
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 52 - Azurion's Warning

"However, this time you will only receive the Dragon's heart. I've scattered the various parts across various locations. Given the number of body parts mentioned, you can imagine how many parts there are to my legacy," Azurion said with a hearty laugh.

At the same time, Elion quietly pondered the time it would take to gather all the bones.

"But, since I still have a connection to the body parts, I must share some unfortunate news. Over half have already been found by various Elementalists who succeeded in locating them. They are sovereigns of their planets, with levels higher than Solara." Azurion smiled, knowing this would present Elion with more challenges and opportunities for growth.

"Whoa... My real mission is quite something. It's totally different from what Solandar told me," Elion chuckled.

"Speaking of Solandar, I advise you to be wary of information from anyone other than us," Azurion warned.

"What do you mean? Isn't Solandar hailed as Solara's hero?"

"Hero? Perhaps in your eyes. But remember, he's still human, Elion. A human with emotions and vulnerabilities. I'm not saying Solandar isn't noble, but as the heir of the Elemental Nexus, you shouldn't overly depend on others. I worry the same fate that befell Nexus might recur."

"But… Didn't the Elemental Nexus guide the Elemental Guardians and bestow Phoenix's power upon Solandar?" Elion asked, seeking some clarity.

"Reflect on the time Nexus passed away. When was the Elemental Guardians established, and when did Solandar receive the Phoenix's power?" Azurion prompted Elion to think deeper.

After reflection, Elion realized, "So, it wasn't the Elemental Nexus, but a spirit like you are now?"

"Exactly, Elion," Azurion affirmed with a nod.

"Nexus had a deep affection for Solara. He split his spirit into several parts to adapt to the changing situations in Solara. The Elemental Guardians received only a fraction of Nexus's legacy. What Solandar received was the second-greatest legacy left by Nexus. All of this was done in preparation for the true heir's arrival, you, Elion," Azurion explained.

Elion nodded, absorbing the information. This time, he felt he truly grasped what was happening. Yet, some confusion lingered about the inheritance said to have come from the Phoenix Orb, particularly concerning the Fire Elemental Guardian.

"Azurion, I have some questions," Elion finally said.

Azurion looked at Elion, his gaze encouraging him to speak. 

Elion continued, "Am I not the next successor of the Fire Elemental Guardian?"

Azurion couldn't help but laugh at the question: "Elion, what you've received is much more potent and significant than the power of the Fire Elemental Guardian."

"Does that mean Solandar didn't pass that power onto me?"

"No, he doesn't possess the authority to do so."

"And what about the power of the Phoenix he inherited earlier?"

"He only holds a small fraction of the Phoenix's power. Let me put it this way: This power of the Phoenix is extraordinary. It's such that no matter how many inherit it, its essence never diminishes. However, Solandar has maximized what little of this power he has. Should you two face off now, you'd be easily outmatched."

"I had figured that much. That's why I was hoping Solandar would return to aid Solara." Elion's voice carried a hint of disappointment.

Sensing Elion's disheartened mood, Azurion added, "Yet, you possess the potential to not only match but vastly surpass Solandar's power. But..."

"But what, Azurion?"

"The issue is that if Solandar leaves the Spirit World, he would instantly become a prime target for other races looking to exploit him. I fear that if he manages to reclaim the Fire Elemental Scroll, even with just a sliver of Phoenix power and his millennia of experience in the Spirit World, he will pose a formidable threat in Solara, Elion, especially if he receives power from these other races."

"Hold on. Why do you say that? Isn't Solandar prepared to lay down his life for Solara?" Elion's tone shifted, showing dissatisfaction with Azurion's perspective as if Azurion was casting Solandar in a villainous light.

"I hope there's no misunderstanding, Elion. Drawing from my life's tapestry of encounters and battles with other races, I'm merely theorizing. Demons, especially, are capable of unimaginable acts, Elion," Azurion responded.

Elion sat silently, thinking about his year with Solandar and Tigas. Reflecting on his experiences, he was convinced that Solandar would continue to be seen as a hero by Solara. "I understand. I appreciate the warning and advice. But I'm confident Solandar will remain the person he was before," he said.

Azurion didn't respond immediately. Instead, he observed Elion intently. He is similar to you, Nexus. I hope this time turns out better than what happened to you. It's time we end the chaos caused by demons, Azurion thought.

Breaking the silence, Elion inquired, "What about the inheritance of Behemoth and Leviathan?"

Azurion's expression turned indifferent. "That... I was planning to tell you, but I'll leave it as a surprise. You'll find out everything on your journey to gather all the dragon parts I'll bequeath to you, including the inheritance from the Elemental Nexus."

"Now, calm yourself. I'll give you the Dragon's Heart, details about the locations of the other bones, and a few additional gifts."

Elion raised his hand, signaling for a pause. "Hold on. I have a few more questions. Who is Rakus, and why is he here?"

"Oh, Rakus is among the six Demon Commanders subdued by the Phoenix fire wielded by Solandar. The Phoenix's power has sealed them and their abilities to a great extent, and they will pose a challenge for you at certain inheritance sites later on. This is to prepare you before you encounter demons as formidable as Azroth. Azroth may still be weaker than others, but for now, that's enough," Azurion explained nonchalantly.

Without further ado, Azurion transformed into a radiant light that darted into Elion's forehead and heart. A bright, white light then shone from Elion's eyes.

"Brace yourself, Elion. You're about to receive the Dragon's Heart—the first part of my legacy. This process will be challenging, and you'll endure pain unlike any you've felt before. My advice is to hold onto what you value most; it will keep you from giving up. If you lose consciousness, the process will fail," Azurion's voice resonated within Elion's mind.

"What do I value the most now?"

Before he could even prepare, Azurion started the process. As Azurion had warned, Elion began to scream in agony. His body flushed red, and he could feel his heart undergoing a transformation, pumping his Phoenix blood more vigorously. His veins turned a visible black, with noticeable movement within them.

Determined not to lose consciousness, Elion focused on the most important people: his family—Dad, Mom, and Alexa. He was driven to achieve more and uncover the truth behind his parents' fate.

His thoughts then drifted to his friends from the Waste District and the ones he just met. Failure was not an option; the consequences for them if demons were to appear were unthinkable.

He knew he needed to become as strong as possible, as quickly as possible, to protect them and everyone else he had come to care about in the streets.

Their smiles, their kindness—it all could be destroyed by demons. Strengthened by this resolve, he was determined to embark on his true mission immediately: to become the next heir to the Elemental Nexus!


Ancient City of Lumera

11th Aquember, Year 10840

"Where's Elion? Have you seen him?" Camille inquired immediately upon her return to their spacious lodging. The place was akin to an upscale apartment, boasting a generous living room, a kitchen, and seven bedrooms—ample space for their group.

At that time, Rowan, Andre, and Lisandra were conversing, awaiting Camille and Elion's return. Andre, puzzled, responded, "Huh? I thought he was with you."

Camille shook her head, clarifying, "No, I had to meet with a family representative. Elion didn't mention where he was going, and I can't reach him on his Globecomm either."

Lisandra, ever the optimist, chuckled, "I wouldn't worry too much. Knowing Elion, he's probably in the nearby forest, training. He's always so determined to get stronger."

Rowan expressed concern, "But, it's unusual not to have network coverage in the forest nearby," signaling a deeper worry. Rising to his feet, he gestured, and his Dragon Sword—a broadsword—flew to his hand. "Let's not waste any time. I'll help you look for Elion."

Andre, eager for some action, exclaimed, "Count me in! I've had enough of sitting around today."

"I'm with you guys," Lisandra added as she stood, ready to depart. "Do you guys know which gate Elion used?"

After a moment, Camille suggested, "Let's start with gate D. It's closest to us. That might give us a clue."

The atmosphere in the city around noon was vibrant, buzzing with a mix of visitors and locals engaging in various activities. Entering and exiting the city was a breeze; a modest fee of two gold coins granted a fifteen-day stay, with the option to extend by paying the same amount.

As the group stepped out a bit far from the gate, using her elemental sense, Camille scoured the area for Elemental Beasts that matched Elion's current level and Elemental Might strength.

The others did likewise. At their Elemental General level, their senses could span a radius of five hundred meters.

Yet, there were those among them, like Camille, whose prowess allowed them to perceive much further, covering up to two kilometers.