fucking more..."

10 meters


He then rushes at the direction of a tree but instead of crashing he starts to run it upwards doing a back flip while doing so. The wolf crashes head first into it as he had just pounced at Aster.

While in the air he then holds his sword with both his hands and swings it at the Wolfs backbone making blood gush out towards him. The wolf screams in pain as his back is being sliced open.

Aster lands to the side of the wolf and immediately raises this sword as he slices downwards at the wolfs neck.

The Wolf twists his head and tries to bite the sword in a desperate move to stop the blade.

The blade connects with the wolfs teeth as it stops in the Wolfs jaw. Some of the Wolfs teeth start to breaks do the strength behind the byte. Aster opens his eyes in shock as he did not expect the Beast to be able to react in time or even stop the blade.

The Wolf swings his head and tosses the sword to the side. The Wolf then pounces at Aster with his last bit of strength as he bites him on his right shoulder. Blood quickly sprays out of the wound and Aster drops his sword due to the shock in its body.

The Wolf bites deeper and starts to push Aster towards the ground. The sword starts to fall yet before it even managed to reach the ground it had already vanished.

As he was falling on his back with the wolf still biting its right shoulder Aster stretched his left arm outwards and in a moment the Sword appeared in his hand the tip pointing at the Wolfs head.

He poured all his energy into the blade and made sure the flow of aura was as sharp and as well-defined as possible leaving only his remaining aura on his shoulder, so he wouldn't simply get completely crushed. He then twisted his waist as much as he could and sent the blade straight at the wolfs head.

The Sword pieced right trough its brain killing it on the spot as both of them fell on the ground.

Aster then removed the wolfs jaw from his shoulder.

His mind calmed down and his expression returned to normal along with an unbearable amount of pain as he crawled from under the now dead wolf.

Still on the ground he locked at the wolfs head. The sword pieced it and you could see it from inside the wolfs mouth as the blade went all the way trough and was even lodged in the ground making the head stop a few centimeters above it.

The sight disgusted Aster and moments later the sword vanished making the head hit the ground. He was doing this best not to look at it.

"Me and my unmatched luck. A couple wolfs he said *cough* *cough* its easy money he said *cough*. Well I have to tell him he forgot to mention the Elemental Wolf who was travelling with them." He commented to himself while coughing up some blood.

"Well I guess there was no way he could *cough* have known but still."

"Guess I should make my way to the backpack I will either pass out do to the pain or blood loss at his rate."

Aster then made his way to the previous area as he treated his wounds to the best of his abilities and resources and drank some painkiller medicine, so he wouldn't pass out.

"I have to give it to Luka *gasp*. If I manage to not collapse trough this *gasp* it is probably do to the extra credits he gave me."

He then raised himself and tried his best to maintain a flow of aura running trough his body. He looked at the two wolf corpses as he bowed and made his way towards the other one.

"I can't exactly carry those two back and I don't think I have enough time to bury them and leave before it gets dark. It's a shame but I guess I will just let the other animals or a hunter take care of the corpses for me."

He then reached the Elemental Beast at a slightly better shape compared to the last time he was there.

"Ok then... quick question. How exactly am I gonna bring you to the city?

Thanks for Reading.

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