
The Elemental Legacies

Who would have thought that getting kicked out of the Great Hayes Family with his sister would lead Elion to something that would totally flip his life upside down? That’s exactly what happened to Elion in Solara, a world where everyone can control one of five elements: fire, water, wind, earth, or metal. One day, Elion’s best buddy, Laxus, stumbled upon a mysterious box engraved with a Phoenix. Inside were six Original Orbs containing the legacies of Ancient Elementalists. Not only did Elion master one of these elements, but he also inherited the insanely powerful legacy of the Elemental Nexus, the leader of humans in the epic Great War between seven main races. As if that wasn’t enough, he also received the legacies of the Four Elemental Beast Gods. His first big mission? Stop demons from returning and causing chaos after ten thousand years of peace. These demons are no joke, either. Led by Demon Emperor Azroth, they’re coming back with twelve new, super-strong Demon Commanders. So, Elion’s got to power up fast and unlock all the parts of his legacies. And here’s the kicker: Solara’s greatest hero from the war ten thousand years ago, the legendary Elementalist Solandar Solhart, has been resurrected. Will he be a badass ally or a major obstacle in Elion’s quest to fulfill his destiny? Stay tuned!

NoahCaelum · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 20 - The Greatest Elementalist

"Don't worry, Laxus, or you too, doctor. I'm feeling fine," Wendy responded with a smile, acknowledging their concern, having faced death herself.

Wendy vividly remembered the exhaustion and agony she went through. But now, she felt revitalized, as if by magic.

Unbeknownst to Wendy, her body was undergoing a remarkable transformation. Her cells were changing invisibly, wrapped in a golden aura that breathed new life into them.

This transformation went beyond her cells, affecting the very core of her existence. Little did Wendy know that this golden aura was awakening her family's bloodline, paving the way for an unexpected reunion.

"You were so weak just moments ago. You really need to rest, Wendy," Laxus protested, his concern evident as he furrowed his brow. He wanted to insist that she return to bed, but his reluctance to push too hard, especially with women, held him back.

Wendy understood Laxus's concern well, sensing his frustration at her stubbornness. She couldn't help but chuckle softly at his reaction, which she quickly tried to cover up with her hand.

"I'm actually feeling great. To be honest, I feel stronger than ever," Wendy declared, taken aback by her newfound energy. To demonstrate her point, she nimbly hopped off the bed.

"Wendy!" Laxus interjected, disapproving of her actions.

"Hehe, don't worry, Laxus. I feel as light as a feather," Wendy responded, walking over to Dr. Camille. "Thank you for your help, doctor."

Dr. Camille smiled modestly and gestured dismissively. "Don't thank me, Wendy. I merely suggested the approach. It was Elion who actually healed you."

"Elion?" Wendy was surprised and intrigued. She knew Elion quite well; he wasn't a doctor or an Elementalist. How could he have managed to heal her?

Laxus chimed in to help clarify things for Wendy. "Yes, it was indeed Elion who did it somehow."

Dr. Camille was fascinated and curious. "How did you do it, Elion? We're all baffled, especially since you received your inheritance recently; Laxus and I saw it happen."

Elion went from being a regular teenager with no Elemental affinity to someone who could radiate a golden aura and use it to heal Wendy in just over six minutes.

The process of this transformation was a mystery, and no one knew exactly how it worked. Elion was thrilled to share his experience but had to keep a few things secret.

It wasn't because he didn't trust those around him but because he was concerned about the risks. Despite struggling to find the right words, he smiled at those curious about his newfound power.

Elion took a deep breath, his voice steady but excited as he began, "The inheritance I received is from an Ancient Elementalist, revered as the Greatest Elementalist in Solara."

This title, 'The Greatest Elementalist,' signified unparalleled power within one's elemental faction or among all Elementalists.

As Elion unveiled his secret, an electric silence filled the room—each person hanging on his words, understanding the profound significance of such a legacy for any Elementalist.

To be the apprentice of such a figure had its unforeseen advantages, but to inherit their vast knowledge, experiences, and secrets was beyond any expectation.

"Even after ten thousand years, his name—Solandar Solhart—echoes amongst us," Elion continued, his audience spellbound.

The revelation caught Wendy off guard, and managed, "Solandar Solhart, the Fire Elemental Guardian of Solara who sacrificed himself to fend off the demons?"

With a grave nod, Elion confirmed. "Yes, and the golden aura I bear is one of the legacies he bestowed upon me. It possesses healing capabilities," he elucidated.

He then added a twist, "However, this golden aura isn't Solandar's doing. It's a legacy from an entity far more formidable—it is the aura of the Phoenix."

The room was abuzz with astonishment at the mention of the Legendary Elemental Beast. The Phoenix was a rarity in Solara, scarcely seen or known.

Elion harbored a secret, though; the demonic forces feared the Phoenix aura profoundly. This knowledge, if leaked, could endanger them all.

"In that a bit more than six minutes or precisely, 365 seconds, I vanished; I was actually spending a year in another realm, Spirit Realm, under his tutelage," Elion glanced at Dr. Camille, knowing she would appreciate the precision of his account.

"A year might seem extensive, but for someone late in developing affinity with the element like myself, it's hardly sufficient," Elion confided, the disappointment evident in his tone.

"Truly, even a millennium wouldn't suffice to grasp the full breadth of knowledge from the Greatest Elementalist," he continued, a light chuckle breaking through, an attempt to lift his spirits.

"During my year in the Spirit World, I've only managed to master less than three percent of the power. But fear not, every legacy is imprinted onto the memory of its inheritor, ready to be accessed and mastered at will," Elion reassured, emphasizing his point.

He firmly believed that the other Original Orbs that came together with this Phoenix Orb, contained legacies from other Ancient Elementalists.

It would be truly beneficial for their group. Nevertheless, Elion felt immense gratitude as he had mastered all the basics under Solandar's guidance.

What remained was the practice and application of this knowledge. 

Solandar's final words before their parting hinted at a reunion once Elion reached the power level of an Elemental General. However, Solandar was a bit weird at that time.

The specifics of where and how remained uncertain, yet it was a motivating force for Elion, driving him to live up to his potential as the Phoenix's successor, the Fire Elemental Guardian and become the Greatest Elementalist.

As Elion shared his newfound knowledge, Dr. Camille, Laxus, and Wendy listened in rapt silence, their astonishment palpable.

Breaking the silence, Laxus's voice carried a mix of belief and admiration. "If you say so, Elion, I believe you," he said, clapping a hand on Elion's shoulder, his smile genuine.

Had anyone else claimed such a story, skepticism would have prevailed. But standing before them was Elion, a testament to the truth of his words, though they sensed he withheld even greater secrets.

Dr. Camille and Wendy mirrored Laxus's sentiment, choosing not to press Elion for more. His reasons for secrecy were respected.

Laxus, curiosity piqued, ventured, "So, you're officially an Elementalist now?" 

Elion responded with a smile and a nod, extending his palm to conjure a Golden Elemental Circle above it.

"Gold?!" The room erupted in curiosity.

"And what element does that signify, Elion?" Wendy inquired, her mind racing through the catalog of elements she knew, none matching the golden hue before them.

"I'm not entirely sure myself. I asked Solandar, and he merely mentioned fire...as for now. I don't even know the meaning behind his words," Elion's voice trailed off as he focused on the golden Elemental Circle, from which a golden fireball, mesmerizing and potent, emerged.

"This golden fire is so beautiful," Dr. Camille remarked, her researcher's curiosity piqued.

"Amazing, Elion!" Laxus's laughter filled the room, a rare sound of joy from him. This moment of revelation brought genuine happiness, a shared dream inching closer to reality with Elion's newfound abilities.

"And your level, Elion?" Laxus inquired, eager to know more.

"Level 11 Elemental Soldier, similar to yours, Laxus," Elion replied, matching his friend's enthusiasm.

Laxus's laughter grew, "Unbelievable, Elion. It took me five years to reach this level. And you achieved it in six minutes?" His tone was a jest yet filled with genuine happiness for his friend.

Dr. Camille, intrigued by the discussion, interjected, "So, your golden aura healed Wendy? A healing fire element?" The fire was known for its destructive nature, not healing.

"Exactly," Elion confirmed at Camille's wonder at this newfound ability, evident in her voice.

Solandar always spoke in riddles about it, leaving Elion to uncover truths on his own. Once the barrage of questions ceased, Laxus couldn't hide his joy. Beaming, he told Elion, "I'm a Metal Elementalist, and you're a Fire Elementalist."

"Do you realize what this signifies?" he continued, barely containing his excitement. 

"It means our group possesses the most potent destructive elements!" Before Elion could weigh in, Laxus dove further into his thoughts. Meanwhile, Wendy's face was a canvas of mixed emotions—confusion and perhaps a shade of envy.

"Weren't we only able to connect with the elements by age ten? How did you manage to connect yours now, Elion?" Wendy inquired, her voice laced with curiosity and a flicker of hope. Elion's abilities kindled a possibility within her.

Elion dispelled the common belief, explaining, "That theory has been disproven. There's no solid evidence backing it."

"So, there's a chance for me too?" Wendy's voice lifted with excitement, her mind racing with the possibilities of wielding elemental power.

With a reassuring nod, Elion affirmed, "Yes, Wendy. Everyone in our group has that opportunity." 

Similar to Laxus, he was committed to steering them towards mastering their elemental powers. Elion was on a mission to foil the demons' dark schemes and protect Solara. However, he knew he couldn't do it alone; he needed a united team.

This group, his chosen family, was dear to him, and he was adamant about unlocking their full potential. His immediate aim was to lead them away from the bleakness of the Waste District towards a better future and to finish a few missions tasked by Solandar.

Yet, his quest to solve the mystery of his parents' disappearance lingered, now approachable with his newfound powers.

"Interesting. I've never questioned the established theories before," Dr. Camille mused. "However, seeing Elion's transformation has piqued my interest in exploring this further, especially the enigma of his golden aura," she added, intrigued.

Seizing the moment, Elion tried his luck, "May I join your research then?"

"Absolutely. Your insights would be crucial as you're the one with the golden aura, Elion," Dr. Camille warmly replied, seeing Elion not as an opportunity but a talent to be nurtured for a brighter future.