
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 30 - Emperors and Netheron


23rd Flamisember, Year 10840

IN the realm of Netheron, demons hold dominion, their dark presence permeating every corner, casting a relentless, somber shadow over the land.

Despite the presence of other beings, all are subject to the demons' rule. The world is segmented into twelve continents, each overseen by a Supreme Elemental Emperor and their Twelve Supreme Commanders.

In contrast to Solara, known for its higher elemental rank, Netheron's Supreme Commanders are revered as Elemental Emperors. Each of them was stronger than any of the Supreme Elementalists in Solara.

Of the twelve continents, humans govern only the Tibetan Continent and the Tarot Continent, led by Emperor Wayne and Emperor Zhen, respectively.

A pivotal gathering was underway within Emperor Wayne's palace on the Tibetan Continent as he met with his Twelve Commanders. Notably, one seat remained unoccupied.

"Golden aura? Isn't that just a myth?" Emperor Wayne posed the question following a briefing from his commanders.

"Far from it, Your Majesty. The Seventh Commander brought us this intelligence. It appears that the princess and a youth endowed with this golden aura are in Solara, a Level One Planet," the Chief Commander clarified.

He continued, "There are also whispers that this golden aura harbors extraordinary healing capabilities, capable of repairing internal and external injuries and even purging the dark aura from one's body, as legend predicted."

"This could very well be the key we've been searching for to save Her Majesty," added the Chief Commander, his voice carrying a note of cautious hope, mindful of his words in the presence of the young emperor.

Emperor Wayne lapsed into thoughtful silence, weighing his options for rescuing his beloved Empress. She hadn't just succumbed to the dark aura's effects, falling into a coma fifteen years ago.

Plus, their then-newborn daughter was also tainted by it, born amid the Empress's valiant struggle against the darkness.

The oppressive air of Netheron, thick with elemental forces and dark energy, was far from a nurturing environment for their child.

To shield her from the dark aura's influence, Emperor Wayne faced the difficult decision of sending her to a planet with lesser dark aura compared to Netheron.

Thus, he initiated a portal opening using the Forbidden Teleportation Formation—a method employed by the demons to infiltrate lower level planets—to transport his daughter to a lower-level planet.

Despite his uncertainty about her exact destination, his hopes were pinned on finding her a haven far from the pervasive darkness of Netheron.

For a relentless fifteen years, he dedicated himself to the quest for his lost daughter, deploying his most trusted members and commanders on a pivotal search and rescue mission.

Fortunately, the Seventh Commander located the princess in Solara, a remarkable achievement given the vast expanse of the universe.

This success was mainly due to the princess unlocking her royal bloodline. This event triggered a resonance with a special device the Seventh Commander carried, designed exclusively for detecting members of the royal lineage.

Despite this fortunate turn of events, the timing for her return was deemed premature, considering the formidable challenges that loomed in Netheron.

"Is there any way to bring the bearer of the golden aura and my daughter back here?" Emperor Wayne inquired, his voice heavy with urgency.

"Yes, Your Majesty," was the quick reply from the Chief Commander.

"To accomplish this, we'll need to deploy several Supreme Commanders. With ample personnel and power, establishing a portal from Solara to transport everyone back to Netheron becomes a viable option."

"However, reaching Solara could take months, if not years or more. Our current capabilities do not allow us to open a direct portal from here to Solara, as we don't know the exact location of it," the Chief Commander explained, highlighting the daunting task ahead.

"There's a considerable risk that each Supreme Commander could end up on a different planet, far from Solara. We would be lucky if these planets possessed interplanetary travel technology. Otherwise..." he let his voice trail off, acknowledging the grim possibilities.

"Do we need to take immediate action?" Emperor Wayne asked, his voice revealing the turmoil within, caught between the duty to his family and the strategic imperatives at play.

"No. You should not, Your Majesty," countered the Second Commander firmly, his scarred visage bearing witness to his extensive battle experience.

"The concerns of Your Majesty could weaken our continent. We are already at a disadvantage, missing the strength of one Supreme Commander. Sending more would only expose vulnerabilities for the demons to exploit. It would be imprudent," the Second Commander argued, his stance rooted in a deep commitment to safeguarding Netheron.

Emperor Wayne took a moment to digest the divergent perspectives, fully aware of the weight of the situation. He stood firm, his resolve undiminished by the gravity of his personal trials.

"I'll confer with my father first. Perhaps I should go there myself. Emperor Radolph can oversee matters temporarily," he declared with unwavering determination.

Emperor Radolph, his father, had relinquished the throne over a century and a half earlier, dedicating himself to achieving the next elemental rank and ascending to a higher-level planet.

Now at two hundred years old, Emperor Wayne took the throne at fifty. For Elementalists, longevity wasn't a concern so long as they evaded deadly confrontations or severe illnesses.

Simply reaching the status of Elemental King ensured a lifespan extending over hundred thousand to a million years.

Despite his age, Emperor Wayne was still regarded as youthful. His ranks included Supreme Commanders who lived for over fifty thousand years.

Within fifty years, his remarkable talent and potential had elevated him to become one of the most potent Elemental Emperors of Netheron. Yet, he now faced a pivotal challenge: rescuing his wife and daughter.

"Name Prince Kavin as the Crown Prince," Emperor Wayne instructed his Supreme Commanders before leaving them. 

As he departed, a Commander voiced his concern, "Chief, we must persuade His Majesty against such actions. Danger looms for him and for all of us."

"Indeed, Chief. His Majesty's absence would leave us exposed. His reputation alone deters our enemies. They will not miss a chance to strike," another Commander supported.

"I understand the risk," the Chief Commander admitted. "But do we have the authority to influence His Majesty's decisions?"

A heavy silence fell upon them. Emperor Wayne's determination, mainly regarding his family, was unshakeable.

Their attempts at persuasion seemed in vain against his firm resolve. Realizing their arguments made little impact, the room was engulfed in a contemplative silence as each person weighed their thoughts and perspectives.

The current stability in Netheron can be traced back to events that unfolded ten thousand years ago. During his attempt to conquer Solara, Demon Emperor Azroth faced an unexpected opposition that exceeded the power of any Elementalists known to exist on Level Two Planet.

However, the other Emperors in Netheron were unaware of the planet's name. The encounter in Solara resulted in the loss of half of Azroth's Twelve Demon Commanders, which left him and the remaining survivors severely injured.

Demon Emperor Azroth was not a native of Netheron. He suddenly appeared and overthrew the previous Demon Emperor.

This act ignited resentment among Emperors from other continents, prompting three Supreme Demon Emperors to form an alliance to seize the territory and divide amongst themselves.

However, their collective efforts were in vain, as they were left injured yet alive to tell the tale of their defeat. The unexpected resilience of Azroth was due to the protection provided by a Mysterious Demon of a higher elemental rank, who spared their lives, issuing a stern warning.

"No further intrusion. I only protect my Lord and do not interfere in your worldly affairs," the Mysterious Demon proclaimed.

Peace has prevailed mainly across the continents since then, with only intermittent conflicts between humans and demons.

Therefore, if Emperor Wayne planned to leave for Solara, keeping his departure a secret was necessary to prevent any potential calamity from befalling Netheron.

The Supreme Commanders, satisfied with their current existence, have dismissed the idea of war, acknowledging the immense toll it would take on the populace. While the safety of the Empress is of utmost importance, it is considered alongside the lives of billions.

"Allow me time to consult with His Majesty on the best course of action," the Chief Commander reassured, offering his only promise without stirring controversy. 

Nods of agreement moved through the assembly, a collective wish for the greater good uniting them. Only the gaze of the Second Commander hinted at a differing opinion, his thoughts concealed from the others.

With that, they dispersed, each returning to their responsibilities and daily lives.

"My love, it has been fifteen long years," Emperor Wayne whispered tenderly to his beloved, who lay motionless on the lavish bed adorned with sparkling diamonds.

Empress Daisy had been in a coma for over a decade, leaving a deep void in Emperor Wayne's life. Surrounded by his eight children, he still felt an overwhelming sense of incompleteness.

"The Seventh Commander has brought news," Emperor Wayne continued, a flicker of hope. "He has found our daughter. She is flourishing."

"Would you like to hear more good news?" he asked gently, knowing he would receive no response.