
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 51 - The True Legacies

Elion noticed a similarity in attitude between Azurion and Tigas, Solandar's companion in the Spirit World.

Although Tigas sometimes came across as arrogant and insensitive—a trait seemingly common among Elemental Beasts—Azurion seemed different at that moment.

"Our story begins in an era before the Universe blessed every being with elemental affinity. Before this, distinctions were made based on each species' physical prowess, Martial Arts, Combat Arts, and unique abilities. Humans in Solara were formidable, holding a unique position in this Helios Galaxy, largely thanks to Nexus, one of the most influential figures in Solara and the galaxy," Azurion started.

"Nexus's real name is a secret for now. You'll learn it in due time," Azurion teased, reminding Elion of Solandar's fondness for mysteries.

"Nexus was a prodigy born in Solara a hundred million years ago. He was celebrated for developing countless Combat Arts, Array and Formation Arts, Body Tempering Techniques, and more, catering to all of Solara's inhabitants. With no one considered weak, Solara's might surged until the Universe granted elemental affinity to all beings," Azurion continued, his voice taking on a more somber tone, hinting at deeper emotions stirring within him.

"The newfound elemental powers led the people of Solara into complacency. They believed these powers surpassed Nexus's teachings, gradually neglecting his guidance. This reliance on elemental abilities weakened their physical strength as well as their overall prowess. This led to Nexus's enemies and those against Solara to seize the chance to attack Solara."

Elion grasped the depth of what Azurion was sharing. Elion has immersed in the study of the Phoenix Sutra alongside the rigorous body tempering techniques from the Ancient Combat Arts, as imparted by Solandar.

This dedicated training already placed him a step ahead of other Elementalists who chose to focus solely on elemental powers.

Azurion revealed, "This is why, ten million years ago, Solara became the epicenter of a colossal confrontation involving all the major races in the galaxy - Demons, Fairies, Titans, Humans, Celestials, Beasts, and the Undead.

Each race had a natural affinity with certain elements, granting them powers beyond the ordinary, surpassing most humans of their era."

Absorbing this new knowledge, Elion remarked, "The war amongst these seven major races unfolded in Solara... No wonder it led to the downfall of many empires."

Azurion nodded in agreement, "Exactly. However, Nexus stood as a beacon of strength during this tumultuous time. He safeguarded the inhabitants of Solara by redirecting the majority of these clashes between the races' elites into an alternate dimension, which is...here."

This revelation helped Elion piece together the historical significance of the graves they encountered.

Azurion continued, "Back then, we beasts aligned ourselves with Nexus and the humans. The other races viewed Nexus and us as formidable enemies, as our collective strength posed the greatest challenge. Particularly for the demons, who were the architects of the war, given their ability to manipulate the hearts and minds unlike any other."

Elion, feeling the weight of this history, clenched his fist tightly. The demons, relentless as ever, continued to sow discord across the Universe.

Solara was no exception, with a looming threat of their return in less than five years. Compared to the formidable races Azurion described, Elion felt his current strength needed to be improved.

Sensing Elion's concern, Azurion teased, "Heh! Are you worried you're not strong enough to confront them, Elion?"

In response, Elion could only offer a weak nod, to which Azurion advised, "Remember, Elion. Nexus, too, began as an ordinary human and gradually ascended to unparalleled power. It's a journey, not a sprint."

"That's precisely why I'm worried, Azurion. Unlike the Elemental Nexus, I don't have the luxury of time. The demons are poised to return in just a few years," Elion replied, his voice tinged with concern.

"What are you worried about? The ones you are about to face are just demons from Level Two Planet. Plus, you're not starting from scratch this time. You just need to follow the path Nexus took but with legacies already in your possession. You're not alone in this, Elion," Azurion emphasized, pausing briefly before continuing. 

"Let me continue our tale. It's far from over," Azurion chuckled, "Our alliance with Nexus granted humans a newfound advantage: an affinity with Elemental Beasts."

Then, Elion realized why he and his companions could establish such a connection with the Elemental Beasts. It was all due to the war.

"Consider this: how would the two races fend off assaults from the other races? Nexus, despite his might, couldn't shield everyone under his wing. He had to distribute his power, aiding others, which inevitably weakened him," Azurion explained.

"And... we've been betrayed by those closest to Nexus and to us. Those traitors now lead our races, Elion," Azurion revealed, his voice tinged with restrained anger.

"This betrayal opened up a chance for others to strike Nexus, dealing him grievous wounds. Nexus' lifespan then dwindled to less than a thousand years. In the aftermath, Nexus, along with myself and a few other loyal Beast Gods and followers, were forced to seek refuge across various planets for over a millennium. Meanwhile, our enemies claimed everything in Solara, leaving it as the Fallen Planet. Fortunately, the Universe intervened, sparing the lives of Solara's inhabitants and compelling the enemies to retreat to their homeworld," Azurion recounted.

"However, Solara has forever changed. The challenges you guys face in rising anew are daunting, and your planet's overall strength is not what it once was. It's a regrettable turn of events," Azurion admitted, his disappointment palpable.

"Over the millennia, we left legacies scattered across different planets. Our aim was to safeguard our legacies from falling entirely into enemy hands. Nexus's final request was for us to place our first legacies in Solara before our departure. All the legacies in Solara would be your starting points. Now, Elion, reclaiming the full legacy falls to you."

Elion paused momentarily before asking for clarification, "If I understand your story correctly, then I am not only the successor of the Phoenix, am I?"

Azurion smiled for the first time during their exchange and nodded in confirmation. "You are the heir to the Elemental Nexus, Elion…and the Beast Gods who accompany him," he paused before continuing, "namely, the Dragon, Phoenix, Behemoth, and Leviathan."

Elion, overwhelmed, murmured, "So many..."

Azurion let out a hearty laugh. "What? You think becoming strong enough to take on demons and other races is easy?"

Elion couldn't help but smile. Azurion's words held a profound truth. The dangers within Solara alone presented a significant challenge, not to mention the daunting task of facing demons.

However, Elion remained undeterred, fueled by the belief that if this was his destiny, he was fully prepared to embrace it.

He was ready!

Azurion locked eyes with Elion and said, "Don't worry, Elion. All the God Beasts I mentioned earlier are on your side and committed to aiding the heir of the Nexus. Our struggle is ongoing, and now you'll carry it forward."

"Oh. Our faithful followers have done the same, haven't they?" Azurion inquired.

"Are you talking about the connection with the Mutant Elemental Beasts formed by my friends?" Elion asked, seeking clarification.

Azurion nodded. "Yes. Some of our followers have lived on serving the Elementalists of the past generations. These Elementalists, in turn, chose to pass their legacy onto the comrades of the Elemental Nexus's heir, wishing to continue their service."

Elion's understanding deepened as he grasped more of what was happening and why. It seemed likely that, following this pattern, he would discover several Original Orbs alongside the first parts of all legacies bequeathed by the Beast Gods mentioned.

"But, as you mentioned, you scattered your legacy across planets. Does that mean..."

"Do you need to traverse planets? Absolutely!" Azurion responded, his laughter echoing through the dimension they occupied.

"There's a reason we scattered it, Elion. You'll understand in time. To help you on your mission, I'll outline what you'll receive from us," Azurion continued, capturing Elion's full attention.

Elion listened more intently now, resolved not to interrupt until Azurion had finished.

"The first legacy you'll receive—or have already received—is the first part of the Phoenix's legacy. Yours is distinct from Solandar's. You are endowed with the golden aura, which is the demon's nemesis, the Phoenix's fires, and the Phoenix's Sutra. The power of the Phoenix has also transformed your blood, giving you Phoenix blood that can heal and enhance every part of you from within. Solandar received only the Phoenix's fire and the sutra. You'll find the next parts of the Phoenix's legacy when the time is right. Don't worry; what's to come will undoubtedly lead you to the other legacies we've left behind and…the first part of the Phoenix's legacy prepares you for the first part of mine—the Dragon's legacy," 

Elion swallowed nervously. His adventure in Solara was just beginning, and now Azurion was unveiling the true quest he was about to embark on. Elion knew his journey would be more extended, arduous, and challenging than initially thought.

"I'll entrust the first part of my legacy to you shortly, Elion. My legacy comprises my body parts, divided into seven parts: the head, abdomen, left hand, right hand, left leg, right leg, and the Dragon's heart. Before you can assimilate my body parts into your body, you must first strengthen yourself. That's why you received the Phoenix blood," Azurion elaborated.