
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

SUISEI · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Chapter 171 - Wang Xiaotian: Wow, look who I see!

The night is dark, Tang Mo and the four of them are hiding in a building, but it is as if they are in the daylight, with nothing to hide.

After the first shot was fired, Tang Mo reflexively pulled Chen Shanshan and rolled to the right. The bullet went straight through the spot where Tang Mo had been hiding. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

The man's bullets never seemed to run out, and Tang Mo's heart tightened as he looked at Fu Wenduo.

The two men nodded in unison and decided that they could not just sit there and wait for death. Tang Mo dodges the bullets as he quickly says to Chen Shanshan, "Split up. His bullets are special, they can penetrate at least five walls. Shanshan, you take Whisper downstairs into the basement, and Fu Wenduo and I will find him. Remember, no regular running."

After Tang Mo's urgent admonition, he didn't care whether Chen Shanshan understood him or not, he pushed the young girl straight into Fu Wensheng's side.

Fu Wensheng is still confused, but Chen Shanshan has already grabbed his wrist and is running towards the stairs without looking back. Her gaze is determined, her forehead is covered in sweat, and her feet are moving at breakneck speed. Every few metres, she changes direction and speed, dodging the rounds. The bullets fired at the two children were getting faster and faster, but they passed them by countless times.

"Shit!" A curse rang out from outside the building.

Chen Shanshan had already reached the first floor with Fu Wenduo in tow. The man seemed to realise that there was no point in catching the two children, so he turned his gun and shot Tang Mo, who was running down the corridor, without hesitation. Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo were running separately, one on each side, except that the stairway Tang Mo was running on was closer to the man.

At first the man looked relieved, but the bullets were many and fast, and one grazed Tang Mo's neck, leaving a bloody mark.

The man gave a grim laugh. However, as Tang Mo ran closer and closer, his bullets continued to miss Tang Mo's vitals. The middle-aged man's face changed dramatically. He turned and ran when Tang Mo was still 50 metres away from him. He was fast and judicious, but he had only taken two steps when a sharp dagger was suddenly placed in front of his neck.

The middle-aged man's face went suddenly white. With a twinkle in his eye, he bellowed angrily and raised his gun to shoot at the man in black who was holding him back.

Fu Wenduo side-stepped the shot, while his left hand reached out and instantly grabbed the man's wrist as he held the gun. He looked at the man calmly and moved his fingers.


There was a crisp snapping sound and the middle-aged man's wrist was broken in a bizarre position. The man howled in pain, a look of fear all over his eyes. But in the next second, his left hand flipped and another gun appeared in his hand. He pointed the gun at Fu Wenduo's chest and laughed mockingly, "Very well, you are the second person to make me take out this gun, go to hell!"


The sound of metal clashing violently in the open street, the middle-aged man looks down at Fu Wenduo's chest and his eyes widen. At the same time, Tang Mo squeezed his left wrist from behind. There was a click and the man howled again, his left wrist dropping helplessly.

Three minutes later, Chen Shanshan emerges from the small building with Fu Wensheng and the four of them meet in a small alleyway.

Fu Wenduo tied the middle-aged man with a rope, and the man struggled, his face turning red. When Fu Wensheng saw the wound on Tang Mo's neck, he subconsciously reached out his hand and was about to say "Brother Tang, let me help you with your wound", when a tall figure stepped in front of him.

Fu Xiaodi froze, only to see Fu Wenduo naturally take a half-used bottle of Nongfu Shanquan out of the chicken nest, cupped some water in his hand and pressed it against Tang Mo's neck.

Tang Mo suddenly felt a little tingling where he was being touched as the warm hand covered his skin. He also looked at Fu Wenduo in surprise, and soon Tang Mo curled his lips without speaking.

The wound was so shallow that it healed completely after two rubbings with mineral water.

The middle-aged man's eyes darkened at the sight.

To have such good healing props, the four people in front of him were definitely not ordinary Earth players. He was silent for a moment and said, "I'm not a Time Ranker, and you won't get my Eve reward if you kill me. But I know where the Time Ranking returnees are, and I met up with one of them this afternoon when The black tower wasn't updated. I can give you that information if you don't kill me."

It was a surprise to Tang Mo that the middle-aged man saw the situation at once and started to plan for himself.

Tang Mo gives Chen Shanshan a look.

Chen Shanshan said, "Why should we promise you."

The middle-aged man was not nervous, and asked rhetorically, "Do you Earth survivors like to do things that harm others and hurt yourselves? If you let me go, I will tell you the information. If you kill me, you will not get anything except a fine grade prop on me. I don't suppose you guys are too bad about a fine grade prop, are you?" After a pause, the middle-aged man said, "Feel free to search my body, I really don't have anything good on me anyway."

Tang Mo looked at Fu Wenduo, who calmly began to search him.

The middle-aged man didn't expect them to be so truthful, actually saying that they would search him, and his expression kept changing.

Five minutes later, Fu Wenduo found two peculiar little black and white orbs from his crotch. Tang Mo checked the properties of the two props and said with a smile, "Are these the fine quality props you were talking about? Well, it's indeed fine quality, but it's two of them."

The middle-aged man held his tongue for a moment and couldn't help but say, "Okay, I admit that these two balls can indeed be considered two props, but they are the most valuable thing I have on me. Now you can choose to kill me or spare me and I will tell you the information."

Tang Mo's lips gradually purse.

The middle-aged man was right.

He really only had these two items on him that were of some use to the four Tang Mo's, and killing him would have done them a total disservice and no good at all. Tang Mo is not Bai Ruoyao, he would not do such a boring thing. If this man was just an ordinary returnee, Tang Mo would choose to kill him, but if the information was offered in exchange ...

Tang Mo said lightly, "How can you be sure we'll let you off the hook after you say that?"

It wasn't as if Tang Mo couldn't do it if he had to. For this man to suggest such a thing, he must have known that Tang Mo would not necessarily let him go.

Middle-aged man: "You guys let me go first and let me run a distance. This distance is the middle distance where you can catch me but I also have a chance to escape. Then I will give you the information out loud, and if you feel that something is wrong, you can always catch me and I will have a chance to escape. Of course, you cannot confirm whether the information I give is true or not; it is a gamble in itself. I'm gambling with my life, you guys are gambling with a piece of information, you have a chance to catch me again, and I just have a chance to escape. How's that for a good deal?"

This is the smartest returnee Tang Mo has ever seen.

The black tower version 4.0 has only been online for half an hour and this middle-aged man is quickly finding his niche. He did not panic even when he encountered a strong enemy, instead he found an escape in a short time. No wonder he has survived so far with over 300 minutes of rest despite his weak psychic powers.

But he wasn't really as calm as he appeared to be.

Tang Mo looked at the deadly tight fingers of the older man and nodded gently, "Good."

A minute later, the middle-aged man is standing a hundred metres away, looking away from the four Tang Mo men. This distance is the middle distance between where Fu Wenduo feels he can catch him and where the middle-aged man feels he can escape.

The middle-aged man took a deep breath and spoke in a calm tone, " China Zone 1, Time Ranking No. 62 Ning Zheng, I saw him five hours ago in Chaoyang Joy City." Before the words could leave his mouth, the middle-aged man turned and ran, as if he was afraid that Tang Mo and the others would tear themselves apart to catch him.

Tang Mo heard him clearly and had no intention of arresting him.

Suddenly, Chen Shanshan exclaimed, "How can he be so fast?"

Tang Mo was startled and looked up. The middle-aged man had run 100 metres in just three seconds! This was including the starting time at the beginning, and his speed was no slower than Fu Wenduo. If he was so fast and so physically strong, how could he have been caught by Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo so easily?

Tang Mo: "Props!"

Fu Wenduo: "Alien powers!"

The two men spoke in unison and the next second, they both rushed up in unison.

Unfortunately, the middle-aged man had already run two hundred metres away and it was impossible to catch him. The middle-aged man laughed crazily, "Hahahahaha, that's my supernatural power. You stupid Earth survivors ..." The sound stopped abruptly as the middle-aged man stared at the youth in front of him with wide eyes in horror.

The corners of Tang Mo's mouth curled up in the same tone as the middle-aged man had used to speak to Fu Wenduo earlier, and he sneered, "Very well, you are the fourth person to make me use this ability."

The middle-aged man tried to run again, but Tang Mo pulled out his umbrella and without hesitation slapped him against the wall, then kicked him in the chest. The middle-aged man glared angrily at Tang Mo, and Fu Wenduo came over. A light breeze blew and Fu Wenduo jerked his head up, looking in dismay at a shadow in the distance.

Tang Mo was in a hurry to catch the middle-aged man, so he used his "A Very Fast Man" ability and did not notice his surroundings. When he followed Fu Wenduo's line of sight and saw the two men and women hiding in the shadows, looking at them with a sneer, Tang Mo was startled.

The young man and woman did not run away or come forward even when they saw them, but instead gave a strange and familiar smile.

Tang Mo: "Nope!"

Fu Wenduo also understood the situation and yelled back, "Don't you come any closer!"

It was already too late, and Chen Shanshan reacted quickly to pull Fu Wensheng back, but the two men had already entered the small square.

"Dingdong! The massively multiplayer copy game ' Eve's Game Copy #315' has triggered. at 18:42 on May 18, 2018, players Xing Siqi, Dunder, Liao Feng, Tang Mo, Fu Wenduo, Fu Wensheng, Chen Shanshan have successfully entered the game."

"Sandbox loading complete ..."

"Data loading complete ..."

The world turned instantly white with snow.

As soon as all seven people stepped into the small square, a sweet song rang out in the crowd's ears. Even before they heard the voice, they could imagine that the singer of this beautiful song must be a very beautiful girl. Tang Mo's face was cold as she tightened her grip on the handle of her small parasol.

As that familiar white light lit up before their eyes, when the group opened their eyes again, they had entered a large, strange room.

It is a large circular room with various crystal ornaments hanging around it. There are eight doors around the room, seven of which are identical and only one of which is immense. It was through that door that the beautiful sound of singing came in.

Apart from the middle-aged man who had fallen to the ground, all the other six men were staring at the door with dead eyes, gripping their weapons tightly.

The song was getting closer and closer.

As the song hummed to the door, there was a crash and the doors opened automatically to either side. A pumpkin carriage of the utmost luxury rumbled into the room, its carriage made of gold and its roof inlaid with precious stones. As it entered the room, the beautiful singing came to a screeching halt and a beautiful arm gently pushed open the carriage door.

The next moment a lovely young girl in a beautiful blue dress jumped out of the carriage with a smile on her face.

Jumping animatedly off the wagon, the young girl turned her head to look at the humans in the room. She held up a slender golden rod, at the other end of which was a glass lens made of crystal. Wang Xiaotian peered through the lens at the seven humans in front of her and smiled in surprise when she saw Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo, the gloating hidden in her eyes no longer hidden.

"Wow, look who I see. If only the Honourable Grea were here, he would be so happy." With a slight lilt in her voice, Wang Xiaotian tried to hide the odd giggle that escaped her throat as she winked and said in a sweet voice, "Hello everyone, I'm Wang Xiaotian, the most popular hostess in the Kingdom of the Underlanders, and welcome to my game- -"

"Cinderella's Food Chain Game."