
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 172 - Eve Candidate~

Food chain games!

With these words, Tang Mo's eyes narrowed slowly as his eyes went cold.

In the huge room, the pretty blue-skirted girl looked at the reaction of the humans in front of her and was satisfied. She grinned, showing off her two playful little tiger teeth. Wang Xiaotian coughed twice: "Are you scared? Are you nervous?" The crowd stared at her warily, and the young girl waited for half a day before she clapped her hands together, "Yes! This is the most frightening game of the food chain in the Underlander Kingdom!"

A female voice couldn't help but ring out, "What's a food chain game?"

With a wave of his right hand, Wang Xiaotian swiped his thin glass-lens encrusted pole across the table and pointed it at the female player who had spoken: "Good question. What's a food chain game? Hey, hey, hey, this is my favourite game. See this box in my hand?"

... boxes?

The crowd looked at Wang Xiaotian's hand in unison.

It was empty of anything.

Wang Xiaotian coughed awkwardly and whispered, "Pumpkin wagon, spit out my draw box."

The next moment, the huge and luxurious pumpkin carriage was seen to shake violently. Like a broken machine, it made an odd rattling sound. The noise was so loud that the crowd cringed and became distracted. Tang Mo covered Chen Shanshan's ears. The noise lasted for a minute, and just when everyone could hardly stand it, the huge pumpkin opened its mouth and spat out a small, jewelled box.


A hiccup sounds from the pumpkin carriage and Wang Xiaotian touches the box excitedly, turning her head to look at the seven humans in front of her. She tries her best to hide her gloating laugh, but she can't hold it in, so her expression is a little unconventional.

After a few moments, Wang Xiaotian tried to sound less excited: "Ahem, you guys ... well, you come over here. Come on over, it's time to draw lots."

Tang Mo said calmly, "Draw?"

Wang Xiaotian nodded: "Yes, come and draw lots. Do you want to play this game or not, come and draw!"

They really don't want to play the game at all!

With this in mind, the seven players stepped forward one by one and each drew a small ball from the box. Tang Mo's gaze shrinks as he sees the number on his ball. He then looks at the ball in Fu Wenduo's hand. The four men show each other the little ball they have got.

The numbers on Tang Mo and Fu Wensheng's balls are 1, Fu Wenduo's are 2 and Chen Shanshan's are 3.

The other three players drew the small ball and looked at the number on it, immediately putting it away from the others. They soon noticed the interaction between the four Tang Mo players and the young man and woman blushed as they realised that the four Tang Mo players were actually a squad.

Wang Xiaotian : "See the number on the little ball?"

The young woman nodded, "I see. Does that number mean anything?"

Wang Xiaotian gave a low chuckle: "What does it mean? That number is your rank in a certain food chain! What do you think it means?"

The crowd was all stunned in place.

The young woman froze for a moment, reacted and rushed to ask, "Our rank in the food chain? Wait, is this rank determined by a lottery?"

"Yeah, it's just a lottery."

"How can you be so casual!"

Wang Xiaotian is righteous: "It's that casual!"

Young woman: "..."

Wang Xiaotian threw the jewelled chest backwards and the pumpkin carriage duly opened its mouth wide and swallowed this chest into its belly. The beautiful maiden clapped her hands, "Have you all put the little ball away? Don't put it away, twist that little ball, there's a treasure inside."

It was surprising that none of the crowd had discovered the secret hidden in the little ball.

Tang Mo pulls the small ball out of his pocket and twists it gently, literally twisting it open. It was a small hollow ball with a metal card in the centre. Tang Mo was about to take out the card when Wang Xiaotian suddenly said, "Don't move!"

The crowd all stopped moving.

Wang Xiaotian laughed: "I advise you to wait until the game starts, find a hidden place, take out the card quietly and read the words on it. The words on this card are the most important clue, and everyone's card must not be seen by anyone else. Once it is seen by others ..."

Wang Xiaotian stops and says no more.

Fu Wenduo glanced up at her, "What will happen?"

Wang Xiaotian laughed twice heatedly, "Will, die, oh."

At these words, various expressions appeared on the faces of the seven people. Wang Xiaotian nods in satisfaction at the reactions of the humans, and she is in a good mood. Tang Mo pondered for a moment and twisted the little ball back up again. The other six all did the same as he did and put the little ball back in place again.

Things go back to the beginning.

What exactly is a food chain game?

Wang Xiaotian sits at the head of the pumpkin wagon, wiggling her legs and looking like an innocent teenager. "What's the food chain game? That's a good question. Food chains are the most interesting things in our world of The black tower. The monsters like to eat the groundlings as well as the humans, and the groundlings like to eat the humans as well as the monsters. It's such a complicated thing. Whoever is strong can eat others, and whoever is weak can only be eaten by others. It's because of this that the food chain game has emerged."

Chen Shanshan : "But the food chain in this game is determined by a lottery."

"That's right!" Wang Xiaotian jumped down from the carriage and walked up to Chen Shanshan: "Why is it that the strong must eat others and the weak must be eaten by others. Those who are weak are so pitiful." As she spoke, Wang Xiaotian wiped the non-existent tears from the corners of her eyes. The expression on her face was disdainful despite her words of sympathy.

Seemingly realising that it was not a good idea to howl like that, the next moment Wang Xiaotian took a bottle of eye drops out of his pouch and put them in his eyes. "Poor underdogs, just being weak, they are bullied by everyone. I, Wang Xiaotian, have the greatest sympathy for the weak, so in my food chain game, the food chain is determined by drawing lots. There is no death in this game, just find out the correct order of the food chain and you will win."

How easy can it be?

After a few moments of silence, the young man who hadn't said anything could not help but speak up, "Is it true that there is no death in this game?"

Wang Xiaotian: "Of course, you're not allowed to kill anyone, I hate killing. As long as you find a complete food chain of your own, you'll be able to pass the game. But ...", Wang Xiaotian said with a sinister smile, "Remember, only players of higher levels can eat players of the next level, not players of lower levels. The bigger the number on the ball, the higher the level."

Tang Mo captures the key: "What happens if a lower level player eats a higher level player?"

Wang Xiaotian claps his hands: "To die! If you eat food that doesn't belong to you, of course you will die of indigestion. By the way, it's not good to eat the wrong kind of food that doesn't belong to you, you will also have indigestion." Wang Xiaotian counts down on her fingers what things are allowed and what things are not. As she explained each one, the players' faces grew harder and harder.

"Number one, what is eating up? To eat away is to eat you up. Let's say you," Wang Xiaotian points to the young woman, "assume you're going to eat him." She then points to Fu Wensheng, "If he is indeed in your food chain and is your food. Then you have chosen to eat him, and you are right. You can take his little ball and his life is yours to decide.

Fu Wensheng squeezed his fingers in frustration, he didn't want to draw the ball with the number 1 either!

Wang Xiaotian is still saying: "... The third one, you should not be so careful to hide it. The card inside the ball can't be shown to anyone, but you'll know the numbers on the ball soon enough."

As she said this, Wang Xiaotian snapped her fingers with a cheeky smile. Just as her snapping finger fell, a number suddenly floated out of the players' pockets, baring a kiss to each player's cheek, and then ... stuck to it!

No one expected this to happen, the numbers they had just worked so hard to hide were just so straight in each of their faces!

... What the fuck is this!

The crowd's expressions changed constantly.

Tang Mo reacts quickly as he observes the numbers on each person's face.

The number on the faces of Tang Mo and Fu Wensheng is 1, that of Fu Wenduo and the young woman is 2, that of Chen Shanshan and the middle-aged man is 3, and that of the young man is 4.

Wang Xiaotian stroked her chin: "This actually makes you humans feel slightly better looking. ..." She then went on to talk about the points to note in the food chain game. However, just as she was about to say number four, a dull bell suddenly rang out.

Wang Xiaotian paled and hurriedly lifted her skirt: "No, the ball is about to start, I'm going to the ball!"

The bells rang out one after the other, eight times in a row. Wang Xiaotian darted into the pumpkin carriage with great speed as the players looked at her with dismayed faces. Wang Xiaotian drove the pumpkin carriage and eagerly waited for the gate to open. At that moment, a low female voice came from the back of the carriage: "Since the door is not yet open, I would like to ask a question."

Wang Xiaotian looked over at Chen Shanshan.

Only to see in the middle of the spacious and gorgeous room, this plain-looking girl looked at her silently and asked: "There are seven players in total, and there are three returnees ..." Hearing this, the three returnees with golden numbers hovering around their necks turned their heads in unison and looked at Chen Shanshan .

Chen Shanshan asked calmly, without changing his face, "There are two players of rank 1, which is the lowest rank. There are 21 ways to choose two out of seven. Yet none of the three returnees are in the lowest rank of the food chain. The odds are 6/21, or 2/7. The odds are pretty good, and it's not impossible that they'll all be lucky enough to miss the lowest rank. But I wonder, is it really probability, or is it inevitable?"

Tang Mo looked at Chen Shanshan in amazement.

If anyone else had asked such a question, Tang Mo would have thought too much of it. 2/7 chance that all three returnees were not of the lowest rank was not too low. However, Chen Shanshan has the ability to "think outside the box", and the fact that she can think of this question means that it is probably very important.

Unaware of Chen Shanshan's powers, the three returnees dismiss her question as a child's overthinking.

As the gates creak open, Wang Xiaotian sits in the pumpkin carriage staring intently at the very ordinary little girl in the crowd, without saying a word.

The gate was fully open and she didn't leave.

Just when everyone thought she wouldn't answer, Wang Xiaotian snorted out a laugh: "Oh yes, it's not a coincidence, it's a necessity. They have the reward of Eve, they are the honorable candidates of Eve. As for you ..." Wang Xiaotian laughed coldly, her tone lively: "What are you, of course you are the lowest rank, hahahahahaha."

With exaggerated laughter, the pumpkin carriage waddled out of the room.

The door slams shut with a loud bang, but Wang Xiaotian's arrogant, piercing laughter is heard through the door and straight into the ears of everyone in the room.

The expressions of the three returnees grew odd, and Chen Shanshan, silent and pondering something, did not speak.

When Wang Xiaotian's voice had completely disappeared, a clear child's voice rang out -

"Ding Dong! The massively multiplayer copy game 'Cinderella's Food Chain Game' is officially opened. Rules of the game -"

"First, the food chain rank number, calculated as the highest rank of that player on a particular food chain."

"Secondly, the food chain is absolutely homogeneous and must be irreversible from high to low."

"Thirdly, if you eat the wrong food, you will die from food poisoning."

"Fourth, violence is prohibited. The party that engages in violence is judged to be a dangerous player and is simply wiped out."

"Fifth, each player may be given a clue card about their own food chain, which cannot be seen by anyone else, nor can the contents of the card be told to anyone else in any way. Once a clue is revealed, the revealing party and the knowing party are all directly wiped out."

"Sixth, find a complete food chain of your own to win. Also, all players on that food chain can win."

" Cinderella feels that Eve must be at the top of the food chain."

The beeping of The black tower came to a screeching halt, and as soon as it ended, a loud voice suddenly rang out. Everyone turned their heads to look at the centre of the room. In the middle of the room, a bizarre virtual clock suddenly appeared, emitting a blue light. Tang Mo looked at the clock in amazement, and after observing it for a while, he was sure that it had nothing to do with the Truth Clock.

The clock reads eight o'clock sharp.

The crowd stared cautiously at the sudden appearance of the bell and waited for half a day, but it did not change, as if it were really just a bell.

The black tower suddenly spoke: "Dingdong! The player may choose any room, once entered, the room becomes the player's private property and no one else may enter. Players can view their card information in the room."

So that's what the seven doors next to this room are for!

This game had started, but surprisingly all of them did not know how to play. The three returnees, because of their status, quickly formed a team. The middle-aged man hides behind the young couple and keeps a careful eye on Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo.

The young woman thought for a moment and stepped forward, "Tell you what, let's go ahead and see what's actually written on our own cards. In an hour, we'll meet in the middle?"

This suggestion was agreed by all.

Tang Mo chooses a room at random and opens the door to enter. As he twists the ball open, he ponders the six rules announced by The black tower while whispering a term under his breath: " Eve Candidate ..."

Eve's Award.

Eve Candidate ...

What the hell is this?

Tang Mo slowly narrows his eyes.

With a snap, the little ball is twisted open. Tang Mo took out the card inside the ball and turned it over. Tang Mo's eyes widened as he read the line on the card, and he could not hide his dismay. The next moment, the corners of his mouth twitched and he almost threw the card away.

"A little hot chick at the bottom of the food chain wants a clue too? Aww shucks, why don't you go to heaven!"

... This thing is cheesier than a book on psychic powers!!!