
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 48 - Ancient City of Lumera

Ancient City of Lumera

6th Aquember, Year 10840

The Ancient City of Lumera, once a dominating empire in the Central Region before the emergence of the Grand and Supreme Empires, is steeped in history that stretches back millions of years.

"Whoa! This place is really crowded!" Andre exclaimed, his excitement palpable as he took in his surroundings.

"Be careful; there are a lot of scammers around here," Lisandra warned, her voice tinged with caution.

"Is it true that Elgan, the legendary blacksmith here?" Rowan asked, turning to Lisandra for confirmation. Her reputation for having an encyclopedic knowledge of Solara and its regions preceded her.

With a solemn nod, Lisandra confirmed, "Yes, that's true. But people said something terrible happened to Elgan. He hasn't taken any weapon-forging orders in over twenty years and vanished into thin air."

Rowan's disappointment was evident. "That's too bad. I was hoping to meet him and pick up some blacksmithing techniques. It's been a long journey to get here."

Rowan and Andre, both young Elementalists from the Northern Region, had embarked on a customary journey to explore the world, eager to learn from their travels. Their path had fortuitously crossed with Elion and Camille, who brought them to this ancient city.

Seeking to uplift her friends' moods, Lisandra said, "Don't worry. There's plenty to do here. So, what do you want to do first?" 

Despite its ancient origins, Lumera boasted technology that surpassed even the cities of the Aeloria Empire, offering a myriad of options for entertainment, trade, knowledge, and experiences.

"I want to sleep," Rowan stated simply.

"I want to eat," Andre added.

Ever the seeker of knowledge, Elion announced, "I want to go to the Information Tower." He had been looking forward to uncovering the secrets of his golden aura and Phoenix power for days.

Slightly hesitant, Camille admitted, "I want to go with Elion," her cheeks coloring at her admission.

Surprised by her friends' immediate desires, Lisandra expected them to indulge in the city's entertainment first. Yet, she was familiar with their personalities and welcomed their diverse interests.

"Alright! Rowan, Andre, and I will take care of the accommodation. We'll stay at one of the best hotels here. Don't worry about the expenses; I'll send you the location through Globecomm."

Without further ado, Lisandra, with a bright smile, took the clueless Rowan and Andre by their sleeves and declared, "Let's go, Rowan! Andre!"

Elion and Camille, unable to suppress their laughter, watched the scene unfold. Despite being the same age as the others, except for Elion, Lisandra displayed a maturity and responsibility that likely stemmed from her travels with her late father.

"Shall we go?" Camille asked Elion.

Elion nodded, ready to delve into the rumored centers of knowledge to learn more about his golden aura and the Phoenix power. He was determined to find answers, prepared to explore all the Information Towers in the ancient cities of Solara if necessary.

They opted to take a walk and savor the city atmosphere despite the presence of teleportation portals that could have taken them straight to the Information Tower. Since they were already in Lumera, why not make the most of it?

As they walked, Elion messaged Alexa and the others to inform them that he had arrived safely and would be tied up for a few days. He also reassured them there was nothing to worry about after his fight in Lamar Town went viral.

Alexa and the rest of the group wished Elion good luck, fully aware that mastering the power of the Phoenix and inheriting the Fire Elemental Guardian's abilities was crucial for him. 

However, a few things made him doubt, especially regarding the Fire Elemental Guardian's power.

"Are you still thinking about the power of the Fire Elemental Guardian?" Camille inquired of Elion.

Elion replied with suspicion, saying, "It's strange that Solandar believed that I inherited some of Fire Elemental Guardian's power, but I don't have any idea what it could be."

"The golden aura, I'm sure, is a manifestation of the Phoenix. At the same time, the fire I received results from my affinity with the Elemental Orb, which transforms into the golden fire due to the Phoenix. Plus, it is not a surprise that I can possess an affinity for fire as it runs in my family, the Hayes Family," Elion explained.

"But you didn't receive the war armor similar to what we obtained, nor did you inherit anything from Solandar or the Fire Elemental Guardian. Is that correct?" Camille now comprehended more deeply what was troubling Elion. To be frank, she had also entertained the same notion.

Elion remained silent, showing no hint of skepticism towards Solandar's story. Instead, he was simply trying to make sense of the situation. According to Solandar, he had not placed any inheritance in the orb, which was the doing of Elemental Nexus.

But who or what was Elemental Nexus, and what was its motive behind bringing Elion to meet Solandar and keeping his spirit captive there?

Elion was feeling uneasy about everything happening around him, but Camille was there to offer some comforting words. "Don't worry, Elion. I'm sure there's a reason for everything that's happening. It may not be clear now but trust Solandar's instructions and missions. I believe the answers will come to you in time," she reassured him calmly.

Elion was grateful to have Camille with him. She always knew what to say and actions to take, making him feel more at ease. "Thank you, Camille," he replied.

Elion was taken aback by its immense size as they approached the Information Tower. The tower was over six miles tall, and it was hard to believe such a structure could be built in Solara. The technology in this world, indeed, was beyond his wildest imagination.

"Is this your first time seeing the Information Tower, Elion?" Camille inquired, her curiosity evident.

Elion simply nodded in response.

Camille shared her experience, "You had the same expression as I was. I've visited before, but it was a brief visit. I didn't have the chance to explore fully; I just had a quick look around."

"This time will be different and more exciting. I'm eager to research a specific topic," she added, her excitement palpable.

Grabbing Elion's hand, who was still marveling at the Information Tower's grandeur, Camille urged, "Let's go! I can't wait to dive into the research."

As they entered the Information Tower, Elion was taken aback. The vastness of each floor, equivalent to eight football fields, and the structure's 3,333 floors were beyond anything he had imagined.

"It's massive," Elion remarked, awestruck.

Camille nodded, sharing his sentiment, "Indeed. I remember feeling overwhelmed the first time I was here. From what I've learned, it's the second-largest information tower in Solara."

"The second-largest? Then, where's the largest one situated?" Elion queried, his curiosity piqued.

"In the Lost City of Celestria," Camille answered.

Elion, puzzled, questioned further, "Celestria? But isn't that city just a myth?"

Camille met his gaze with a knowing look. She said, "Elion, in our world if something is recorded, there's usually some truth. Maybe Celestria does exist, and its people simply prefer their solitude, which is hidden from the rest of us. Who knows, right?"

With a wink, Camille walked hurriedly to a section dedicated to Solara's history, legends, and significant events. Intrigued, Elion hoped to find information on the Elemental Nexus, a name mentioned by Solandar but still needs to be explained. 

Without them realizing it, they spent several hours in the Information Tower, eventually uncovering records about the first generation of Elemental Guardians in Solara and the lineage that followed, leading up to the tales of Solandar Solhart.

"I had no idea that there was so much information available, Camille," exclaimed Elion, filled with amazement. "It's unbelievable that the people of Solara had no connection to elemental powers in their ancient past. This affinity for the elements only developed around a few million years ago."

"That's true," replied Camille, her voice filled with thoughtfulness. "Studies suggest that our planet is one of the youngest among Level One Planets, and we are only beginning to understand the secrets of elemental power."

Elion's words trailed off as Camille spoke, and before she could continue, he spoke up solemnly. "That means we are the weakest."

A heavy silence fell between them, the weight of their reality sinking in. "That's precisely why other Level One Planets often target us."

"Fortunately, the legends speak of someone who could wield all elemental powers, a figure who achieved the legendary elemental rank. He's the reason Solara still stands today," Camille remarked, leaning against the wall, her eyes drifting upwards as if envisioning this legendary individual.

"Wait a minute. What was this person's name?" Elion asked, his voice tinged with eagerness.

"Just a moment. I didn't catch his name. It was his title that was mentioned... Elemental Nexus, if I recall correctly," Camille responded, flipping back through the pages she had referenced.

Elion's sudden burst of laughter pierced through the solemnity that filled the air around the Information Tower, drawing a shush from its attendant. This unexpected reaction puzzled Camille, yet she couldn't suppress a smile. 

"What's so funny?" she asked, curiosity sparking in her eyes, eager to understand what had brought such joy to Elion.

With a grin spreading wide across his face, Elion explained, "It's Solandar. He's mentioned that name quite a few times. But you know how he is—always wrapped in mysteries. Whenever I've pressed for details, all I get is 'You'll find out when the time is right.'"

"Elemental Nexus... Maybe we'll discover more about it on the highest floor," Camille mused, her voice laced with determination.

"Isn't that floor only open to members of the Supreme and Ancient Families?" Elion pondered, his excitement now mixed with the realization of their apparent obstacle.

Camille responded with a comforting smile. "Don't worry. I have my ways."

Elion was surprised by her confidence, but he still followed her to the tower's highest floor. This area was typically off-limits to anyone without a prestigious Solara identity.

The Information Tower had countless floors and favored teleportation portals over elevators. This luxury was made possible by the advanced energy and power resources of the Ancient Empire, which were not freely provided to visitors.

Only a few, like Elion and Camille, were interested in academia in Solara, where elemental strength was paramount. Upon arriving at floor 3,333, they were stopped by a formidable guard.

His aura indicated he was a Level 50 Elemental King, which would have commanded respect and authority in Aeloria.

"Show me your identities!" the guard demanded, his voice resonating with power.

Camille revealed an object from her elemental storage ring, an evident crystal seal with unfamiliar carvings. The guard was taken aback but quickly shifted to a reverent bow towards Camille. 

"Forgive me, Miss--" he said. He paused in mid-sentence at Camille's gaze as if warning him. "Please, carry on," he said.

Elion was puzzled. Once inside, he couldn't contain his curiosity. "Who exactly are you, Camille? That guard showed you such respect," he asked, trying not to put pressure on her.

Camille put a finger to her lips. "Shhh... Actually..." she said.

Elion was intrigued. "Actually, what? You're as mysterious as Solandar."

Camille chuckled. "Actually, I plan to take you to my family's city during our journey. I wanted my identity to be a surprise. Is that okay?" she said.

Elion was fascinated by the idea of meeting Camille's family. They were surely not an ordinary family; but they could be allies or present new challenges on his path to becoming stronger.

He respected Camille's privacy and understood that everyone had their secrets. If Camille wished to keep things under wraps for now, he was content to wait until she was ready to reveal more.