
The Eight Descendants

Plot: Yumen sect was destroyed, but at the last moment, the eight guardians received an order to find eight talented children as the descendants to restore their sect in the future. The chosen descendants stayed hidden for seven years before they were found by an elderly in the martial world. The story starts here. At the same time, a white steel fan appeared in the martial world, rumored as the artifact left by the Sword God, and contained a secret to either defeat or support the primary manual of Yumen Sect. An unknown figure murdered two families, and it was a mystery waiting to be solved by the descendants. The Main Descendant Hua Jinshui was poisoned and took three years to recover after saving a young girl named Xu Qiao. Three years later the journey continued and they joined the descendant Huang Yu to find the other descendants. The appearance of two mysterious men with wide hats, one huge tall man and a skinny one, brought trouble to Jinshui and his friends. This story consists of 35 episodes (3 chapters each) and it is the first of a trilogy set in its own partially fictional world. There will be a prequel and a sequel. Thank you for reading my novel.

Xiaodiandian · Eastern
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104 Chs

Episode 08 : Descendant of Water Fairy - Chapter 2

Jinshui arrived at Miaoxing Kezhan and found Huang Yu already waiting for him in the lobby. Jinshui was injured, his bleeding had stopped but the arrow on his back was still there. The hotel servant stared in shock to see the scene. Huang Yu quickly gave him some money and asked him to keep his mouth shut. The servant could only nod, then left them.

"Where's Qiao-er?" Jinshui asked.

"She got here an hour ago," said Huang Yu, "I asked her to rest in the room."

He led Jinshui to a room at the back of the inn. Xu Qiao greeted them in the corridor and found Jinshui's injuries were severe. Jinshui stepped into the room Huan Yu guided him into and Qin Liangjie was already there and help carry him to the chair. Huang Yu held Xu Qiao at the door.

"Xu Guniang, treating those wounds is not for you," he said, "please just wait here."

Huang Yu closed the bedroom door, and took out his silver needles and some wound medicine. Jinshui pulled an arrow from his back himself, throwing it on the floor. Huang Yu recognized that weapon as belonging to Jianyin Bang.

"How did you even come to fights with the men from Jianyin Bang?" he asked.

"I saw those two mysterious men," Jinshui said as he took off his top shirt, letting Huang Yu stitch up the wound on his arm. "Two men who had released secret weapons to kill your parents three years ago."

Huang Yu was silent for a moment. He still clearly remembered everything that happened three years ago. To this day he didn't even know what the killers of his parents looked like. His master Chailang had taught him many things, he was also quite confident in his ability to track down anyone even when they were hiding at the end of the sky. It was an irony that until this day he couldn't find the killers of his own parents.

"Who are they?" he asked in trembled voice.

"A big tall man with a bronze mask covering half face, the other a small skinny one with a grin," Jinshui replied, "I couldn't force them to show their significant fighting techniques of a particular sect, nor did they use any distinctive weapons. The men from Jianyin Bang also came too fast, and those two slipped away before revealing their identity."

"Qin-xiong, you help Jinshui sew the wounds, then put this powder to stop the bleeding." Huang Yu said to Qin Liangjie, then stepped out of the room.

"Huang Erge," Xu Qiao was still waiting at the door anxiously. "How's Jinshui Gege?"

"He's fine," said Huang Yu, then walked away quickly.

Huang Yu returned not long after, carrying a few pieces of paper as well as some ink. He asked Jinshui to describe more clearly the characteristics of the two men he saw, including the dagger the skinny one used. He drew pictures of those two based on Jinshui's description, while Qin Liangjie stitched up Jinshui's wound and put on some medicine.

"Do they look like this?" Huang Yu showed the drawing to Jinshui after.

"Yes," replied Jinshui, "you have them drawn correctly."

Huang Yu gave Jinshui a set of new clothes and let Xu Qiao in after Jinshui cleaned up. Xu Qiao went straight to Jinshui and asked him about his injuries a few times.

"Just some small wounds," Jinshui ensured her.

"Xu Guniang, do you recognize these two?" Huang Yu showed her the two drawings he made a while ago to Xu Qiao. Those two men could also be the ones responsible for the Xu Family's massacre three years ago. Huang Yu didn't know why, and he hoped that Xu Qiao can give a clue.

"This one looks like that old servant Duan Meng we saw with Laofeng mixing herbs in the hut on the mountain, doesn't he, Jinshui Gege?" Xu Qiao pointed at the drawing of the skinny man. "Resemble, but different. Servant Duan Meng has a big mole on his cheek, this man doesn't have one."

"He's not Duan Meng," Jinshui said shortly.

"What about the other one?" Huang Yu asked again.

"He," Xu Qiao fell silent when she saw the image of the big, bronze masked man. She recognized the face in the picture, but for a moment she just didn't believe it. "He is the man Jinshui Gege saw this afternoon?" she asked Huang Yu.

"Yes," replied Huang Yu.

"I don't know him," Xu Qiao said. "Who are these two men? What was Jinshui Gege confronting them for?"

"Three years ago I witnessed my parents die in front of me," Huang Yu said in a muffled voice. "These two men were there, and I know they shot the secret weapon. Jinshui chased them but failed to catch them, today he saw them by accident but lost them again. Xu Guniang, these two men could also be the ones who killed your parents and four sisters, I'm sure you want to find them too and have your revenge."

"I really don't know who they are," said Xu Qiao. "My father didn't have many enemies, if I had seen them, I would have recognized them immediately. Huang Erge, you want to find the killer of your parents, I also want to know who killed my parents, but I don't want to wrongly accuse people."

Huang Yu folded the two drawings he made and put them away, then also save all his silver needles and medicine. At the same time, Xiaoshan and Xiaohu arrived at the front of the room, carrying a man who was tied with a rope and had his mouth gagged with a piece of cloth. Huang Yu led out to meet them.

Xu Qiao recognized the man brought by Xiaoshan and Xiaohu as Yuanxia, the young eunuch of Yi Wangfu who had escorted Liuxin Junzhu to Jianyin Bang's headquarters. Jinshui told Xiaohu just this afternoon that Liuxin was not willing to meet the other descendants. Xiaohu and her sister went to Jianyin Bang headquarters soon after that, and they catch the most important assistant of Liuxin.

"Xiaohu, Xiaoshan," Huang Yu scolded them, "I asked you to invite Liuxin Junzhu here, why did you arrest her guard?"

"Yu Gege, I'm here."

Liuxin had already arrived at the place. She knew two girls had caught her trusted eunuch, presumably knew the reason, and then chased after them. Xiaoshan and Xiaohu deliberately slowed their faces so Liuxin could catch up.

"Liuxin Meimei," Qin Liangjie still recognized the young princess.

"Let him go," Liuxin said to Xiaoshan and Xiaohu.

The two maids untied the young eunuch. Yuanxia immediately stood in front of his master, ready to protect her from anyone. However, when he saw that there were only a number of young people around them who didn't seem to have any bad intentions, he looked confused.

"It's okay," Liuxin said, "they are friends of mine. Even though the way they invite is a little harsh, but I'm sure they just miss me."

"Liuxin Meimei, how are you?" Huang Yu asked her.

"Yu Gege, I came to Wuzhang to seek protection from the leader of Jianyin Bang, I don't want to see you now because it's not safe for me yet," Liuxin said, "Those two men might have arrived here too, and they can find me at any time."

"Who are you talking about?" asked Huang Yu, "and since when the dull leader of Jianyin Bang can do a better job protecting you than us the descendants of Yumen?"

"Yu Gege, is there any other safer place?" asked Liuxin. "These two jiejies carried Yuanxia all the way and I had no choice but to follow them all the way here, leaving a bunch of traces. We'd better leave Wuzhang immediately, and go somewhere safer. I will tell you everything."

"Lin Jixuan owns a ship, it shouldn't be far from this place," Huang Yu said, "we can go with him to leave Wuzhang City. Maybe, meet the next descendant."


A ship with the Lin Family flag appeared on the small dock by the riverbank soon after Jinshui and friends arrived. Qin Liangjie immediately preceded the others and sped up there, knowing his wife Shangguan Ruyin was on board.

A few days ago Huang Yu forced them to separate so that Qin Liangjie could focus on training wuqing xue and the inner energy given by Menggui, but the separation made Qin Liangjie even more restless and couldn't practice at all. But Huang Yu didn't do anything about it.

Lin Jixuan was on the deck, and he didn't wait until Qin Liangjie stepped his feet on the floor, the folding fan in his hand had already struck straight at the neck, forcing Qin Liangjie to hold his weight on his weapon spear, turned his body to dodge his attack quickly.

Huang Yu and the others also boarded the ship, approaching those who were fighting. Qin Liangjie seemed unconcerned that Lin Jixuan was Yumen's fellow descendant, still vividly remembering how that wayward young master had behaved at their first meeting ten years ago. Qin Liangjie had no interest in resurrecting all kinds of destroyed sect, he had no interest in making friends with a wayward young master like Lin Jixuan.

Qin Liangjie changed moves quickly, just after dodging Lin Jixuan's attack, he took two steps back to give enough distance to spin the spear in his hand, then attacked with that weapon, the spear aimed at Lin Jixuan's chest as if to tear him apart, he also used all his strength to swiftly full of emotion.

Jinshui saw that Qin Liangjie really intended to hurt Lin Jixuan, he was about to separate the two, but Huang Yu held him back. Jinshui noticed Lin Jixuan's abilities were better, casually seeming to parry and deflect Qin Liangjie's every attack using the folding fan in his hand.

"Still not willing to use Menggui Shishu's inner energy?" Lin Jixuan even mocked him.

Qin Liangjie's breath was already ragged, indeed he always only relied on physical energy and did not want to use internal energy. Until a dozen moves later he was still trying to strike Lin Jixuan with the spear. The attacks seemed weak.

"Yu, aren't you going to train him for a year or two so he can obediently play his role as Yumen's descendant," Lin Jixuan protested against Huang Yu. "It's only been two days and you have returned him to his wife?"

"He can't concentrate at all without his wife supporting him." Huang Yu said. "Men and women's love seem to be a hindrance to our efforts to resurrect Yumen." The last words were also aimed at Jinshui and Xu Qiao, but the two of them paid no heed.

"Qin Furen is about to give birth, but I guess there's a little problem." Lin Jixuan said in his usual annoying tone.

"What problem now?" Qin Liangjie heard his wife had a birthing problem, he immediately stopped the attack, and his face turned red. "Where is she?" he asked Lin Jixuan impatiently.

"In her room," Lin Jixuan pointed a direction with his folding fan.

Qin Liangjie immediately dashed into the cabin, and Lin Jixuan was no longer blocking him. The wayward young master's attention was focused on Liuxin, whether consciously or not he immediately stepped closer, finding the little girl in the red coat who brought various kinds of dishes and tea in Xuanwu Lake years ago had turned into a very attractive teenage girl.

"Liuxin Meimei, you are here too," he said happily, "great, five of us are here, only three more to find."

"Lin Gege," Liuxin greeted him. "In the past ten years, I have often heard about the reputation of the young master of Lin Family. It's been said that dozens of girls have been harmed by you. Considering you have me as your little sister, I hope that someday you can leave this nasty habit."

"No problem," Lin Jixuan replied with a ridiculous smile. Looks like he's really going to submit to the little princess.

"What's wrong with Qin-xiong's wife?" Jinshui asked Lin Jixuan. "You should take good care of her and the baby."

"I didn't do anything," said Lin Jixuan. "That Qin Furen is pregnant. I have never dealt with a pregnant woman in my life, the task of taking care of her should be performed by someone else."

"We'd better go to Bai Tu Shanzhuang (White Rabbit Village) on the shores of Dongting Lake, Hunan Province, to see Li Taiyi (Healer Li)," Liuxin said. "Also see Li Qian Gege."

"Li Qian?" asked Huang Yu. Li Qian is the descendant of Ducao. Huang Yu had not managed to find his whereabouts since the Li Family left the capital. "Liuxin Meimei, how did you know Li Qian was staying in Dongting Lake area?"

"Several years ago Li Taiyi left the capital after failing to heal an imperial concubine, Li Qian Gege was also there to say goodbye to me," said Liuxin. "He asked me to tell you when you had come to gather us all. That Bai Tu Shanzhuang is the place Li Taiyi has prepared for retirement."

"Lin Jixuan," Huang Yu turned to the wayward young master. "I guess you don't mind taking us all to Dongting Lake."

"Of course," said Lin Jixuan. "Even though this ship belongs to my father and I used it without his permission, I don't think he will mind if I don't return it soon."


The distance from Wuzhang City to Bai Tu Shanzhang on the shores of Dongting Lake wasn't too far, they might have arrived the next day. They took the time to rest that night, in the morning the ship had already crossed the border of Hunan Province.

Shangguan Ruyin's condition was not very good. She had a hard time giving birth due to the exhaustion of traveling since Qin Liangjie took her away from their hometown to avoid Huang Yu and the task as one of eight descendants of Yumen. She was a weak woman, and she always preferred to stay silent and had always kept her pain to herself. Huang Yu let Qin Liangjie accompany his wife into the room

That morning Jinshui and Huang Yu were questioning the eunuch Yuanxia to tell them what happened in the capital so Liuxin had to run away from wangfu and asked for protection from the leader of Jianyin Bang. Liuxin herself was clearly hiding something, her eunuch didn't seem to like to cover up much.

"About five years ago, Li Taiyi came to our wangfu," Yuanxia began his explanation, "he handed over an old man who was really sick, and asked wangfei niang niang (the noble concubine) to look after him."

"Li Taiyi?" asked Huang Yu. "Li Taiyi, the palace healer who was dubbed Yi Shen Yao Wang (King of Medicine and God of Herbs)?"

"He only referred to himself as Wuming Laoren (Nameless Old Man), only wangfei niang niang called him Li Taiyi. When Li Taiyi came, he talked to wangfei niang niang for a long time, and none of our subordinates knew what they were talking about. The injured old man was in a half-unconscious state. The strange thing was, his hands and feet were chained, and he was also locked in an iron cage."

Yuanxia was a eunuch who served in the prince's residence his whole life, never mingling with outsiders. He didn't talk much, his life was spent devotedly to his master and he was very loyal. He did not know about the other figures in the palace or the capital, moreover did not know the affairs of the martial world. He knew Huang Yu and the others could protect Liuxin better than the leader Jianyin Bang, so he didn't hesitate to tell him everything he knew.

"How can Li Taiyi take an injured old man and hand him over to your wangfei?" asked Huang Yu. "What does that injured old man have to do with wangfei? He is chained and caged, is he a dangerous enemy?"

"I don't know the identity of that old man," the eunuch said honestly. "Just knowing he was injured like that for years, and it was Li Taiyi who had already kept him alive."

Huang Yu did not urge him. "And then?" he asked.

"Wangfei niang-niang asked some subordinates to lock up the injured old man in the wangfu's basement," Yuanxia continued, "and then wangfei niang niang invited several deaf-mute fighters and asked them to guard that place. Without her order, no one was allowed to go there to meet the prisoner."

Deaf-mute fighters, Huang Yu repeated in his mind. They might be created by the concubine to keep the secret in the basement. There was something behind all this.

"Wangfei keeping a prisoner in the basement was later discovered by junzhu," continued Yuanxia. "That day junzhu told me, she said that at night she heard someone screaming in the basement. Junzhu was worried that the captive old man was being tortured, then asked me to help her, to help the old man escape."

"What about Liuxin's father?" asked Jinshui. "His concubine kept a prisoner and he didn't say anything about it?"

"Gongzi don't get me wrong," the eunuch waved his hand, "wangfei niang niang is always a graceful and honorable person, never acts arbitrarily. I just found out later, that the old man in the basement was suffering from a serious illness, he was screaming not because he was tortured or anything, but because of his illness."

Huang Yu just snorted. He tried to guess the identity of the injured old man, but couldn't find the answer.

"That day junzhu borrowed wangye's order plate, then forced the prison guard to get the old man out. Worried that the old man would not be able to pass it, junzhu helped the old man out of wangfu herself. I helped take him out of the capital. We were chased by a number of bodyguards and deaf-mute fighters. The commotion that junzhu made for helping the old man was all over the capital."

"At that time did Liuxin know the identity of that old man?" asked Huang Yu.

"Junzhu only said that even a big criminal shouldn't be detained and tortured in her house," said Yuanxia. "She was just helping the old man out of pity, regardless of whether that old man deserved to be helped or not."

Liuxin was a noble princess. As Huang Yu recalled she was just a gentle and sweet little girl, unexpectedly able to make such a big fuss just for the sake of one unknown person.

"We managed to hide in a village for up to two days, but it was the old man himself who then asked the junzhu to take him back to wangfu," continued Yuanxia. "He said he was supposed to be there and couldn't go out in his current state. Junzhu didn't agree but the old man kept insisting, finally we had no choice but to go back to wangfu. The old man was returned to his cell and junzhu went to see wangfei niang niang. They talked for a long time, and wangfei explained well to junzhu, and junzhu finally understand everything."

"That's all?" asked Huang Yu.

"Wangfei niang niang is not Junzhu's biological mother, but she loves her very much," said Yuanxia as well. "As much as I know, their relationship is very good, so Junzhu's action of escaping a prisoner doesn't get her into trouble. After that day, there were several times that wangfei niang niang and junzhu visit the old man."

"Then what does Liuxin have to do with having to leave the capital and come to Jianyin Bang's headquarters?" asked Jinshui.

"The commotion that junzhu made when she brought the old man out of the capital apparently spread to the point where the people of the martial world started talking about it," said Yuanxia. "And then, all the way to the old owner of Wansui Gu."

"Lao Duxie Zeng Baifeng?" asked Huang Yu.

"Yes," replied Yuanxia. "The old poison master was horrible. He came with his skinny friend. They claim to be the masters of Wansui Gu. Our wangfu was tightly guarded, but they could go in and out at will, killing the guards and asking them to hand over the prisoners. Finally, they also looked for junzhu and asked if she knew the secret. I also don't know what the secret is."

Huang Yu looked at Jinshui for a moment. Shuiyao's descendant kept a long explanation, only her eunuch wouldn't be able to reveal all the details.

"Zeng Baifeng had been hiding in Wansui Gu for a long time, it didn't match his character to march down the capital looking for an old man," said Huang Yu. "Why don't you just hand over the old man?"

"Hua Gege, Yu Gege, I already said I would tell you everything, why are you here interrogating my subordinate?"

Liuxin stepped out of the ship's cabin toward them, with Xu Qiao following her and Lin Jixuan some distance away. Liuxin immediately ordered Yuanxia to step aside and the young eunuch retreated behind her.

"I didn't ask him why you don't have Shuiyao Shishu's inner energy," Jinshui said. Indeed, at the headquarters of Jianyin Bang, Liuxin said she would tell everyone when the time come when Jinshui asked about the guardian inner energy generally possessed by the descendants.

"You do not have Shuiyao Shishu's inner energy?" asked Huang Yu. "Liuxin, what else you didn't tell us?"

"Shuiyao Shifu hasn't given me her inner energy because she thinks I'm too young," Liuxin replied, "also because I'm worried that I like to cause trouble, helping someone escape wangfu basement, and making enemies with the Wansui Gu masters."

"That old man locked in your wangfu, is he the enemy of the master of Wansui Gu?" Huang Yu asked her.

"I promised to never tell his identity to anyone," replied Liuxin. "Hua Gege, Yu Gege, please don't ask Liuxin to break a promise."

"Soon we will arrive at Bai Tu Shanzhuang and meet Li Qian," said Huang Yu. "The old man in your wangfu was brought there by Li Qian's father, Li Taiyi. I guess we can just ask him. This doesn't count on you, doesn't it?"

Liuxin looked at Jinshui for a moment, her face turned pale as if she was worried that the old prisoner's identity would be discovered by Jinshui. This expression was of course clearly visible to everyone there.

The ship had already arrived at the Dongting Lake area. Huang Yu asked Xiaoshan and Xiaohu to come down and asked the locals where Bai Tu Shanzhuang was, while Liuxin asked the eunuch Yuanxia to tag along, and the three then went to do their task.

Huang Yu then asked Lin Jixuan out to hunt with him, while Jinshui took Xu Qiao to catch fish. Only Qin Liangjie remained on the ship with his wife, not wanting to leave a single step.

When Huang Yu and Lin Jixuan returned with the two rabbits, Jinshui and Xu Qiao had already lit a fireplace by the lake, grilling some fish. Liuxin even cooked rice for all of them.

"Hi, Liuxin Meimei, how do you know how to cook rice?" Lin Jixuan asked Liuxin curiously.

"Why? Is it because I'm a junzhu, only knowing how to be served?" Liuxin asked back.

"If you can also cook these two rabbits, then I Lin Jixuan really admire you," said Lin Jixuan as he handed the two rabbits to her. The two animals were still alive, they looked weak but unharmed. Huang Yu caught them without using a weapon.

"I don't kill rabbits," Liuxin said. "Just let them go."

"Where did you get those rabbits?" Xu Qiao asked. "We are currently looking for a place named White Rabbit Village, possibly the home of those rabbits."

"But they are black, not white," replied Lin Jixuan. "We also got them in the forest, and they are nothing like rabbit pets."

He left them and took the two rabbits to the shore of the river. Huang Yu went to the cabin, bringing food for Qin Liangjie and his wife. Liuxin asked Xu Qiao to go with her to look for some fruits in the forest, leaving Jinshui.

"Qiao Jiejie, when Hua Gege introduced you to me, he said that you are the daughter of the late owner of Huofeng Lou," Liuxin said to Xu Qiao when they were far enough from Jinshui. "If I'm not mistaken, your father and Zhong Bangzhu of Jianyin Bang are good friends, aren't they?"

"Yeah I guess," replied Xu Qiao.

"Then it can be said that you are from one of those who call themselves the pure righteous line," Liuxin said again. "You shouldn't be with the Yumen descendants like us and befriend Hua Gege."

"Junzhu," Xu Qiao looked at her. "What do you mean?"

"Qiao Jiejie please don't misunderstand me," Liuxin said softly, "I just wanted to tell you, Hua Gege is a good person. They are all good people too. No matter what people said about our Yumen in the past, we descendants are not the same."

"I know," said Xu Qiao. "I owe my life to Jinshui Gege. In this life, no matter how I just want to return the favor to him."

"Is that so?" asked Liuxin. "You are with him, is to return the favor only?"

"Ehm," said Xu Qiao.

"All right," said Liuxin, "then I don't have to worry about you."

"Do you like him?" asked Xu Qiao.

"Hua Gege?" asked Liuxin. "Of course, he is a good brother to me."

"Junzhu, all the descendants have inner energy gifted by the guardians but you," Xu Qiao said. "You said that Shuiyao hasn't given it to you, then is this Shuiyao still alive?"

Liuxin plucked some broad leaves to use to carry forest fruits, she avoided Xu Qiao for a while, and apparently didn't plan to answer her question.

"The other guardians of Yumen are gone, do they still have one left to tell the descendants what to do next when the time comes?" Xu Qiao asked again.

"This fruit is very sweet." Liuxin plucked a few reddish-colored fruits from the surrounding bush and placed them in the leaf folds, she ate one of them.

"I've only heard Jinshui Gege talking about his master, never heard him mention his parents," Xu Qiao said again. "Were his parents also Yumen members? You know who they are?"

Liuxin coughed and some of the fruit she had picked fell down. She didn't expect Xu Qiao to ask such a question. "Qiao Jiejie if you really want to know, why don't you just ask Hua Gege?" she asked with a smile. "Liuxin has no right to tell you anything."

Xu Qiao reacted when she saw the drawing Huang Yu showed her and it was because she recognized the man in the drawing, but she was not sure.

Xiaoshan and Xiaohu were trained to kidnap people and sometimes, kill them without a trace. I find them a good addition to this revision.

Yuanxia wasn't unloyal, but he really wished for the best for his employer. Surely, he couldn't tell Jinshui and Huang Yu the identity of the mysterious prisoner because he didn't know either.

Liuxin knew she was part of Yumen, and she worried Xu Qiao was not, she was afraid Xu Qiao will betray Jinshui and the other descendants one day. Well, we cannot rule out this possibility, can we?

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