
The Eldest Son of Charlotte

Replacing Perospero as the eldest son of the Four Emperor Aunts, can Charlotte Red King reign supreme in this age of evildoers? "This era doesn't belong to anyone, it's all under my control." - Charlotte Red King said. This is fan translation. I do not own any of the characters of this work

JustPatato · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

New Crew on the Rox Pirates

There is never a shortage of travelers on the vast sea, but the windless zone is a mysterious area where the whole world changes color.

In this era, this place is called a dead place, and giant sea beasts with lengths of 100 meters and 1000 meters can be found here. They are the real sea kings, and the sea monsters dubbed the "cradle" outside are just a joke in front of them.

Thousands of giant sea monsters, their bodies can stir up a small tsunami to destroy a country, but at this moment they are wandering around the "drifting" ship for a long time, seeming to be afraid and eager.

It is not accurate to say that it is drifting. On this calm sea, the ship that looks like a warship does not even need to drop its anchor and just waits quietly like that.

There were not many figures on the ship, including navigators, doctors, and other people with little combat power, but they also disappeared, but a few huge figures were leaning on the railing in front of the door of a small room.

In the corridor in front of the door, a middle-aged man who was a little shorter than the others paced here anxiously, looking at the small door from time to time, trying to find out the interior of the silent room.

Beside him, several men's faces were slightly solemn, but they were not as anxious as this pacing man.

Holding a fine cigar, the blond man sitting on the railing seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and shouted to the pacing man, "What's the hurry, the child is not yours, you are influencing me here. Mood."

The pacing man, Long Bread, had a slightly embarrassed expression when he heard the words, but his pacing stopped, but he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

"Shiki, shut up, Linlin is our partner!" A tall man with a little beard reprimanded.

"Newgate, when did you have such a good relationship with Linlin, Jie ha ha ha ha."

The man known as Newgate didn't continue to say anything, but the angry white light on his fist stopped Shikis's laughter.

When the fruit ability was activated, Shiki floated directly, a few meters away from Newgate.

"You guys, that's enough!"

The man in an inexplicable military uniform opened his eyes and stared straight at the room in front of him. His voice was not loud, but it made Shiki and Newgate shudder involuntarily.

"Yes (yes), Captain."

"Let's go and see our new partner!"

The sturdy captain with flowing hair held his arms and walked slowly towards the door. At that moment, the closed-door opened, and a young and beautiful woman came out with a smile.

"Linlin is born, it's a kid!"

The rebellious Shiki, Newgate, and even Lingling's long bread froze, not because their captain could "predict the future", but because of the captain's name for Linlin's child!

partner! This word is unusual for them. They are pirates, pure pirates, pirates who come together for money and jewelry.

There is no family here, and it is the norm here that the strong give birth to the weak and die. Companionship is their captain's greatest recognition for the crew. Even the famous white-bearded Newgate in later generations struggled to get this honor, but now, this title is so easily given to a newly born child.

"Does the captain have an affair with Linlin? No, this child is his!"

The floating Shiki has always used the greatest malice to speculate on others, and his voice was very low, but he hit the iron plate.

Invisible light waves bombarded him, and he was caught off guard by being blasted hundreds of meters away.

"Since you're so idle, Shiki, go and clean up that undersea garbage! If you still want to pick up a bargain, then leave your life behind!"

Nature has always been like this. After a mother gives birth, her physical strength will weaken, even for a powerful pirate.

For the Sea Kings who devoured powerful lifeforms to enhance themselves, now is a golden opportunity.

Unfortunately, the woman who gave birth in this battleship was not the most powerful one.

"Jie ha ha ha ha..." Shiki laughed, Kagarashi and Oto in his hands sent out light waves, the sea kings of thousands of meters had no time to dodge, and Shiki made a raw fish without even a panic expression. piece.

The blood-colored seawater permeated the entire windless belt, and those sea kings with wisdom and strength shrank their heads at this moment, perceiving the food they used to wantonly slaughter their kind.

This is the sea!

"Linlin, are you feeling better?" Captain Rocks, who stepped into the room, was rarely concerned about his crew. At this moment, Charlotte Linlin, who was only 16 years old, was half asleep on the bed, leaning up hard, with a look in her eyes. Looking at his child with concern, he even forgot Rocks question.

The girl is not the cruel four emperors on the side of Megatron in the future. Now she is a shy girl. This is her first child and the crystallization of her first love.

"I can handle such a beautiful Linlin. He is a man like a beast. He doesn't cherish it when he catches it and even abandons his wife and children. He is a male beast."

Seeing Rocks' rare concern for Linlin, John, the most observant, scolded.

Charlotte Linlin, who had tasted love for the first time, looked at her child tenderly, but her face was also full of anger. She also agrees with John's words, that man is not a thing.

Perhaps this is the reason why the four emperors of the later generations abandoned their tool husbands at will. Love, it hurts people.

"My lovely child, you are my mother's only one. From now on, our mothers will depend on each other for life. Let that dead man go to hell!"

"What a spiritual child, with the demeanor of a king."

When Charlotte Linlin calmed down, Rocks took over the little boy from her hands, and his unstinting admiration made all the crew's eyes shrink, especially the doctor on this ship, the golden watermelon who helped Linlin deliver the baby. The head woman trembled even more.

"Jie Hahaha, let me see what Linlin's son looks like."

The golden lion Shiki, who had finished dealing with the sea kings, was floating, but the beautiful lady who had just opened the door to the big guy gave him a blank eye and closed the door, shutting the big pirate who was currently offering a bounty of 180 million Bailey to the outside world.

Rocks rules are very simple, fights are okay, but if anyone dares to break his precious ship, he will blow that guy's head. So after the door was closed, Shiki didn't dare to make a big move, but just shouted from the door, "Open the door, Shiki"

Although Shiki was very noisy outside, the soundproofing effect of this room was very good, and there was no noise at all.

"That's right, Shiki should teach him a lesson, how can he disturb Lingling's rest."

Rocks seemed to be concerned about Linglin, but his eyes were always on the sleeping little guy in his arms.

"Since the captain likes this little guy so much, give him a name!"

Newgate coaxed, and the other crew members agreed, even Charlotte Linlin agreed.

Although their captain was cold-blooded, he could not fake his status as a sea overlord. It was a great honor for a newborn child to be able to give him a name.

Rocks didn't refuse, and a word popped into his mind, "Let's call it red, Charlotte Red, King Charlotte Red."