
The Eldest Son of Charlotte

Replacing Perospero as the eldest son of the Four Emperor Aunts, can Charlotte Red King reign supreme in this age of evildoers? "This era doesn't belong to anyone, it's all under my control." - Charlotte Red King said. This is fan translation. I do not own any of the characters of this work

JustPatato · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Red's Awakening

This rule seems a bit cruel to a fool, he is already a fool, why not let him live his life freely? Red understands that this is Charlotte Linlin's greatest protection for herself.

Having lived on this ship for a long time, Charlotte Linlin knows what a hellish ship it is.

As a high-ranking cadre, and from time to time, he used his knowledge to detect Red's traces. If he hadn't encountered a sea overlord of the same level as Rocks to attack during the day, Red would not have an accident.

Night, here is another world, and night is also the moment when Rocks allows the crew to kill and loot treasures wantonly. Of course, the premise is not to destroy his ship.

Crew members, sea kings guarding near the ship intending to pick up cheap, or even enemies sneaking in, anyone encounters with the three-year-old Red will be wiped out. Even with the protection of the sun Prometheus.

Today, because of the recovery of intelligence, Red thought for a long time, so he did not return to his mother's room on time, which caused Charlotte Linlin to worry for a while.

Looking at this beautiful woman with red eyes, Red sighed and accepted his fate.

"Mom, don't be sad, I can take care of myself."

The talent Charlotte Linlin gave Red was more than just a steel balloon, because of the soul-soul fruit, Linlin's soul is far stronger than others. In order to share this power and prevent the body from being broken by the soul, Charlotte Linlin created Homies to lighten herburden.

As Linlin's first son, Red's soul is also extremely large, and the soul of his previous life is the root cause of his dizziness for three years.

"Ah!" Charlotte Linlin, who was indulging in self-comfort, suddenly heard a word coming out of her ear. She was shocked, shook all over, and threw Red with both hands.

In an instant, Red shrunk his body into a ball at the maximum speed, rolled a few times on the deck, and stood up embarrassed.

"Mom, are you going to kill me?", there was a black line on his head.

"Red, my dear son!"

Charlotte Linlin's expression was excited, and the overlord's expression burst out involuntarily, directly shaking the crew on the entire ship.

"Linlin, you lunatic! Is your son dead?"

With a cigar in his mouth, the golden lion floated and cursed, and he froze when he was the first one who dared to come.

"How is this possible!"

Then the silver axe who dared to come took a breath, and the other combatants who came were not much better than him.

As the four emperors of the later generations, how could Charlotte Linlin's overlord color be weak? Even now, some low-level crew members can't resist her overlord color.

At such a close distance, the sun Prometheus was shocked into a coma, but the demented fool had a relaxed expression on his face, his hands in the bag of his trousers, and a speechless expression on his face.

These senior crew members and combatants are powerful, and their knowledgeable cultivation is many times stronger than that of a vice admiral.

They noticed the change in Charlotte Red at a glance, which was also the reason for their surprise.

Red, who has regained his sanity and can block Charlotte Linlin's tyrannical shock at close range, is enough to catch their eyes.

For a time, everyone's attitude changed slightly, and there was an indescribable smell in the air.

"Linlin, that's enough!"

In the captain's room, Rocks did not show up, but his overlord color was contained in these four words, and he bombarded the crew of the entire ship aimlessly.

Another group of tool people fell down, Charlotte Linlin woke up instantly, Red's breathing was a little difficult, but he keenly found that the Golden Lion and others were also facing great enemies, with beads of sweat on their unruly faces. The pressure is much greater than that of Red.

"Kid Red is finally awake, it's not a big deal. Linlin, if you two have something to say, go back to yourselves, Newgate, you go back to sleep. Shiki, clean up all the comatose junk, I don't need it on my boat. These incompetent people."

Charlotte Linlin, who came back to her senses, excitedly picked up Red and ran to her room. In the palm of her hand, Red turned her head by chance, and saw that Shiki used two knives as carriers to throw the comatose crew members into the sea... …

"Red, it's great that you woke up!"

Charlotte Linlin, who was in a calm mood, looked at Red with joy beyond words.

"Huh?" Charlotte Red was a little strange. It stands to reason that she suddenly woke up. This unreasonable thing should surprise Charlotte Linlin and even ask herself if she was tortured as depicted in some novels. Taken?

But what's the matter with this very normal look now?

"Mom, you seem to have known for a long time that I can wake up by myself?" Red asked.

The overjoyed Charlotte Linlin had no scheming, "Captain Rocks said that your dementia is temporary, and it will take five years to recover. I didn't expect you to recover so quickly, it's great!"

With that said, Charlotte Linlin picked up Red again and was about to kiss his cheek, and Red, who felt shy, struggled to break free from her mother's clutches.

"Mom, I'm already a big kid, don't be like this."...


Early in the morning, when Red opened her eyes again, Charlotte Linlin had already left. I yawned. Yesterday, the mother and son chatted very late.

Said to be chatting, in fact, Red was listening to his mother's complaints, about what his father was deceiving the girl, about the dangers in the sea, and even confiding his love for Red.

Red sighed, he understood that this was a mother's most sincere feeling for her child.

"Mom, I will never let you become that cruel fat woman in the future, my mother, but you will always be young and beautiful!"

Secretly swearing in his heart, Charlotte Red took a deep breath. He was about to face the strongest man of this era - Rocks D. Xebec.

This is a man who cannot be described in words. From his mother's description last night, Red found that most of Rock's style of doing things is similar to what he revealed in his previous life.

Don't ask why Red, who is half-familiar with One Piece, knows this guy better. Pirates who can gather the golden lion, Whitebeard, Kaido, Big mom and other powerful generals are definitely the most powerful existence in the entire One Piece.

Even as the first existence who dared to attack celestial dragon people, who wouldn't be interested in such a man with special charm?

Red didn't understand why Rocks seemed to treat himself with great preferential treatment. Could it be that he has a similar ability to read memories and see that he is a transmigrator?

This is not impossible, the ability of the Devil Fruit is all kinds of strange, and it is not impossible to read the memory. The more he thinks about it, the more Red's fear of Rocks is gradually deepening, but sitting still is not a solution. When Red was thinking about how to face the sea overlord, the door opened.

Charlotte Linlin, carrying a cup of dairy and a plate of meat, walked briskly to the bed.

"Red, you're awake! Hurry up and wash up and eat something, Captain Rocks wants to see you!"