
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 50 - Dragon God Azurion

Suddenly, Rakus lunged towards Elion without any warning. His right hand grew larger than usual, and the claws on his hand became larger and sharper. It was also empowered by a suffocating dark aura.

Elion assumed a defensive stance and welcomed Rakus' attack. He felt that this was a test for him as the successor of the Phoenix. Opportunities to face demons were rare, so he wanted to make the most of this chance to familiarize himself.

Rakus' hand struck Elion's left hand, which he used to fend off the attack. There was a loud thud, but Elion stood his ground. Rakus' face showed panic as he saw Elion fending off his attack without any issues. "What?!"

Elion didn't rely on his golden aura or elemental powers in their fight. He had seen Rakus' aura earlier and believed that his physical strength was enough to match his opponent's. As it turned out, his confidence was well-placed. The body tempering technique he practiced, indeed, was remarkable. But, he still did not know the name of this technique. It must not be something that originated from Solara.

Elion's defensive and physical strength was now equivalent to that of Elementalists, two ranks higher than him, at Level 40 Elemental General. However, after being enhanced by Elemental Might, his combat prowess and destructive power were only comparable to Level 30 Elemental Knight.

"Surprised?" Elion taunted as Rakus struggled to understand what had just happened.

He was confident he would never be defeated by anyone below Level 40, which made him confident that he could defend himself well in any battle. Nevertheless, he knew his chances of winning a fight were only good against opponents at Level 30 and below.

"Who are you, kid? Do you belong to the Elemental Guardians?" Rakus asked with suspicion.

Rakus feared for his life if the assumption was true. Despite his confidence, he knew that he was in grave danger. While Elion's aura only emanated at Level 20 Elemental Soldier, Rakus's power had been lost and locked away after enduring severe injuries during the war ten thousand years ago.

"You got lucky, demon. I'm just an ordinary human. If the Elemental Guardians had shown up, you would have been reduced to ashes," Elion replied, lying deliberately to blow Rakus's morale. This was Elion's chance to avenge all the wrongs that demons had inflicted on him.

"I can't believe it! How can an ordinary human be as strong as you? You must be an Elementalist!" exclaimed Rakus in disbelief.

"What's so impossible about it? Do you think only demons are the most powerful?" 

Only a few know this, but there's a big secret about Solara. Each planet isn't just capable of leveling up; it can also downgrade. And that's precisely what happened to Solara. Generations after the emergence of elemental powers, people neglected physical strength through body tempering techniques. They became overly fascinated with elemental powers alone. As a result, Solara's overall strength suddenly and significantly declined, leaving it vulnerable to enemy attacks and seizure of knowledge, skills, and technology. Solara was now classified as one of the Fallen Planets.

Elion discovered all this after accessing floor 3,333 at the Information Tower. Camille revealed that the Supreme and Ancient Families were working to rediscover ancient body tempering techniques so that they could regain the past glory of Solara. Solandar was lucky to discover Basic Ancient Combat Arts. Elion was even luckier as he learned the arts and was given the Phoenix Sutra.

"Stop with the bullshit! Solara is a Fallen Planet. It's impossible that remnants of your ancestors, who once dominated the galaxy, could still exist!" Rakus stated emphatically, leaving no room for doubt about Solara's fate.

"I see. Since you know about it... so, you're one of those foolish creatures who dare to stir up trouble here," Elion declared as he delivered a powerful punch. He infused the blow with the golden aura, the demons' ultimate adversary.

"I-Im-Impossible!" Hailing from a superior planet, Rakus recognized the significance of the golden aura enveloping Elion. This aura was a legend known across galaxies and planets, often associated with individuals of mythic stature.

Without hesitation, Elion ended Rakus's life. The schemes of the Elemental Nexus or the Phoenix no longer concerned him. Elion's priority was to conclude his mission swiftly and leave this dimension. Missions were awaiting him, and he was uncertain if time in this world ran parallel to the outside world or the Spirit World.

"It appears the inhabitants of Netheron know the golden aura's legacy. I should've questioned Rakus before killing him," Elion mused, glancing at where Rakus had fallen. No trace remained; Rakus's body had turned to ashes, whisked away by a mysterious breeze.

Elion was deep in thought, contemplating what might unfold next. Would he face another demon as a test, or was it time to enter the hallway?

"Come here, kid. Don't keep me waiting too long," an ancient voice echoed from the hallway's end. 

The sound sent shivers down Elion's spine, the aura it carried vastly different from any demon he'd encountered. It was an intriguing mix, reminiscent of wild beasts and a commanding presence. Without hesitation, yet with a wary heart, Elion made his way through the dim corridor. He was on high alert, mindful of any potential surprises or threats. Approaching the hallway's end, he paused, greeted by a barren wall.

"Come in," the voice beckoned again.

"Come in...where?" Elion asked, really puzzled. It was a dead end in front of him.

"That wall," the voice explained, "It's a magical barrier. Only the true successor of the Phoenix can pass through."

Elion, intrigued, moved closer to the wall. Hesitantly, he extended his hand, and to his amazement, it passed through the surface, pulling the rest of his body with it. As he passed to the other side, he encountered a world unlike anything he had ever seen. The expanse before Elion was serene, a vast stretch of lush greenery under a clear sky—a stark contrast to where he'd been. It was unclear whether this was reality or a dimension within an array. Numerous tombstones dotting the landscape revealed the area's dual purpose as a cemetery.

"Finally, you've arrived," a voice echoed, its origin elusive as if coming from everywhere at once.

Elion scanned his surroundings, trying to pinpoint the source. "May I know who you are? Why am I brought here?" he inquired.

Following his question, a brilliant, elongated light descended from the sky, halting abruptly before Elion and dissipating to reveal an astonishing sight. A dragon stood before him.

"Dragon?!" he exclaimed in disbelief.

"Why are you so surprised? Haven't you ever seen a dragon?" the dragon retorted.

Shaking his head, Elion's reaction seemed to enlighten the dragon. "Ah, I see. You hail from that Level One Planet, the Fallen Planet. You're estranged from the wonders once within your reach."

The dragon let out a heavy sigh. Despite Elion's attempt, he couldn't gauge the dragon's strength; his elemental sense offered no clues.

"You don't need to try to sense my aura. Firstly, I am no longer among the living; this is merely my spirit. Secondly, even if I were alive, sensing my power would be beyond your capabilities. You are, quite frankly, very weak," the dragon declared.

"Okay. But why am I here?" Elion responded, undeterred by the dragon's assessment of his strength. He was determined not to let this encounter diminish his resolve. He believed in his potential to grow stronger, given time, opportunities, and access to resources like those available on higher-level planets.

With a hint of admiration in its gaze, the dragon watched Elion closely. Unlike most, Elion didn't shrink away in fear at the sight of the dragon; he merely showed a slight surprise. Impressive, thought the dragon, its interest piqued. This is precisely the demeanor I'd expect from Nexus's heir.

"Very well. My name is Azurion, the former Head of the Seven Dragon Gods."

"Dragon Gods?" Elion echoed, curiosity lacing his voice.

"It's a rank of elemental power beyond your current understanding in Solara. There's no need for you to worry about it," Azurion explained, then asked, "What's your name, young one?"

"I'm Elion."

"Elion..." The name and Elion's face seemed to stir something in Azurion's memory. However, Azurion decided it wasn't the moment to delve into the past.

"Do you understand why you're here?" Azurion inquired.

"I know it has something to do with my golden aura and the Elemental Nexus. But beyond that, I'm clueless," Elion admitted.

"That simplifies things. You're at least aware of Nexus and have some basic knowledge. That's a start," Azurion noted.

"Well... I only know Nexus by his title. They say he could control all elements and was the mentor to the Elemental Guardians of Solara. But that's about it," Elion added.

Azurion's expression turned complex, torn between irritation and understanding. He found it unbelievable that there was such scant information about someone as important as Nexus. Yet, considering the state of Solara, it wasn't entirely surprising that the enemies might have eradicated all knowledge of him.

"I see. Well, we have a lengthy tale ahead of us. Please, sit," Azurion invited, his demeanor not reflecting the stereotypical arrogance seen in many Elemental Beasts. Unlike those who, upon reaching the level of Elemental Kings and gaining human form, would display overt pride, Azurion remained approachable.