
The Elemental Sword

As he was exploring some underground ruins our protagonist finds himself in a live-threatening situation, as he somehow manages to make it out alive. For this troubles he is rewarded a strange blade which links itself to his body. With his newly acquired item he decides to investigate similar ruins and sets out on this new mission.

Filipe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

The Wolf I

It was early in the afternoon as a lone individual in this early 19s was walking in a forest. The young man was wearing a generic hunter's cloths with a backpack on his back. Yet no weapon on his person. He had a slim physic but well-defined muscles from climbing and moving around and usually carrying his whole life on his back. He had black short hair and had been for the past 5 years doing nothing but explore the most unheard-of ruins and temples all around the World.

His name was Aster.


"This looks like a good place to stop." He said while dropping his backpack near a nearby tree.

"Ok so... where do I start? Ho right!"

He then focused on his hand as the sword appeared.

He moved to a nearby tree and swigged the sword at it. The blade stopped about halfway trough the tree trunk. He then removed the sword and inspected it.

"No dents on the blade and the cut was clean. I just didn't have enough strength to slice trough it."

He then closed his eyes and soon after the blade vanished.

"I really can't tell if the sword is summoned or not unless I am looking at it. Well I guess its just a matter of getting used to it. Now..."

He then pointed his arm forward and focused on the blade while the tree was ahead of him.

His arm started to shake, and he began to push himself forward but in the end the blade didn't appear.

"Well guess that is a no, I'm kind of relieved, means I won't stab things or people at random, kind of felt like I was trying to push a wall with my arm. Well I guess it's time for the big experimen...t."

He stopped himself and started to climb a nearby tree, he quickly closed his eyes and focused on his surroundings. Soon howling could be heard as a couple wolfs appeared below and started to sniff the air around.

'Well I was planning on hunting a couple of these fellows anyway but I kind of hopped they would be kind enough to let me ready myself first.'




Earlier that day Aster bought the equipment he is currently carrying and using the poor man's painkiller "bought" some information about the recent wolfs who were being a pain for the nearby travelers from a middle-aged hunter.

Needless to say he thought it was the perfect way to both test his new sword and get some pocket change.

Well... thought.

The two wolfs were now on the area below him and started to sniff the surrounding air.

'I could easily take care of them since they don't seem like they posses any elemental energy, but still I'm not sure on what would happen if I shroud the sword in my aura. Guess I will try to just use the blade alone.'

The wolfs then made their way to his backpack which was on the base of a nearby tree and after smelling it for a few seconds, turned their heads towards where Aster was.

"Guess there is no point in hiding then."

The wolfs rushed towards the base of the tree, but slightly before they hit it Aster had already summoned his sword and jumped down slashing towards the neck of one of the wolfs.

The wolf managed to move to the side making the blade cut its shoulder instead.


The wolf roared in pain and both of them stepped back from the now armed individual.

"That wasn't deep at all, they have a decent amount of aura flowing on them."

The wolfs glared at Aster intently as they showed their teeth in an attempt to intimidate him. Aster readied himself and started to flow energy trough his body as well. The energy however was also passively flowing towards the sword, yet he didn't have time to realize it has suddenly the unhurt wolf jumped towards him aiming for Aster's neck with his teeth.

"Slightly slower than me then."

Aster managed to dodge to side but the wolf immediately followed up with an attack using his claws.

"A bit predictable don't you think"

Aster however quickly intercepted the attack with his blade.


For both the wolf's and Aster's surprise the blade completely severed the wolfs leg sending it fly away, however in his moment of distraction the second wolf had also launched himself towards Aster's head. He instinctively raised his arm as the wolf's jaw pierced his flesh and stopped only at the bone.

Aster screamed in pain as he slashed the sword towards the beast which just attacked him. The wolf however let go of the arm and the sword simply sliced trough the air.

"That is going to leave a mark... *gasp* *gasp* "

He locked to the two wolfs, one of him was now limping do to the missing leg while the other was heavily bleeding and had his movements slightly sluggish as well.

Aster also noticed that he had surrounded the sword with aura as well, but he pushed that thought to the back of his mind.

"Guess it's my turn to attack then." He then pushed his energy towards his legs as well as actively enveloping the Sword in aura as he rushed towards the wolf with the missing leg.

The wolf couldn't dodge, so instead he took the attack head on as then tried to bite the sword, however, as soon as the sword connected...


The top half of the wolfs head was cut clean as blood splashed all over Aster and the area around it. The remaining wolf whom was about to attack simply froze in place after the event.

The wolf then roared as loud as he could, making Aster flinch in response as he covered his ears due to the loud sound, the wolf wasn't running away or fighting he was simply standing still and roaring as loud as he could.

As a hint of realization suddenly appeared on Aster's face as he ignored the pain and dashed towards the remaining wolf and with a swift downwards strike he beheaded it.

The wolfs head rolled on the ground as its lifeless body fell in place.

"That can't be good. I better get out of here before more of them show up."

He then made his sword vanish has he held his injured arm and made his way to his backpack.

He quickly disinfected the wound and warped his arm in a bandage.

Before he could take a breather however he felt a chill run down his spine as he once again summoned his sword.

He had barely enough time to turn his head around as a wind blade suddenly flew right at him he quickly moved his head to the side as the wind blade slashed right where his head used to be. The wind cut the side of his face and leaving a 10 cm (4in) deep cut on one of the trees behind him.

He started to pump his body with all the energy he could muster as well as his blade.

When Aster's eyes moved from the cut on the tree all he managed to process was the claw moving at ridiculous speeds towards his chest.

Luckily he had already started to swing his sword before his eyes had a chance to look at the attacker so the blade connects with the beast's claw.

However, the momentum was too high, so even after managing to block the attack Aster was dragged for 10 meters (33ft) before he hit a tree and the claw pierces his chest as he musters all his strength and most energy to make sure the claw doesn't reach his vital organs.

He screams in pain as he looks forward and is met with the piercing gaze of a wolf.

This beast was about 5 meters long with light brown fur, its mouth was open as saliva was dripping out of it, its eyes were dead set upon Aster's and a menacing wind aura was enveloping it.

The pressure on the wolfs claw was enough to prevent Aster from reaching the ground as his feet were dangling while his back was being pushed to the tree.

The pressure is slightly relieved as the wolf moves back slightly before launching its jaw at Aster's head.

Using this chance Aster moves all remaining energy to his free fist and launches it straight at the wolfs incoming head.

The wolf barely flinches but the punch makes Aster launch to the side as he slides and then rolls on the ground.

The wolf's head lands on the tree which he quickly removes its jaw from along with a huge piece of wood. Because of that the tree falls to the side. Aster raises himself blood dripping from his chest and bandaged arm.

He raises his body with a cold expression, and piercing eyes as he gazes at the Monster.

His heartbeat and breathing calms down, as he lets his instincts take over.

Thanks for Reading.

I think the fight was pretty cool so far but hey.

If you have any suggestions or opinions fell free to comment. Feedback Is always appreciated.

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