
The Editor Gets A Second Chance

James gets transported back to 1977. After living for 39 years, and being an editor for many film franchises, can he take advantage of his skills to get ahead of the entertainment curb? This novel was originally made by me, but I'm re-uploading it as a fan-fic because Webnovel won't let me change it in the settings. Hopefully, this increases viewership. Discord: https://discord.gg/eDW5tDmH #showbiz #hollywood #writers #writing #director #movies #screenwriter #secondchance #sliceoflife #Real #Reallife #Realistic #Reborn #Films #business #BusinessManagement

TMHisOurSavior · Movies
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Letterman Show

"So, today we have with us someone who just recently starred in a new blockbuster Alien sci-fi movie, I'm sure you've all heard about it, Aliens. And she is the main character, the female lead, Ellen Ripley, Ms. Sigourney Weaver!"


The crowd cheers and claps as Sigourney comes out from a red curtain and goes to sit down next to David Letterman.

Sigourney had on a white-cotton sweater dress. It looks to be warm and comfortable. She also has on white wedge heel pumps.

The two shake hands and Sigourney sat down.

"So, Ms. Sigourney, how have you been?"

"Oh, well you can just call me Sigourney, but I've been doing really well."

"Yes you have, Sigourney, you just recently finished filming and attending the premiere of Aliens, the newest sci-fi film this year, how do you feel?"

"I feel great David, I'm very proud of what I and the rest of the team were able to accomplish. I think it turned out great, thankfully."

"Yes, great it was, but how does it compare to the first movie you did, the prequel, Alien."

"Ah, yes the experience was somewhat similar, but obviously, this time around the budget was a lot more and the promotion was as well."

"Hmm, so this sequel was a lot bigger than the first one, in terms of production, I mean."

"Well, yes, production, budget... everything really. I remember on the first set, we were all crammed together when doing script readings, and our first time watching it, fully, wasn't in a theatre, but on a projector, up against a wall in the studio. Some of us didn't even get actual seats, so many people had to sit on the floor."

"My goodness, I would never had thought that looking at the first movie, that's incredible. To think you guys were able to make such a good movie like that. But, were you one of the people that had to sit on the floor?"

"Me? Oh, no, my chair was very comfortable."

The crowd laughs.


"Well, of course, the main star has to have a chair, of course. So, what was the budget for the first film?"

"Around 10 million dollars."

"And the second?"

"Around, ummmm, 19 million?"

"You sound like you aren't sure?"

"Oh, well, it could be lower than that."

"I see, but still, almost double the budget, that's still crazy. Anyways, we are going to cut to break, but, folks, stick around! We are going to be interviewing..."


"How was it?"

"Letterman? It was great. Well, he just asked me some questions..."

"Still, shows how popular you are getting."

"It's nothing compared to the great James Harper. Director extraordinaire."



"A little."

"Well, now you know how it feels."

"Are you going to be coming over?"

"Uhmm, no, I don't think so. I have to go over some stuff with my manager and then I have to take care of some other stuff the next day."

"... I see, right. Well, I have to go now, I'm doing the GQ photoshoot.

"Okay. Call you later."

*Phone hangs up*


"James, you ready?"

James looks up, phone in hand, and sees a blonde assistant beckon him from behind the door.

"Yeah, be right there."

After James puts his phone away, he is led to a large room that looks very similar to the studios he's worked in. The room has an incredibly open space with a wide ceiling, the only obscurities being professional LED light stands and camera equipment. All the lights are pointed towards or away from a set with a white backdrop for taking photos.

James is walking towards this set where a group of people are waiting for him, he greets them all and begins to talk to one of the men there.

"James, I'm Carlsen, this is Peter."

"Good to meet you guys."

"Ah, yes... I will be doing the interview, and Peter will take care of your profiles."


"Depending on the shoot, and its duration, we can do it all in a day, but if it drags on we can do it on the next, but we have to wrap it all up in a maximum of two days or we won't be able to make it for the edition."

"I understand. I'll definitely do it today or tomorrow, obviously I don't know how long this will take, but I'll make time."

"That's great to hear, okay, Peter needs to get started immediately, so please let him direct you. All you have to do is listen."

As soon as Carlsen was done talking, Peter signaled to his assistants to bring him on set and tell him how to pose for the camera.

James was very awkward, to say the least, but Peter was able to direct him.

Peter became very frustrated during the shoot and had to beckon his assistants to constantly try and "fix" James.

"I thought you said he was a director! Is this what new directors are like?! Can't you just pose?!"

"Sigh" James would reply.

Thankfully, Peter's assistants were a lot more patient and better at directing than Peter was, knowing exactly what Peter wanted after years of working with him.

James wasn't offended by Peter's words, it's not as if he cared about what people had to say about him anymore. After being constantly criticized by media and fans alike, it's not that big of a deal. James had also grown big enough and confident enough that he can just blow off words of criticism.

All James had to do was think about all the money that was racking up in his bank account.

"I'm rich, so what?" became James' mentality. Although James realized there might be some flawed logic there, it was a good mentality to have when he was thrown into the spotlight.

But, unfortunately for James, he still needed certain publications to print about him so his name could get out there. His popularity could lead to bigger box offices in the future. If he wanted to run an empire, building up his reputation now would make it easier for him later.

James Harper would become a household name, similar to Stephen Spielberg or Christopher Nolan.

Hopefully, at least.