
The Duke's Ex-Lover Wants to Keep Her Identity a Secret

Erden Abbadon is a self-made Duke. From commoner to knight, to being the savior of the empire and being the emperor's closest aide, everyone within the empire had at least heard his name once. He got it all, noble blood, riches, glory, looks, and luck. He had a clean track record. Except for the rumors that said the Duke was---well, impotent. The truth however is that he was in fact chasing after what he thought was a dead lover. And 'that' lover, is me. A maid of one of his future wife in an empire dating show called the 'Spring Garden'

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14 Chs

Flowers in Full Bloom

Once we arrived at the Ducal palace, my eyes could not stop admiring the place.

Even the lady who I believed was used to new and amazing landscapes through travelling seemed to be pleased and astonished.

She came from a merchant family and the masters were usually out of the baron family, so I guessed as much.

"I can't believe I'll be living here for the time being."

"The time being?" I asked. "I'm sure the lady will stay much longer than that." She was my lady and I am cheering for her.

"Hmm?" The lady's gaze fell on me. Moments later, she smiled again. "This might appear to be a simple get-to-know dating experience, but I'm sure you are already aware of what it actually is, right?"

"Yes." I nodded at the lady's remark.

'A Spring Garden'

Learning about the Empire of Callua when I was a child, they had some activities that sounded like a fairytale to noble little girls that were the same age as me.

The late emperor who was without a queen invited all women of marriageable age to the palace one day, there, they were given a chance to be his 'Empress'

As a child, one would think that it was such a colorful event that ultimately aims to find 'true love' however, the sad truth is that it is a way to keep families in check.

The thing about the Spring Garden is that it is not only an activity loved by nobles but also by the commoners.

In the first spring garden, there was an entity whom they call a 'black card'

Among all the other participants, there is one commoner. Commoners are encouraged to join, and they submit their registrations through 'ballot boxes.

One is secretly picked and dressed up to mix in with the nobles.

People see that as a lottery ticket, since not only is it a chance to be one of the powers within the empire, but it is also a chance to automatically be given a noble title.

It seems like a dream since you will experience how to be a princess for a while, but that black card is placed since it makes everyone curious about the event.

That when a family proves to be a threat to the current emperor, they can't easily deny punishment.

Since the people who watched over these grounds are people who can also testify.

That's about what I have learned about this situation.

"We must make everything perfect, milady."

"I'm sure Eustia will take care of me."


As I nodded and agreed with her, a gentle clap took all of the people's attention.

"Greetings, everyone!" It was a woman with great elegance and beauty.

She was someone who aged gracefully.

With blonde hair and blue eyes, with only one look, you can immediately tell that she is the late empress of the rumors.

The mother of the current emperor.

The first lady to win the 'Spring Garden'

"Your majesty." Everyone curtsied to the person. "Greetings to the Moon Cradle of the Empire."

"Please, everyone, take your seats." She encouraged the ladies happily.

How could a child from someone like her be so thirsty for blood?

For some reason, I do not feel comfortable with her majesty.

We sat on the chairs assigned to us in the garden of the Ducal home. It was here that we were guided to go once we arrived, and where the commencement of the activities would begin.

"I am very glad that you have accepted our invitation to one of the empire's biggest events." The ladies cheered. It seemed like everyone was excited for the events to start. "Before we formally announce the start of this generation's 'Spring Garden', may I give you some briefing."

"Please be informed that camera modules as well as microphone modules are installed within the Ducal place, places where privacy is expected are not included in the rooms that have these cameras."

Boxes with small wings attached to them as decorations floated around.

They were glowing with what seemed like magic.

Apart from the ladies, the empress, and the maids, there are many wizards across the garden. It was easy to distinguish them because of their languid expressions and white robes with golden linings.

The Royal Magicians.

I remember my older brother once aiming to be like that...

"Food and accommodation expenses will be provided by the empire's treasury, there is also an allocated allowance for all of you wonderful ladies." The Empress smiled. "Make sure however that you take care of it properly. These allowances will also be used for some of the future activities relating to the Spring Garden. Each one of you will be audited every month."

This means that even if Lady Austen was given an allowance, she could not freely spend it as she wills since it will play an important part in the future.

"You're so serious Eustia." Her ladyship teases me, poking my face in public.

"I'm taking notes for your well-being milady. I hope the lady will be more graceful too."

"Ahahaha! Even now... thinking about me."

"The Empress is speaking, please, hear her out."

The free-spirited Lady Austen giggled before she listened to what I said.

Is she having fun that I am keeping her in check? I'm just glad she takes it positively.

I did my best to keep my voice down so that even when I was kind of nagging her, no one would notice.

But really,

Lady Austen was free-spirited. Like a wind that no one could hold back.

It was at this time, that I began to think she was not for a Ducal household... maybe... even something better.

Like the majestic queen I once encountered in our fallen kingdom.

The Empress discussed more about these and that. She talked about the rules and the judging committee that will help the Duke decide who would continue in the higher stages or not.

It was then later announced that the more formal opening would happen in three days' time.

In the ball, each one of the flowers invited will have a chance to meet with the Duke... with the theme of a 'Masquerade Ball.'