
The Earth’s Redemption Arc

[Violent Content] [WPC #264 — Silver Prize Winner] The heroes do not always win. 2022 December 31st, 10 pm, Earth descended into darkness. Human civilizations crumbled before the wrath of a zombie apocalypse. Under the wreckage, destruction and havoc, humanity struggled to survive despite developing superhuman abilities. Eventually, Earth perished. Or did it? Waking up one after another, many residents of Earth reincarnated on “Terra”, a Planet extremely similar to Earth yet larger in mass and population, brimming with many more possibilities. Can the people of Earth turn the tides and successfully redeem themselves on this new planet? Or will they perish once again? This is the Earth’s very own… Redemption Arc. Thank you for your power-stones. Y’all so handsome and beautiful.

bacon_bacon · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 32

Aristaeus, a god from one of Terra's many mythologies. Raised on nectar and ambrosia, Aristaeus was indubitably a fitting name for a man like him. He grew up in a tiny and remote state where hypnotic bees, also known as Epilepapinaes, resided.

A colossal planet like Terra hosted numerous fascinating species, such as the Epilepapinaes. In a world of digitalization, exposure ensued. The magical effects of their honey soon became one of the most pursued food substances in the black market.

Other than its unparalleled sweetness, the precious honey produced by these fascinating bees stimulated dopamine in the human brain. In other words, those viscous substances were drugs. Hard core drugs.

Following his family's traditions, he would collect precious honey from the Epilepapinaes hives, where they would then package and sell them to the highest bidder in the black market. But with reward comes risk. A simple graze from those hypnotic bees could cause a full grown man to spiral into schizophrenia. And a mere sting from their stingers would completely ruin a man's life, trapping them in an eternal void of suffering as they lose touch with reality and begin to crave death.

As time went on, his town reveled in the profits they've earned. But one by one, excessive greed elicited conflict and dispute. Almost everyone had a piece of the business, yet, they wanted more.

One day, an accident collapsed the entire operation. Greedy thieves who tried smuggling the Epilepapinaes colony provoked the queen, causing all hell to break loose.

Hospitals were filled to the brim in the matter of hours and most of the local residences were eventually forced to evacuate their home. An enigmatic organization soon took over the honey drug business, banishing the land's original citizens.

Aristaeus was unfortunately one of the victims of the tragic incident. Family members who were stung by the Epilepapinaes experienced what can only be described as endless tourture.

Soon, he was the only one left. The destruction of his family and chronic schizophrenia dismantled his life, leaving him bitter and hopeless.

But that was when Master saved him.

She was the messiah whom god delivered, whom they bestowed power upon. Using the power of god, she predicted the apocalypse.

He who worshipped Master was granted with exceptional abilities, abilities that made him surpass any man.

He groveled abjectly at a woman's feet, subservient to her every demand. She was his Leader, his Savior, his Master— Ms Elita.

"I have blown my cover Master. An anomaly has appeared." Kowtowing, Aristaeus pleaded for forgiveness. He kissed the foot the the woman before him, quaking in respect and genuine fear.

Within a extravagant loft suite, a buxom woman in her late thirties yawned lazily on a king sized bed, her body draped in a revealing bath rope. Several predominantly attractive men and woman groveled on the carpeted floor, surrounding the bed like ornaments. Some of their eyes exuded immense fear, while the rest exhibited distant blankness. The ones who showed less emotions were motionless, as if they were statues.

"Interesting…" Elita puffed, listening to Aristaeus's reports. She petted the man before her with her feet while laying back down on the mattress. "A child with so much potential… Should I keep him as a pet, or should I get rid of him?"

"The choice is up to you Master." Blinded by his Master's glory, Aristaeus replied without complaint.

Pushing herself out of the king sized bed, Elita lifted her arms and waited for two of the groveling men and woman to dress her. "I like your answer Aristaeus. There's a reason why you're my favorite follower." She tilted Aristaeus's head upwards with her fingers, grinning alluringly. "Bring me to that little mice."


The trail of blood had come to an end.

Igniting his ability, light illuminated the stairwell. Jericho glanced at the corridor, but there were no traces of blood to be found, which could mean Aristaeus was most likely on a higher deck.

There weren't any noise of humans or zombies close by, which verified the survivors' statement of the guests being inside various dining venues.

Suddenly, a gust of cold breeze alerted Jericho. How could there be wind in an enclosed environment? He jerked his head immediately to perceive his surroundings. Harrowing darkness encapsulated areas where Jericho's light couldn't reach, taunting him relentlessly.

Remaining attentive, Jericho crept towards the cabin door nearest to the open stairwell to investigate. Pressing his hands against the cabin door, he thrusted his arm and instantly forced open the locked door with brute strength.

The room was empty, neat piles of clothes sat atop agape luggages. The inhabitants had most likely gone for dinner.

Frowning, Jericho was about to leave when an uncanny sensation crawled across his skin.

"Who's over there! Reveal yourself." Muttering coldly, Jericho turned his back to face the room. However, the cabin room he had seen just a second age vanished, replaced by an oblivion of blackness.

He had somehow returned to the barren chamber of darkness.

Ubiquitous footsteps resounded throughout the eternal darkness, hammering down on Jericho's heart. Several long years of torture on the island has allowed him to memorize and recognize whom those footsteps belonged to.

"Do you actually think you have freedom now?"

Like a centipede, a nasty scar crawled down the man's jaw. His merciless instructors emerged from the darkness, encroaching Jericho. He wore the same exact military gear, probably a souvenir from a high ranking soldier he killed.

"You are a pathetic puppet, Number 117." He continued to mock, taking another step closer to Jericho. He looked like he was floating, walking on impalpable darkness.

"You're not real." Jericho rebutted, gazing daringly at the man he once feared.

"Are you sure about that?" Snickering, the scar on the man's face squirmed. Joint by joint, the irregular scarring transformed into a repulsive centipede. Expanding abruptly, the man exploded as a dense shower of disgusting insects deluged the young boy.

However, Jericho didn't waver this time around.

Ignoring the impending rain of bugs, lucid brilliance discharged from Jericho's palms. His golden hair glimmered, reflecting the intensify light. Sacred lights quelled the harrowing darkness, evaporating the revolting insects into nothingness.

"They had taught me the truth!"

Jericho disclosed confidently as the guttering glow in his palms began to materialize. The light in his hand concentrated, forming into a baleful ray.

"I am free now."

Aiming towards a corner of the darkness, Jericho flicked his wrist and a golden beam escaped the frenzy radiance.

"UGH!" The ephemeral light beam struck a solid object as a man let out a vociferous grunt. The darkness instantly dissipated, exposing the man hiding surreptitiously. Heavily injured, the rupture in the man's thigh dealt excruciating pain.

After all the trouble, he had finally hunted down the man who almost made him lose control.

"So you're Aristaeus?"

Jericho observed the man calmly. He did not loathe the man before him. In fact, he respected the superhuman to a certain extent. Without Aristaeus's ability, he would not have developed this quickly.

"That's all luck! You just got lucky this time!" Screaming in disbelief, the man thrashed violently, not wanting to admit that he had failed. "Master will avenge me! She will make you the first sacrifice!"

"Master? Who are you to talking to!"

Igniting the light in his palms, Jericho threatened Aristaeus as he aimed his hand at the other uninjured leg.

"He's referring to me little boy…" An alluring voice whispered in Jericho's ears, answering his doubts.

'What! There's someone else in the room!!!'

Every sensory system in Jericho's body began blaring incessantly as profound ripples of danger triggered his innate instincts. The dagger hidden in Jericho's sleeves instantly slid into his grip as he slashed towards the source of the feminine voice. In his peripheral vision, Jericho discovered a woman in seductive clothing standing right behind him.

Before the sharp tip of his blade could penetrate the delicate skin of the dangerous woman, a powerful force sent him flying in the opposite direction. He slammed into the cabin door at the opposite corridor, destroying it. Jericho twisted his nimble body mid air to stick the landing, reducing the impact.

A voluptuous woman ambled menacingly from the opposite cabin, crunching the door he had knocked down under her bare feet. Jericho backed away cautiously, but his heels made contact with the balcony's glass sliding door.

The woman had somehow struck him from the entrance to the other end of the cabin several meters away, which was something he would never imagine occurring to him.

"Naughty naughty boy. Such a shame you're already so tough. I don't think I'll be able to tame such a wild card."

The woman sighed pitifully, placing her hands on her large breasts. Tapping her cheek with her glossy fingernails, a devious sneer cracked open on her face as she began to effuse a bloodthirsty aura.

"Too bad I have to kill you now. I can't let anyone ruin my farm."

I am dying from the gym, but the grind never ceases.

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