
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 29 - Kael's Request

As Alexa rushed towards Elion, her movements were both swift and precise. She aimed a punch at his chest, but Elion effortlessly caught her hand. "Accuracy and speed aren't enough, Alexa. You need to bolster your physical strength and power behind each attack," Elion advised, his tone calm. 

With a swift motion, he swung her arm, causing Alexa to fly sideways. She quickly regained her footing, employing a technique she had learned to land gracefully.

"Alexa, take it easy. Less is more," Elion advised, his grin showing his amusement at his sister's flamboyant style. 

Alexa moved swiftly toward Elion, who mirrored her action with a smile. "Try to withstand this attack, Alexa," Elion challenged.

Opting for simplicity, Elion threw a punch using just a fraction of his strength. Yet, to Alexa, it felt immensely powerful. She dodged swiftly; the mere aura of the punch was daunting. 

Elion, testing his younger sister, teased, "Why? Are you scared?"

In search of a comeback, Alexa retorted, "Had I taken your punch directly earlier, my hand bones would have definitely shattered."

With that, Alexa launched a kick aimed at Elion's head, putting all her strength into it. She knew Elion was tough enough to take it without harm.

Elion, dodging easily, advised, "You need to find a balance between strength and speed, Alexa. You're too focused on power and neglecting agility."

"Can you dodge this?" Elion asked with a playful smile.

"Phoenix Feather Touch," Elion declared, moving with fluid grace. His seemingly harmless attack touched Alexa gently.

The first touch landed on Alexa's shoulders, then her thighs, and finally, a soft push on her abdomen. This seemingly gentle technique broke through Alexa's defenses.

It weakened her muscles, showcasing the versatility of Elion's strength, which could be adjusted at will.

The final touch sent Alexa flying back several feet, leaving her puzzled by the effectiveness of Elion's slow but unstoppable technique.

"My movements were paired with illusion techniques," Elion explained.

"Illusion?" Surprised and amused by the revelation, Alexa couldn't help but laugh, realizing the cleverness behind Elion's strategy.

"Exactly. But it's not as effective against stronger Elementalists," Elion concluded, sharing wisdom from his experience.

Standing seven feet away, he lifted his left leg. He wanted to end this quickly so that Alexa would feel that she needed to train more and became stronger.

Then he brought his left leg down with force, unleashing a potent golden aura in a form of scythe that surged toward Alexa.

This aura left a trail of dust in its wake, vibrating the space with the potential to disrupt anything it encountered. However, Alexa felt excitement rather than fear.

"Wow, brother! You're capable of launching space-time attacks too? That's incredible!" she exclaimed, her admiration evident.

Despite her admiration, Alexa braced for the incoming aura, forming a shield with her hands. The impact pushed her back three steps.

"I'm just beginning to scratch the surface of space-time techniques so it is not fatal," Elion modestly explained.

Camille granted Elion access to a vast online library of ancient manuscripts and research documents that explored the intriguing and mysterious realms of space and time.

This knowledge had been closely guarded and concealed by the elite echelons of society, specifically the Supreme and Ancient Families, who held the keys to such esoteric studies and methodologies.

Using this scholarly treasure, Elion stepped on a journey of intellectual discovery, determined to delve deep into the complexities of space-time.

Although he made significant progress in unraveling its secrets, mastering its fundamental principles, and integrating them into his formidable Combat Arts, he had yet to reach a level where he could fully utilize this knowledge in battle.

The path ahead remained uncertain, spurring him to explore even deeper into the intricate tapestry of space-time, where countless revelations awaited him.

"You held your ground well," Elion praised his sister.

"Now you're ten feet away. Basic Ancient Combat Arts won't be effective from this distance," Elion observed.

"I guess you're right. I'm not quite ready for Ancient Intermediate Combat Arts," Alexa conceded, disappointment lacing her voice.

"Don't be discouraged, Alexa. You have a natural talent for combat. You've already surpassed my progress. Just focus on building your strength a bit more," Elion reassured her.

Alexa nodded, grateful for the encouragement, and set off. She was determined to intensify her training, particularly with the upcoming enrollment at the Elemental Academy of Estola the next month.

While the rest of their group would attend the academy, Elion transcended its teachings. With his Elemental Might, his combat prowess was nearing Level 25 Elemental Knight, the academy's graduation requirement.

Over the duration of four years, they needed to explore elements, combat arts, alchemy, and more, though not all subjects were compulsory. Elion had consumed this knowledge voraciously, needing only practice and experience to master it fully.

That's why he had joined Camille's research team—to delve into the mysteries of Solara and unlock the secrets of Phoenix power and the golden aura, all in his quest to become the Greatest Elementalist and to unravel the mystery of his parent's disappearance.

Elion stood up, adjusting his outfit with a thoughtful expression while glancing briefly at the sky. He pondered inwardly, "I shouldn't overthink things. My focus should be on maximizing my strength in the present moment."

He closed his eyes in concentration, bringing his palms together seamlessly, adopting a stance newly conceptualized as part of the Phoenix Combat Arts.

With a controlled breath, he widened his stance. He unfurled his hands, igniting a radiant aura of golden flames that enveloped his palms without the traditional manifestation of the Elemental Circle.

Elion initiated a series of precise punches, each strike resonating with a palpable force that seemed to ripple through space before him. Despite the impressive display, he soon halted his movements, a faint furrow forming on his brow. 

Drawing a deep breath, he reflected, "This technique still requires refinement before it can be utilized freely and effectively in combat. The excessive energy expenditure hinders my agility as I struggle to channel power equally into both hands."

Yet, amidst his assessment, he felt a sense of satisfaction. He had ascended to this beginner level of mastery in just a few days.

Genius Elementalists could understand and master the basics of space-time manipulation. Still, the constraints of their energy reserves posed the most significant obstacle.

Moreover, most Elementalists prioritized the augmentation of their elemental energy, neglecting the potential enhancement of their overall energy reserves.

Elion smiled brightly as he remarked, "So now, I need to find a way to increase my overall energy reserves in my body so that I can use all the powers that I have easily." 

He knew there were still many secrets in this world that he needed to unravel. Suppose this technique existed, and its current weakness was energy-related so in that case, there must be a way for him to increase his overall energy reserves.

Suddenly, Kael called out his name, interrupting his thoughts. "Elion," he called.

"Hey, Kael. What's up? Need some training?" Elion teased.

Kael burst into laughter. "Not for today. I still haven't managed to reach a better level than yesterday. So, I'll definitely lose to you again."

Kael then got serious and said, "Actually, I need to ask you for something."

"It sounds very serious, Kael. If I can help, I'll help. Don't worry," Elion responded reassuringly.

Kael had a serene smile and was well aware of the potential capabilities of the person before him. He slowly retrieved something from his old wallet and handed it to Elion.

As Elion looked at the picture, he noticed it was yellowish and had a slight scorch mark on the corner. "This...," he began to say.

"It's a picture of my family," Kael interrupted with a hint of emotion. "I have two sisters and two brothers. My mother raised all of us by herself. My father passed away when I was just eight years old. He was one of the brave soldiers who fought in the Terramore Empire wars," Kael continued.

"We used to live in Terra City before it was attacked by our enemies. They took us prisoner, and we were separated during the ordeal. I know that you'll travel across Solara later, so I want to ask for your help. If, by chance, you come across any of them, please let me know. I want us to be together again," Kael requested, his words breaking for a moment as he held back his emotions.

Elion sympathized with Kael's story as he underwent the same separation process. He didn't know his parent's whereabouts, but he knew they were alive, and he would do everything to find them. Like Kael, he also wanted to reunite with his family.

"Alright, Kael, I'm positive that your siblings and mother are safe. Don't worry. If I run into them during my journey, I'll ensure you get in touch," Elion assured him.

"Thanks, Elion. Take this picture with you so you don't forget their appearance. They might look different now. It's been five years, after all. Everyone must have become prettier and more handsome, just like me," Kael joked.

Elion examined the picture and asked excitedly, "Wait a minute...Are they quadruplets?!"

Kael chuckled and responded, "Yes, they are. They're all the same age as Alexa. I'm sure they could become good friends like us, Elion, if they meet her. Their names are Anna, Jack, Jeremy, and Monica. Oh, and my mother's name is Marsha," he explained excitedly.

He then went on to tell Elion about each of his siblings' personalities. Even though they were quadruplets, they each had very different characters.

Elion realized that this was the first time Kael had opened up about his family. Until now, Kael had not shared much about them.

However, they understood each other's sorrows and were always ready to listen. They spent a considerable amount of time talking about each other.

Elion knew that this could be the last time they spent time like this. Kael and the others would soon start studying at the Elemental Academy. Elion would be with Camille to explore and unravel the secrets of the golden aura and the Phoenix as well as retrieving the Fire Elemental Guardian's scroll.

Elion handed the picture back to Kael. Shocked, Kael asked, "Aren't you willing to help?"

Elion chuckled before replying, "Don't worry, Kael. How could I not help you? I won't be able to forget anything I've ever seen or read."

Kael patted Elion's shoulder while laughing heartily. "Oh yeah! I forgot about your incredible memory. Thanks, Elion!"

Elion added, "You'll definitely need this picture. You can look at it whenever you miss them."

Kael smiled happily. He didn't expect Elion to give him good news anytime soon. Maybe not in the near future, maybe years later. But he didn't mind. Having a friend like Elion, he knew that Elion would always do his best for him.

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