
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 21 - First Battle as Elementalist

Without the intention of interrupting, Laxus queried, "Excuse me, doctor, could you tell me the time?"

"It's nearly seven in the evening. Why do you ask?" Dr. Camille responded, curious.

"Oh no. We must hurry. Kael and Alexa are home alone, and I worry for their safety with The Rodox and the Black Bandits lurking in the Waste District," Laxus expressed, his concern evident. 

Laxus started to walk away then paused, struck by a thought. "I'm sorry, doctor. How much is Wendy's treatment?" 

His cheeks flushed with embarrassment, remembering Roxy's earlier accusation. Residents of the Waste District, many sought treatment without the means to afford it.

Laxus, however, took pride in not being among them. Dr. Camille smiled, her response thoughtful. Laxus was momentarily caught off guard with her smile until Elion's gentle nudge brought him back.

"Well, I didn't administer any treatment, so there's no charge. Elion was the one who cared for Wendy," Dr. Camille clarified.

Elion quickly protested, "Please, doctor, I merely diagnosed her. You provided the treatment plan."

"Relax. I'm not yet finished. I won't take payment in the form of money but may I join you all on your way home tonight? I'd like to discuss my thoughts for Elion and you guys," Dr. Camille proposed, her tone inviting.

"Forgive us, doctor, but you are aware we live in the Waste District right?" Laxus inquired, seeking confirmation of her understanding of their harsh living conditions.

"It's quite unsafe, especially at night," Elion added, highlighting their concern.

Dr. Camille chuckled, touched by their wariness, yet she saw beyond their circumstances their potential. "Don't worry," she reassured, conjuring a small blue Elemental Circle that showcased a dancing water whirlpool on her fingertip.

"I am a Water Elementalist and, more importantly, a Level 30 Elemental Knight."

The title of Elemental Knight left the group in awe. Even Wendy, less versed in elemental lore than Laxus or Elion's academic pursuits, understood its significance.

Understanding smiles were exchanged. "In that case, Dr. Camille, you're more than welcome," Laxus responded. "We shouldn't delay any further," he urged, keen on setting off.

In the shadowed corners of the Waste District, some individuals sought refuge in residential homes or concealed themselves.

In contrast, others roamed the night, preying on its residents. Amid this chaos, Laxus and Elion vigilantly guarded their group. Laxus engaged Elementalists in combat while Elion tackled the threats coming from regular people.

With Elion's recent ascension to Elementalist status, their duties would become lighter. They anticipated utilizing the Original Orbs, which Laxus had secured, to awaken the elemental affinities within Alexa, Kael, and Wendy.

Venturing into the dim Waste District, the group used Elion's fire to illuminate their way, opting against flashlights to avoid drawing unwelcome attention.

When the residents saw the fire conjured from elemental power, it would deter those with bad intentions. Nobody wanted to go against an Elementalist. 


Suddenly, an explosion in the distance ruptured the night's calm, sending shockwaves through them. 

"Alexa! Kael!" shouted Elion and Laxus.

The origin of the billowing smoke, unmistakably from their home's direction, spurred Laxus and Elion into immediate action.

They darted towards the smoke while Wendy, taken aback by the sudden events, was promptly swept up by Dr. Camille, who hastened to follow.

As they raced towards the source of the explosion, fear and concern gripped Elion. He silently prayed for the safety of Alexa and Kael, dreading the loss of more loved ones.

"Don't touch her!" Confronted by the enemies responsible for the devastation of their home, Kael stepped forward. 

"Take me instead," he implored, aiming to protect Alexa by offering himself to the dark-clad enemies. 

Despite his words, Kael's loyalty to Laxus was unwavering, and his plea was a desperate attempt to ensure Alexa's safety.

They were confronted by nine enemies, identifiable by their affiliation with the Black Bandits. Laxus had earlier infiltrated their hideout, looting valuable items, including the Original Orbs housed in a Phoenix-carved box.

"You're nothing to me. And neither is this girl," sneered a scar-faced, middle-aged man, his grip menacingly tight around Alexa's throat.

Adorned in a thick black bear skin and fur, his intense gaze bore into them. "If you're of any value to that scumbag, he'll come for us once you're both dead," he declared with disdain.

Kael was in a pitiful condition, his body scorched and battered, his face a mess of bruises and blood, a terrifying sight to behold.

One of the henchmen suggested, "Let us take care of these brats. You shouldn't dirty your hands with their blood, Master Kasum." He hoped to impress Kasum with his suggestion.

Kasum turned towards the henchman and asked, "Oh. Can you handle them?"

The henchman nodded eagerly, hoping to prove his worth. However, before he could say anything further, a yellow Elemental Circle appeared beneath his feet.

"Master Kasu—"

The ground around the henchman erupted and closed in on him from all sides. A sickening thud echoed through the air, followed by a chilling scream.

In the blink of an eye, the flatterer was killed—flattened by Kasum's formidable Earth-Elemental powers. As a Level 20 Earth Elementalist Soldier, his power should not be questioned.

"How can I expect to trust you guys when you're why I'm in hot water with the higher-ups?" Kasum grumbled, his voice rough with frustration. 

The echo of his recent reprimand still lingered painfully in his memory. The root of the problem was a break-in at the hideout he was supposed to guard, orchestrated by a mere teenager.

Fortunately, a closed-circuit camera had captured the face of the intruder: Laxus. In Estola City, with its advanced technology and extensive information network, identifying him was straightforward.

Upon their arrival in the Waste District, Kasum and his team began their search. They questioned the locals about Laxus's whereabouts, dragging a few residents along for interrogation.

Yet, Laxus was nowhere to be found, which only served to fuel Kasum's anger further. He began to act recklessly in his rage, threatening Alexa and Kael to force Laxus out of hiding.

"So, where's Laxus?!" Kasum demanded sharply, his tone causing Alexa to tremble in fear.

At that moment, Kael stood up, despite his weakened state, aiming to protect Alexa. He believed she was too young to be embroiled in such dangers, and if someone had to be at risk, let it be him. Gathering all his strength, he launched towards Kasum, ready to attack.

"Arghhh!" But before his swing reached Kasum, a Metal Elementalist from the Black Bandit group shot him with metal bullets, hitting Kael's vital organs.

"Kael!" Alexa's scream tore through the silence. In a desperate struggle to break free from Kasum's iron grip, Alexa found herself flung toward the gravely injured Kael. Tumbling across the ground, she came to a halt mere steps away from him. Scrambling to her feet, she rushed to his side.

"Kael! Please, you have to wake up!"

Turning her pleas skyward, she cried out, "Brother! Please, help Kael!"

Her cries for help echoed through the air, a beacon of hope that Elion and Laxus would return in time. They were the only chance Kael had now.

"Hahaha! Keep calling them. It won't make a difference. I'll finish you all off myself!" Kasum mocked, his voice dripping with contempt. He was ready to claim their possessions and leave this place behind.

Looking down upon the Waste District with disdain, Kasum signaled to his henchmen. It was time to deal with these meddlesome teenagers.

As the Metal Elementalist advanced towards Alexa and Kael, Elemental Circles began to form around his finger, resembling pistols primed to unleash further destruction.


Three gunshots fired, but before they could hit Alexa and Kael, a wall of golden fire appeared, stopping the bullets in their tracks. The air was filled with the smell of burning metal.

"How...dare...you!" A low, deadly voice came from behind them. 

Elion had arrived, his face serious and his aura intense. While his golden aura usually brought calmness, fear now enveloped them. Moments later, Laxus, Dr. Camille, and Wendy arrived as well. Elion, who was in rage, was too fast for them to follow.

"Dr. Camille, please protect the others and attend to Kael immediately," Elion directed, gesturing toward Kael as a golden aura shot out, enveloping him completely.

Quickly, Dr. Camille approached Kael, who was now shrouded in the golden aura. As she reached out, she felt its unique energy. Instantly, all of Kael's injuries healed, and he stabilized.

Dr. Camille looked perplexed. Nothing was left to do when the golden aura had already healed Kael. Meanwhile, Wendy embraced Alexa, staying clear of the enemy's reach.

"Laxus," called Elion.

"Yes, Elion," Laxus replied promptly, though he couldn't explain his sudden compliance. Elion's aura was overpowering.

"I want to fight. Are you with me?" Elion's question was directed solely at Laxus, who shared his anger at what had happened to Kael and Alexa. Recognizing the emblem on their enemies' attire, Laxus realized they were from the Black Bandits, and his action of stealing from them had led to this. 

"Don't, Elion. We can't win. They outnumber us and are stronger too," Laxus cautioned.

"Surrender isn't an option. I won't allow it," Elion's tone was grave. Laxus fell silent, seeing a side of Elion he had never witnessed. "It's okay. Just stay put. I'll handle them," Elion declared, his eyes glowing gold as the aura enveloped him. Stepping forward, he faced Kasum.

Another five chapters for today!

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