
The Eight Descendants

Plot: Yumen sect was destroyed, but at the last moment, the eight guardians received an order to find eight talented children as the descendants to restore their sect in the future. The chosen descendants stayed hidden for seven years before they were found by an elderly in the martial world. The story starts here. At the same time, a white steel fan appeared in the martial world, rumored as the artifact left by the Sword God, and contained a secret to either defeat or support the primary manual of Yumen Sect. An unknown figure murdered two families, and it was a mystery waiting to be solved by the descendants. The Main Descendant Hua Jinshui was poisoned and took three years to recover after saving a young girl named Xu Qiao. Three years later the journey continued and they joined the descendant Huang Yu to find the other descendants. The appearance of two mysterious men with wide hats, one huge tall man and a skinny one, brought trouble to Jinshui and his friends. This story consists of 35 episodes (3 chapters each) and it is the first of a trilogy set in its own partially fictional world. There will be a prequel and a sequel. Thank you for reading my novel.

Xiaodiandian · Eastern
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104 Chs

Episode 08 : Descendant of Water Fairy - Chapter 1

Jinshui and Xu Qiao went to xiyuan feng or the west side of the Jianyin Bang headquarters complex the next morning to see Liuxin. The Jianyin Bang members guarding the front of the building informed the eunuch named Yuanxia, Liuxin's confidant, in advance of their arrival. Not long after, they were allowed into the main room, the eunuch was there waiting for them.

"Hua Shaoxia please wait here," the eunuch spoke politely to Jinshui, "our junzhu will see you soon."

Jinshui nodded his head and stood waiting quietly. Xu Qiao sat down and looked around. She was thinking, Jinshui came here to meet Zhong Shaoyan's guest, whether Han Budian would also appear and watch over like yesterday.

The eunuch asked two women dressed like palace maids to guard the door and make sure the conversation in the room was not heard by the members of the Jianyin Bang. Xu Qiao just realized that among the women who were disguised among the people in dark clothes who came with the junzhu last night were the ladies in men's clothes.

Not long after, two female figures appeared from behind the room divider. One was a young girl in a white silk dress who looked elegant, the other was her servant, a few years older and always bowed her head as if she didn't dare to look at other people. The girl in the silk dress was no longer wearing the blindfold like yesterday, but she still looked pale and weak.

"Hua Gege," the girl in white silk immediately greeted Jinshui and came over, her maid no longer leading her and seemed to be hiding behind the eunuch Yuanxia's back. Xu Qiao took a quick glance, feeling that there was something odd about this maid, only she couldn't tell for sure.

"Liuxin Meimei," Jinshui greeted her back. "How are you?"

Liuxin reached out to him, letting Jinshui touch her hand lightly. Xu Qiao stood up and approached, seeing Jinshui's expression change instantly. It seemed that the princess's condition was not so good.

"You don't have the inner energy of Shuiyao Shishu," Jinshui said in low voice. "What happened?"

"It's a long story, I cannot tell you here and risk it being heard by the members of Jianyin Bang," replied Liuxin anxiously, "Hua Gege, how did you find me here? Are you coming with the other brothers?"

"Huang Yu told me to meet you in Jianyin Bang headquarters," replied Jinshui, "but he didn't tell me you came here as Zhong Shaoyan's guest. Good thing I met Zhong Shaoyan and his disciple and they invited us here."

"This lady," Liuxin pointed at Xu Qiao.

"She's a friend, Xu Qiao, Xu Guniang," Jinshui introduced Xu Qiao. "The daughter of the late owner of Huofeng Lou, Xu Chenghai, Xu Louzhu."

"Junzhu," Xu Qiao bowed a little.

"Hua Gege called me Liuxin Meimei," the princess said with a smile on her face. "You can also call me Liuxin Meimei."

"Liuxin Meimei," called Xu Qiao. Jinshui called Liuxin a sweet little sister to the Yumen descendants, it turned out that she was indeed a sweet and lovely little sister.

"Huang Yu and Qin Liangjie are waiting for us," Jinshui told Liuxin. "You should come with us and meet them."

"Hua Gege, I can't," said Liuxin. "I've only just been able to open my eyes this morning, currently still recovering, and for the time being, it seems that this Jianyin Bang base is the safest place to stay."

"The one injuring you were the owner of Wansui Gu, Lao Duxie Zeng Baifeng, is that right?" Xu Qiao asked her. "Did you get poisoned?"

Liuxin nodded. "But I'm fine now, fuwang (prince father) invited the best healer to cure me and gave me some herbs before asking me to go to Wuzhang and hide here temporarily," she said.

"That old poisoner has lived in the valley for a long time and even his name is starting to be forgotten, how did he get to the capital and injure you?" Xu Qiao asked again. "How did you offend him?"

"He… he…. " Liuxin seemed to be hiding something, didn't want to tell Jinshui the truth, nor did she have time to make up a story to answer all the questions.

"What does Wansui Gu's master look like?" Xu Qiao asked again.

"He… there were two of them, an old man and his servant," Yuanxia the eunuch was the one answering the question, "they asked something to wangye (the prince), but since wangye was not willing to give what they want, they use junzhu as leverage. Anyone knows wangye loves junzhu so much and won't let anyone hurt her."

Jinshui looked at him for a while, although the eunuch's words were spoken without hesitation, that didn't mean he was telling the truth. There was a long story behind all of this, and it won't be easy to pry it out.

"Fine," Jinshui said to them. "Liuxin Meimei, I will be waiting for you in Miaoxing Kezhan (Magic Star Inn) east side of this city. If you are feeling better, you can meet me there. Huang Yu and others will be there too."

They left xiyuan feng, then also said goodbye to Yang Biao and left the headquarters of Jianyin Bang. Zhong Shaoyan and his student Han Budian had left since morning, presumably with some of the other members preparing a trap to catch the killer. Yang Biao received orders to keep an eye on Jinshui and Xu Qiao. He was letting the two of them go, but secretly asked a number of other members to disguise themselves and follow them.

Jinshui knew the people of Jianyin Bang would not let him go easily, so he did not immediately meet Huang Yu and the others, instead taking Xu Qiao for a walk around the lake and enjoying the scenery there.

A boatman offered a boat ride on the lake for them. Jinshui agreed and they headed to the small pier, avoiding whoever followed them. They got into the boat and the boatman led them away from the shore. A member of Jianyin Bang disguised as a fortune teller couldn't follow them to the middle of the lake, immediately returned to base, and reported to his senior.

"The descendant of Shuiyao, is she here yet?" the boatman suddenly asked Jinshui. Xu Qiao just realized that the boatman was Huang Yu's servant Xiaohu, now in her disguise as an old man.

"She's here," replied Jinshui, "but she cannot join us yet."

"Why?" asked Xiaohu to him.

"She's injured, and perhaps needs a couple of days to recuperate in Jianyin Bang headquarters," Xu Qiao replied to her.

"Okay, I understand."

Xiaohu paddled the boat around the lake for a while before letting Jinshui and Xu Qiao disembark at another dock and informing them that Huang Yu and Qin Liangjie were already waiting at Miaoxing Kezhan as promised. Jinshui just nodded, then took Xu Qiao to a restaurant not far away and continued to enjoy the lake view from there while enjoying food and wine.

Jinshui had just finished a bowl of rice when he saw two men enter the same diner, immediately handed some silver coins to the waiter and asked him to take them to a private room enclosed by a room divider. The waiter didn't say much and lead the two right away. The two men didn't talk to each other either, they sat silently and ordered food quickly.

Those two men were both almost middle-aged, one wearing a long black robe, tall and athletic and half of his face was covered by a bronze mask. He also wore a wide hat as the bronze mask wasn't enough to cover his identity.

The other one was thin and shorter, wore a rough coat, and looked like a servant. His face was thin and his eyes were vicious, and he also wore a wide hat. Unlike his friend who just looked straight ahead, this skinny man kept looking around as he entered the room, as if he wanted to recognize every guest present there, his gaze made some people uncomfortable.

"Jinshui Gege, what is it?" Xu Qiao asked as Jinshui reached for his sword and alerted.

"Don't look," Jinshui whispered to her. "There are two men coming, I guess I saw them before."

"Who?" asked Xu Qiao.

Jinshui didn't answer right away. He recognized the two men who had just arrived as the two who had appeared when Huang Weiqun and his wife were dealing with Zhou Xiangnu and her followers three years ago. The two could be the ones who were using the secret weapon that caused both Huang Weiqun and his wife's death. Huang Weiqun's killer could also be the killer of Xu Chenghai and his family. Jinshui couldn't mention this without provoking Xu Qiao's reaction.

"They might be from Wansui Gu," Jinshui said spontaneously. "I had a fight with them once."

"Zhou Sangong?" asked Xu Qiao.

"No," said Jinshui, "you don't know them."

Jinshui asked Xu Qiao to just finish her food while he just drank some wine while keeping an eye on the two men in hats. The two didn't even take off their hats while eating, it was like they don't want to be recognized.

"Qiao-er, you go first to Miaoxing Kezhan, meet Huang Yu and Qin Liangjie there," Jinshui said, "I have some business to ask those two, I'll catch up soon."

"Jinshui Gege," Xu Qiao protested him.

"Be careful," Jinshui said again, giving Xu Qiao a piece of cloth to cover her face. "Also, don't let those two see your face."

Xu Qiao had no choice but to accept the cloth and sneak out of the restaurant after having her face covered. Jinshui stayed at his table, making sure Xu Qiao was far enough when the two men in hat finished their meal and left.

It was already getting dark when Jinshui followed the two men through the small streets of Wuzhang City. He guessed from their direction that they were headed for Jianyin Bang's headquarters. Jinshui mastered the energy given by Moying and he was able to make noiseless steps, he was also very careful and didn't want the two men to know someone had been following them.

However, the two were apparently not regular men. Three turns after leaving the restaurant, the tall one suddenly jumped on the roof of the building, and his skinny little friend followed. Jinshui tried to keep following, but he couldn't see the direction the two men were going, so he also darted onto the roof of the shorter house, trying to catch up.

"Why are you following us?" someone's voice suddenly reprimanded him, and the two men in hats were suddenly on his right and left sides. These two men were susceptible to hearing, their alertness was also high, and even a person who mastered the energy of Yumen's main guardian couldn't follow them without being caught.

Of course, Jinshui also knew the abilities of the two men could not be underestimated. Three years ago he had chased them and was about to recognize the face of the murderer of Huang Weiqun and Huang Furen, but he lost track, making him very curious to this day.

"I remember," the skinny man continued his friend's words, "you were the one following us three years ago in Anhui Province."

"So those two I chased that day were really you?" Jinshui asked, trying to confirm.

"What is your relationship with Huang Weiqun?" the tall one asked again.

"That day in Anhui Province, were you the ones who killed Huang Zongbiaotou and his wife?" Jinshui asked again. "Who are you? What enmity do you have with the Huang Family?"

"I don't have any enmity with Huang Weiqun," the tall man replied, "you also saw for yourself, that he died at the hands of that girl from Wansui Gu and her men."

"It was you who used secret weapons, attacked from behind when the Huang Zongbiaotou and his wife were fighting the men from Wansui Gu," said Jinshui. "It was absolutely an act of a coward."

"What did you say?" the tall man looked angry.

"You cannot prove it, boy," the skinny man spoke, then preceded his tall friend to attack with a dagger in his hand. His hand movements were fast and agile, and his footsteps were also very light, stepping on the roof several times to strengthen the attack but not breaking a single brick.

Jinshui dodged backward, deliberately flapping his sleeves to show his strength and enticing the skinny man to continue attacking, hoping to identify the origins of his techniques. The skinny man knew he had a highly skilled opponent, he was being careful and continued to attack quickly and viciously.

The tall man saw his friend meet a formidable opponent, he also attacked. He didn't wield any weapons and used his bare hands. His attack startled Jinshui, realizing that the man had extremely strong internal energy. Luckily he was still quick enough to step aside and didn't directly engage in a struggle. For the next moves, Jinshui was just trying to defend his position.

"You two are from Jianyin Bang!" Jinshui suddenly yelled at them, but his guess was just random. After fighting those two for a while on that roof, Jinshui still can't figure out the origin of the opponents' martial techniques. At the same time he jumped down from the roof, and as expected, the two men chased him.

The fight moved to a lone street, there were only a number of beggars and two lackeys there who then ran away. The tall man's strength crushed a horse carriage, and the horse that pulled it also ran away. Jinshui was about to catch the horse to escape, but the skinny man had already blocked him, the dagger slashed his arm deep enough.

The tall man saw that his opponent had been injured, he continued to hunt with strength gathered in his fists. Jinshui for once had to use the energy given by Moying and restrain him, for a moment it made him stagger backward, it was almost too late to lift a leg and support his weight against a stone wall behind him.

At that critical moment, the skinny man was again hurtling towards Jinshui with a dagger in his hand, ready to pierce his neck within a single action. Jinshui was forced to use one hand, took the xuanlong sword bundle on his back, and used it to block the dagger's attack without opening it. One hand resisting the tall man, another blocking the skinny man. The cloth wrapping the sword was torn, revealing a pitch black scabbard with a beautiful dragon engraving.

"Xuanlong jian," the tall man recognized the weapon, "sword of demonic sect."

The tall man's energy pressure eased slightly as he spoke, giving Jinshui a chance to break away from him. He slashed the xuanlong sword and snatched the dagger in the skinny's hand until it slipped from its owner's grip.

"You are from Yumen," the skinny man said in shock.

"The descendant of Yumen Main Guardian Moying. Hua Jinshui," Jinshui introduced himself loud and clear.

Just as he closed his mouth, Jinshui realized that on the roofs of buildings around the street stood a number of men carrying arrows. From their clothes it was clear that they were Jianyin Bang's people, and Han Budian was among them. Jinshui's words just now were all heard clearly.

"You really are Yumen Mowang," Han Budian yelled. "Shoot him!"

Jinshui had almost forgotten that Jianyin Bang had been preparing members on every city street since yesterday to catch the fake Yumen Mowang who was supposed to appear tonight. The beggars and lackeys who were running away from the fighting site just now might have reported to them about three people dueling in the city streets, one of whom had the same features as Yumen Mowang. In just a moment the people of Jianyin Bang had come to surround him in a tight formation. Jinshui really underestimated the abilities of Zhong Shaoyan's followers.

A number of arrows were released and aimed directly at Jinshui, forcing him to use his xuanlong sword to parry. The two men in hat saw the arrows aimed at their opponent, both jumped back to the side, nodded their heads at each other, and sped away, knocking out several archers before leaving the place. Nothing could stop them.

Jinshui was troubled for a while, the seemingly endless arrow attacks really bothered him. He had been injured by the skinny man's dagger earlier and had just put in all his strength to figure out who the Huang Family's killer was who could also be the Xu Family's enemy, but now had to face another attack. Two arrows pierced his waist and legs, he immediately pulled them out to throw back at their owners, forcing them to jump down from the roof to dodge.

Reluctantly Jinshui then jumped at Han Budian. An arrow pierced his back, and he let it go, the xuanlong sword in his hand aimed at the young bangzhu unsheathed.

Han Budian was forced to draw a weapon against him. The archers stopped attacking, worried they will injure their leader. Jinshui knew that he couldn't just kill Han Budian because it would result in new problems, so he was just trying to paralyze him.

"Hua Shaoxia turned out to be one of the Yumen descendants who was said to have appeared in the martial world in the last few months," Han Budian still managed to spoke, realizing that Jinshui had no intention of killing him.

"That's right, and I have no intention of covering it up," said Jinshui. "It's just that today Han Shaobangzhu brought so many people to catch the fake Yumen Mowang, he shouldn't have spent so much energy fighting me here."

"Can't catch the fake one, instead get the real one," said Han Budian, the sword in his hand already drawn.

"Today's Hua-mo has no plan to fall into the hands of the Jianyin Bang people," Jinshui replied as he grabbed a young member of the Jianyin Bang near him, then pushed him towards Han Budian. At the same time, he also turned around and shot up to the roof of another building. It just took a second before had disappeared into the darkness.

"Shaobangzhu," Jianyin Bang members waiting for chase orders.

"He could kill us all with his ability," Han Budian said in relief, "but he didn't even draw his sword."

Now we meet the sweet little princess, Liuxin, who is also a lovely sister to the descendants of Yumen. She was injured and left the capital. Her reason is part of a big puzzle and it will be revealed piece by piece later.

In this episode, we can see more clearly the huge and tall black-robed man and his skinny friend and Jinshui has a brief fight with them. Those two are really vicious, and I can assure you, they are no part of Yumen Sect.

Jinshui accidentally reveals his identity to Han Budian and his men. What will become the consequences?

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