
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 31 - Emperor Wayne

"The Seventh Commander also discovered the bearer of the golden aura. The legend said the golden aura is able to vanquish the dark aura which I think could dispel the one that afflicts you."

The golden aura was legendary across realms, heralding a cure for the curse afflicting the demons. If Elion could travel to or interact with beings from the higher level planets, he might find more clues about this elusive power.

"However, they're both on Solara, a Level One Planet," Emperor Wayne sighed, his disappointment evident. "To reach them, I might need to navigate through lower-level planets. The journey could take days, weeks, months, or even years."

Footsteps approached from behind, steady and purposeful. Emperor Radolph was drawing near.

"Father," Emperor Wayne greeted, standing with a deep respect as he rose to meet him.

Emperor Radolph, a tall and imposing figure, radiated an undeniable authority.

"Are you steadfast in your decision?" Emperor Radolph asked, his voice testing his son's resolve. In this world besieged by demons, their humanity and faith remained unshaken, steadfast in pursuing justice.

"Yes, Father," Emperor Wayne affirmed, his voice unwavering. "Nothing will sway me."

"Even if it is me?" Emperor Radolph pressed his tone both gently and firmly.

"Yes, Father," Emperor Wayne replied, his resolve clear, bracing himself for reproach.

Instead, Emperor Radolph enveloped him in a tight embrace. "Carry on, my son. Your sacrifices for our people have not gone unnoticed. Now, it's your turn to think about yourself."

"Your duties here are safe with me," Emperor Radolph assured him. "No one, not even demons, will dare disturb our peace."

"Thank you, Father," Emperor Wayne murmured, his voice filled with gratitude, tears beginning to well in his eyes. He had longed for too long to reunite his family and restore happiness to his beloved Daisy. 

"Go now, my son," Emperor Radolph urged. "Daisy's time may be running short."

"Do you need anything?" Emperor Radolph asked, his eagerness to assist palpable. 

Emperor Wayne, however, shook his head; his preparations were already complete. The only thing left was to open the portal and embark on his journey. With his father's blessing, Emperor Wayne set off on his quest.

Fueled by hope and determination, he aimed to save his beloved and reunite his family again. Wherever this journey would take him, he decided to worry about the specifics later.

As an Elemental Emperor, the universe's rules would demote him to the level of an Elemental King upon arriving on a lower-level planet.

Even though he would lose one elemental rank, his knowledge, skills, experience, and control over the elements would remain unchanged. His power would only decrease by one rank.

This advantage reassured him that he would face no significant challenges on a lower-level planet. Emperor Wayne changed into ordinary clothing to blend in seamlessly with the inhabitants.

Anything else he might need was safely stored in his elemental storage ring. Emperor Radolph watched his son silently, offering nothing but his prayers for a successful journey. 

Emperor Wayne then used his Elemental Formation and Array skill to open a portal, resorting to forbidden knowledge out of necessity.

The portal flickered with instability. Sensing this, Emperor Radolph immediately directed his aura toward it.

"Conserve your energy. Let me help," Emperor Radolph offered, his voice laden with compassion.

Before stepping through the portal, Emperor Wayne locked eyes with his father. That moment was heavy with unspoken understandings, acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

Despite his status as an Elemental Emperor, the worry that this might be their last encounter was evident.

"Father, keep me in your prayers."

Emperor Radolph nodded slowly, managing a smile despite the tremor on his lips that betrayed his attempt to restrain his emotions.

Emperor Wayne took his final steps toward the portal. Less than three seconds after he entered, the portal snapped shut. Where Emperor Wayne would land was now in the hands of fate. 

"Be safe, my son…Be safe."

" I've a few things to settle with everyone here," Emperor Radolph muttered.

Shortly after, Emperor Radolph convened all the Supreme Commanders outside the palace. Despite having abdicated the throne some time ago, his summons were met with immediate compliance. 

As they gathered, the Chief Commander stepped forward and respectfully asked, "Your Majesty, how may we assist you?"

"Your Majesty, why have we been summoned? We've just concluded a session with Emperor Wayne," said the Second Commander, his tone portraying a subtle disrespect for Emperor Radolph—a sentiment not unfamiliar to many.

"Patience. I've called you here for a reason. There's crucial information I need to share," Emperor Radolph calmly explained.

The Supreme Commanders listened, their minds racing about Emperor Wayne's recent actions. Was he moving forward with the plans discussed earlier? Had he made decisions overlooking the welfare of their continent's people?

"You might have guessed already. Emperor Wayne has set out on a mission to find his daughter and to seek a cure for Empress Daisy," revealed Emperor Radolph.

Though somewhat anticipated, this news still surprised them.

"Is Emperor Wayne alone in this? Why hasn't he taken any of us with him?" asked the Chief Commander, visibly concerned for Emperor Wayne's safety.

As a close ally of Emperor Wayne, he was deeply worried for the emperor, believing him capable of becoming Netheron's greatest ruler.

Emperor Radolph nodded in affirmation. "He preferred not to involve others in this matter. The Seventh Commander is already waiting for him. Moreover, he has secured the essential data on Level One Planets thus there should be nothing that could harm him."

Hearing this, the Second Commander's facial expression changed, his thoughts and motives hidden behind his enigmatic expression.

"Therefore, I will be temporarily managing all administrative affairs related to the Tibetan Continent," Emperor Radolph announced, his gaze sweeping across the assembly of the eleven Supreme Commanders. 

His eyes paused on the Second Commander, silently emphasizing the critical nature of their covert mission.

"Remember! Emperor Wayne's mission must remain confidential. You are the only ones privy to this information. Suppose it were to leak to our adversaries. In that case, I will hold you personally responsible," Emperor Radolph sternly declared, his powerful aura overwhelming the Supreme Commanders. 

The Second Commander, in particular, was visibly shaken, forced to one knee together with the others.

Incredible! How has he grown so powerful? And... does he suspect anything? The Second Commander's thoughts were a whirlwind of panic, dreading Emperor Radolph's possible knowledge of his secret plans.

"Dismissed!" Emperor Radolph abruptly commanded, returning to the palace without waiting for any replies.

The atmosphere among the Supreme Commanders was tense, a reflection of the unease that pervaded them.

One finally voiced the concern, murmuring, "Emperor Radolph's aura... Has he...?" It was a question that echoed the silent apprehensions of the others.

With a thoughtful nod, the Chief Commander responded, "I believe His Majesty has achieved that legendary level. Perhaps he refrained from ascending to a Level Three Planet to pave the way for Emperor Wayne."

This revelation caused the Second Commander's brow to crease with worry. Realizing the implications, he knew he had to act quickly and inform Vornak without delay. With an excuse ready, he swiftly left for his chamber. 

Upon entering his private room, the Second Commander couldn't help but mutter anxiously, "Shit! I'm in trouble! This cannot continue."

His mind raced as he searched for a solution, eventually retrieving an ancient scroll and spreading it before him.

At the center of the scroll, a circle inscribed with ancient demon tribe words awaited. He let his blood drip onto the circle, carefully forming several dots.

Instantly, a sharp sound echoed as a force field enveloped the chamber, isolating it from the outside world.

A teleportation portal then appeared, beckoning the Second Commander to step inside.

Unbeknownst to all but Emperor Radolph, the force field and portal went undetected. Seated on his throne, Radolph observed everything silently, a whisper escaping his lips, "Thalor..."

Meanwhile, the Second Commander, Thalor, found himself in a dimly lit chamber, the air thick with heat from flames of black and red. It was a scene of intense, fiery beauty.

"Hahaha! Look who's arrived," a voice boomed throughout the chamber. The speaker was a towering figure, over ten feet tall, with crimson skin and imposing horns.

"Khaarnox," Thalor said, recognizing the figure before him.

Khaarnox, the Tenth Supreme Commander of Demon Emperor Azroth, casually lounged on his throne, crafted from bone. The figures dancing around him suddenly paused, shifting their gaze towards Thalor.

"What's the rush? I was actually enjoying their performance," Khaarnox remarked, a playful quip in his voice.

"Watch your tone. You stand beneath me. Your presence is tolerated solely for the Mysterious Demon's sake, not out of fear," Thalor snapped back, his words sharp. 

Khaarnox's smile broadened, feeling the spark of a challenge. "Oh, are you quite certain of that?"

A sinister aura enveloped him as Khaarnox readied himself for a confrontation with Thalor, aiming to subdue him with his overwhelming presence.

It was well-known that Khaarnox was a force to be reckoned with, one of the newly minted Twelve Demon Commanders after the cataclysmic upheaval ten millennia ago.

Having inherited the mantle of the Tenth Commander, his strength was phenomenal, attaining the rank of Level 60 Elemental Emperor in a mere five thousand years.