
The Dungeon Raiser

He was the weakest man in his region let alone in the world, he struggled all his life because he couldn't live up to societies standards and then he gets lucky and he finds a random skill book lying around and through that, he becomes the weakest on his way to the throne of the strongest in the world.

GTOD27 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 5

As Ace overheard their conversation, he heard many things he shouldn't have but he also heard things that would be detrimental to his father.

He talked about the Apes Cavern, a D-rank Dungeon that was about to break, if it wasn't cleared, then there would be a dungeon Break.

The last Dungeon Break was 30 years ago and a whole region had become uninhabitable after that, filled with monsters and a deadly environment.

Today there are only 5 inhabitable lands compared to the pre-apocalypse. The 5 strongholds include America, Australia, Korea, Japan, and Africa. These 5 were the only ones able to withstand the first Dungeon Break.

"30 years ago, the Middle East was lost, America isn't going to be lost as well." That is what Ace thought.

He went down to the same receptionist that laughed at him before and one word from him scared her.

"Where is the Ape Cavern"

She gave the directions as she was told to accommodate every need and want of Ace.

He ran there and he hit the wall, the wall to the outside where all the Dungeon Breaks happened. Outside he could see all the monsters fighting and eating each other. That is what happened to all the countries that lost.

He ran across the wall and eventually he found a gate right at the edge of the wall, and that edge was inside.

He jumped into the E-rank Dungeon and he was there.

[Ape Cavern has started]

Ace was in awe as he looked at the beautiful icy cavern and he admired it for a little bit, but he didn't have all the time in the world.

The Apes jumped out from the nooks and crannies they could fit in and they attacked him as much as they could.

Ace couldn't use a wide range of his Shadow Skills as there was a bright light shining inside, the bright light only enabled him to use his and their shadow.

[Black Shadow has been activated]

[Black Shadow sub-skill has been created: Shadow Strike]

[Black Shadow sub-skill Shadow Strike has been activated]

Hands came up from the shadows of the Apes and it cracked their necks.

Their necks were snapped instantly, and they fell to the ground with a loud thump.

[Ape has been killed]

[Ape has been killed]

[Ape has been killed]

The Apes in the first room that heard the big thump ran to the area that Ace and the three dead Apes were.

They saw their brethren on the floor and they went on a rampage, their eyes turned red and they attacked with no thought.

Ace was having a very hard time avoiding the attacks as there wasn't enough light and much like the Hobgoblin, it would rip off the shadows.

He didn't know what to do or how to do it but he had to try everything he could, then an idea came to his mind.

A hand appeared from his shadow and shaped itself into a pistol.

[Black Shadow has created sub-skill: Shadow Gun]

[Black Shadow sub-skill Shadow Gun has been activated]

[Ice Shards has been activated]

From the Shadow Gun, shot out shards of ice covered in shadows, it was a surprise how easy it was to create sub-skills.

The shard of ice-covered in the shadow has shot into the heads of the Apes and it pierced it, and after the shadows spread inside and ripped its brains out.

Black blood flowed out of the eyes of the Apes and they were dead.

[Ape has been killed]

[Ape has been killed]

[Ape has been killed]

[Ape has been killed]

[Room Finished]

[Mana Exhausted]

[4 Vitality Pills found. Would you like to eat?]

[1 Strength Pill found. Would you like to eat?]

Ace had fought to his limit and he had little cuts and bruises on his body along with his exhausted mana.

He ate the pills but this time nothing happened and he wasn't in pain, instead, he felt nourished and warm.

[+1 Vitality]

[+1 Vitality]

[+1 Vitality]

[+1 Vitality]

[+1 Strength]

He decided to rest for 2 hours before opening the door to the next room and when it was nearing time he decided to listen in on them.

[Sound Distortion sub-skill Hearing Enhancement has been activated]

As Ace activated the skill, he could hear the Apes, there were many that were almost to the point he couldn't count.

He steeled his nerves as he knew going deeper there would be less natural light and less natural light meant he could control the shadows.

He got off the floor and he walked towards the slope with the big door there. He opened the door with force and there were 10? No 20? Apes down there.

He walked down and all the Apes turned around and saw him, they saw the blood of their brethren and each of them went into rampage mode.

Ace smiled as there was very little light in that room and that's what he wanted.

[Black Shadow has been activated]

[Black Shadow has created sub-skill: Shadow Fog]

[Black Shadow sub-skill Shadow Fog has been activated]

The shadows started to spread like a fog and the Apes couldn't see a single thing, the only thing they could see was very few rays of light.

[Sound Distortion has been activated]

[Sound Distortion has created sub-skill: Hallucination (Can only be used in the dark)]

[Black Shadow sub-skill Night Vision has been activated]

Ace smiled as he could see the Apes hold their heads in the darkness hearing things that aren't there and seeing things that aren't there.

[Black Shadow sub-skill Shadow Strike has been activated]

The hands once again appeared behind them but they were too invested in the Hallucination and they didn't realize that it was on them. Their necks all snapped simultaneously.

[Ape has been killed]

[Ape has been killed]

[Ape has been killed]

[Ape has been killed]

[Ape has been killed]

[Ape has been killed]

[Ape has been killed]

[Ape has been killed]

[Ape has been killed]

[Ape has been killed]

[Room Finished]

[Would you like to enter the Boss Room?]

Ace walked down to the level of the dead Apes and he saw many pills in there, more than doubled double the amount of the last room.

[7 Vitality Pills found. Would you like to eat?]

[4 Strength Pills found. Would you like to eat?]

Once again, he threw them all in his mouth but still, he didn't feel pain but then he remembered something he read in a book.

"If there is more Vitality than Strength, there will be no pain."

He saw the Boss Room and he shivered as he felt the ominous energy omitting out of it, he realized the difference between F and D-rank, that he hadn't seen before. He thought to himself.

"If D-rank is this strong, then how strong is the S rank dungeon that the S-rank Hunters enter?"

As he thought about this, he suddenly fell to the floor and passed out.

Then in a few seconds, he got up, and like the first dungeon, a cape made from the shadows appeared on him while all the shadows followed him.

"D-rank huh? You're getting a little cocky don't you think? Well, I'm here so it's fine."

He walked towards the door that's triple his size and he clicked his fingers, in an instant, the shadows rushed towards the door and the hands blasted the door open.

"Nice to meet you Tardis, let's have some fun now shall we?"