
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 47 - Elemental Academy

Estola Elemental Academy26th Aerember, Year 10840

ALEXA sat at her usual spot at the dining table in Estola Elemental Academy's cafeteria. But her usually cheerful expression was replaced with a pensive one. 

Kael, who fancied himself a 'love doctor,' noticed the change and felt uneasy. He didn't want to make things worse by saying the wrong thing, but he couldn't ignore Alexa's mood. He approached her slowly and asked, "Hey, Alexa, is everything alright?"

The group often ate together and took breaks at this table, but today was different. Alexa's plate, usually overflowing with food, only had a few cuts of apple. Kael's curiosity was piqued, and he wondered what could be the source of her troubles.

Without answering Kael, Alexa inquired, "Did my brother contact you?"

Kael was relieved to hear the reason behind her concern, which he had misunderstood earlier. 

Suddenly, Alexa stood up and said, "It's been ten days since I heard from him, and I can't seem to get hold of him. I am extremely worried."

Kael was taken aback by her sudden movement and tried to calm her down by asking, "Whoa whoa! Where are you going, Alexa?!" 

He felt a sense of panic rising inside him. Due to his experience with Wendy, Kael had always found it challenging to deal with the emotional needs of women.

Since Laxus and Elion were occupied with their training and studies, Kael was always there to lend an ear and comfort Wendy. Eventually, she learned to manage her emotions. Still, if she hadn't, it would have been even more demanding for Kael to handle two women at once.

"I'm going to find my brother," Alexa said with a soft but determined voice, her concern palpable. Elion was her only family member now, and she felt the weight of that reality.

Kael found himself in a difficult position. Just as he needed assistance, Laxus and Wendy were done buying their meals and heading in his direction. 

Spotting them, he called out, "Laxus! Wendy! Help me!" His voice was urgent, and his face contorted in a plea for help, clearly indicating he was in a desperate situation.

With a playful glint in her eye, Wendy teased, "What's the latest drama you've cooked up, Kael?" She knew Kael well enough to expect some sort of exaggerated tale; his flair for the dramatic was well-known among their circle.

Kael, however, offered a weak smile in return, his usual spark dimmed. "It's not me this time; it's Alexa," he explained, his tone more serious than Wendy expected. "She's been absolutely hell-bent on finding Elion."

Overhearing the conversation, Laxus felt a sudden worry pinch his heart. "Find Elion? But why?" he interjected, the concern evident in his voice.

The idea that Elion might be in trouble was enough to unsettle him, and Alexa's distress only added to his unease.

Despite his own preoccupations, he knew he had a responsibility to help, especially in Elion's absence.

Kael, seizing the opportunity, teased Laxus for his obliviousness. "I figured as much. You're probably clueless, aren't you? You've been too wrapped up in your training. When's the last time you talk to Elion?"

Kael's tone was light, but the underlying message was clear: Laxus's single-minded focus might have led him to overlook other things.

Laxus fell silent, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Let me think..." he said, closing his eyes, trying hard to remember his last conversation with Elion.

"Was it ten days ago?" Laxus said, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Only then did the total weight of Alexa's concerns finally settle upon him. Although worried, his apprehension was somewhat diminished by his unwavering faith in Elion's capabilities. Laxus harbored no doubts; he was confident Elion could surmount any obstacle. 

Laxus's contemplative silence hung heavy as Alexa's plea echoed in the space between them, "I'm worried, Laxus. Can we go and look for my brother?"

Her voice was laced with desperation, reaching out for the one she knew held the influence to rally their group into action. Laxus's word was law in their circle, his approval a silent command that none would dare not to obey.

Laxus pondered and after a moment, a spark of realization lit up Laxus's eyes. Without a word, he swiftly extracted his Globecomm, and it displayed a holographic panel.

His fingers fly over its surface with a purpose. He was searching for a video he remembered stumbling upon in an online community for Elementalists—a community he was a part of. 

When he found what he was searching for, he said, "Take a look at this," while his fingers deftly pressed the play button on the device, revealing a holographic screen.

"This..." Wendy murmured, her voice trailing into silence.

"My brother?" Alexa interjected, her surprise coloring her tone.

"That golden aura... There's only one person who could possess it. It has to be Elion," came the collective realization. At the same time, Laxus nodded, confirming their suspicions.

"I stumbled upon this video in the online fighters community. It's a snippet from the battle's live broadcast. I tried to source a better quality version but had no luck," Laxus explained, detailing his efforts to the group.

"I'm confident these two figures here are Elion and Camille. Their faces might be a bit unclear, but these two... I can't quite place them," Laxus added, clarifying his earlier statement.

"Their enemies seem far from ordinary. The individual who uploaded the video mentioned that their opponent wielded demonic power," Laxus recounted, his frown darkening.

The group was taken aback. Demons were expected to emerge only after a few more years. Yet here they were, barely two months after their group received legacies from the Ancient Elementalists.

But Elion and Camille were already facing enemies with demonic powers.

Wendy, though appearing somewhat fragile, nodded in agreement. "I'm certain of it; it's the dark aura. I've encountered one before when I was a kid. Elion's enemy was using the dark aura!"

"We have to go help my brother!" Alexa hurriedly said.

Without hesitation, Laxus approached Alexa, placing both hands on her shoulders. His posture was assertive, his hands large enough to easily encompass Alexa's shoulders.

"I understand your concern, Alexa," Laxus said firmly.

"But what can we do?" Laxus stared into Alexa's eyes, his gaze intense. Elion had entrusted him with Alexa's safety, compelling him to be resolute.

"Look. Elion couldn't confront his opponent directly. He was fortunate to have Camille by his side. Do you recall Camille's elemental level?" Laxus prompted.

Alexa nodded, beginning to understand Laxus's point. "If Camille had to use Elion's golden aura to overcome the enemy, what chance would we stand?"

"None…" Alexa replied, her tone laced with sadness. "We would only hinder Elion." 

"Hey, don't you worry. Your brother is safe. Perhaps he's merely in the forest or somewhere out of network coverage. Do you really think he's a weakling?" Laxus said, emphasizing his point. 

Alexa looked down, her gaze fixed on the floor. That was her only response before she shook her head.

"Elion is the Phoenix's successor, the new Fire Elemental Guardian. He has his own destiny. And so do we," Laxus concluded.

Alexa looked up at Laxus, then at the others. "I'm sorry. I'm just worried about my brother."

Laxus, Wendy, and Kael smiled, pleased they could help Alexa realize their understanding. "Don't worry. We should focus on becoming stronger first. Don't forget our vows to be a team and represent the academy at the Aeloria Elemental Tournament," Kael reminded everyone of their ambition.

During their ten-day tenure at the Estola Elemental Academy, they progressed to Level 17 Elemental Soldiers, surpassing their initial goal.

Something that was considered remarkable if known to others. With the tournament approaching mid-year, they aimed to reach Level 20 Elemental Soldiers, confident their five-level Elemental Might would secure them the championship.

"Then we'll represent the Aeloria Empire in the regional tournament," Kael continued.

"And I'm confident we'll be among the four representatives of the Central Region at the global tournament. At that time, I'm sure many will admire me. Not only am I handsome, but I'm also a highly potential Elementalist," Kael envisioned, his broad smile reflecting his dreams.

Wendy and Alexa couldn't help but laugh heartily upon seeing Kael's self-amusement. That was Kael, constantly daydreaming and lightening the mood.

"Enough. You're too full of yourself. Fortunately, Elion isn't here. Not only would victory be certain if he joined us, but all the attention would be on him," Wendy teased.

Kael's smile broadened, snapping him out of his daydream. "Oh, don't say that. Elion already has Camille. She's breathtakingly beautiful. Leave the others to me."

"True. They're perfectly matched. I approve," Alexa chimed in.

"Wow! Already deciding on who is going to be your sister-in-law?" Wendy teased again, aiming to uplift Alexa's mood.

Concerned that Alexa might attempt to find Elion on her own, Laxus reassured her during dinner, "Let's wait a few more days. Surely, Elion will get in touch again. I'm certain of it," he concluded, instilling a note of hope as they finished their meal and returned to their rooms.

However, Wendy felt an uneasy presence that nobody else seemed to notice. She sensed eyes watching them from the shadows, like nothing she had encountered before.

The aura felt more potent than the Ancient Elementalist who had passed down his legacy to her, and it was shrouded in mystery and strength.

A figure whispered from the shadows, "Can she see me?" He was invisible to everyone, and his presence was undetectable. "Impossible, he thought, maybe she just 'senses' me."

This mysterious being was the Mysterious Elementalist. He had quietly observed the skirmish between Elion and Kasum in the Waste District. His formidable aura thwarted Kasum's rescuer, preventing him from intervening.

"I'm sure that my theory is correct - the golden aura activates the princess's bloodline. This is truly remarkable, and I can't wait for His Majesty to arrive," thought the Mysterious Elementalist with joy in his eyes.

He wondered which Level One Planet His Majesty was sent to but remained focused on closely monitoring the group linked to the golden aura. "Luck is on my side. I've found the princess and a cure for Her Majesty's illness," he said with a smile.

The Mysterious Elementalist possessed great power, unmatched by anyone in Solara. He was a Supreme Commander and honored as an Elemental Emperor in his home world.

But for the sake of the continent, he disregarded these titles. His faith and loyalty were for the Emperor and Empress who had always supported him.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. I promise to do my best to complete this mission," he silently vowed, watching the group as they departed.

He wondered how long this journey would last before he could return to his family's embrace.