
The dreams and the drawing

This is a story about your average Ryan and probably nonexistent girl and the mention of this unknown drawing in his dream that never seems to end until it does. That starts on that fateful school day in an unknown month unknown year and in an unknown place. My first novel is a small collab. The ending might be bittersweet. 1 update per one or twice a week

Rosa_De_La_Mar18 · Urban
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15 Chs

New student(1)

Ryan Pov:

In the taxi, Ryan anxiously looked at the phone repeatedly till he arrived. When Ryan finally arrived outside the school grounds is when he heard the first warning to get to class. He rushed out of the taxi barely paying the taxi driver, he sprinted to his homeroom of course nobody saw this, and when he neared his homeroom he slowed down his pace and entered like his usual self.

Some random students pov:

The girls in his homeroom grew worried they all thought the same thing " Is his disease acting up..? Ryan was never late to class in his entire stay here, please be okay!!!" After a while of anxiously waiting Ryan finally arrived like his usual self, of course, that's what the untrained eyes would see, only the girls noticed a small bead of sweat on his forehead.

This of course shocked all the girls like usually, they thought about the same thing at the same time "What the fudge, it's worse than we thought we need to find the cure quick!!!"


Poor Ryan, this might become a problem in the future for you.

Ryan Pov:

Ryan sat down in his seat and started to prepare officially for class while preparing he felt more stares than usual and these stares were more intense and provoking. He thought "I'm not so different from usual other than being late to class, well this is interesting I'll try to find out later."

Suddenly the homeroom teacher entered with a kinda of cute yet tall red-haired boy with blue eyes that some might mistake for the clear ocean, the teacher said, " This is Oscar Flynn it's his first time in the states please take good care of him, now Oscar you see that boy at the end the classroom in the left, seat next to him to the right ok".

Everybody stared at Ryan and back to the red-headed boy they all had that confused and surprised look on their faces, Ryan was equally confused of course Ryan didn't show this. There are plenty of seats up front and everybody knew that teacher knew that Ryan didn't work well with people, they were all confounded. When Ryan entered this school he told all the teachers that he didn't work well with people and would prefer to work alone and all the time they would keep their words.

Ryan thought 'Oh well it's too late, I guess I need to adapt to this new situation I hope this student isn't talkative'.

The red-haired boy walked to his seat next to Ryan, then suddenly grin appeared on the boy's face. Oscar whispered to Ryan "Hi my name is Oscar Flynn nice to meet you, what's your name kid? No wait let me guess Lucas, Michael, Miguel, Joseph, 감정, Steven, Rya…".

Suddenly the teacher said "OK students pass up your homework and get ready for your other classes" This completely cut off Oscar guessing game.

Will this new character affect him? Why did he dream that? Also, Why do I use fudge as a curse word find out next time. Also, I believe 감정 means emotion in Korean not so sure.

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