
The dreams and the drawing

This is a story about your average Ryan and probably nonexistent girl and the mention of this unknown drawing in his dream that never seems to end until it does. That starts on that fateful school day in an unknown month unknown year and in an unknown place. My first novel is a small collab. The ending might be bittersweet. 1 update per one or twice a week

Rosa_De_La_Mar18 · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


The dream

Ryan woke up in cold sweat but immediately noticed something off. He wasn't on his bed instead he was standing and also he wasn't there in his room. He saw something like out of a science fiction story, he could see the stars they seemed so close. He tried to move but his body didn't move at all, he felt numb and stiff everywhere.

Dread grew within him as he struggled to move. He even tried to talk but it didn't work, nothing worked. He heard something faint, it seemed that he could still hear, he heard it again, it sounded like someone was sighing.

He thought 'Why did you bring me here? What did I do to them? Why!!?' This thought made him more worried about what they'll do to him.

He tried to scream " I still have a long life, please let me go!!!" But yet again who or whatever that was it didn't listen to his quiet pleas. Soon enough he finally gave up, he was covered with sweat all over his body even though he didn't move. Ryan knew no matter what he did it would always end the same for him.

He decided to try to listen to his captors to figure out what they were going to do with him. He heard the repeating sighing of only one person that sounded like it was on a loop, then it stopped leaving the eerie silence called dread. He tried to comprehend what was happening to him and why it suddenly stopped.

All of a sudden he heard a young female voice saying " It took you a long time to get here than the other times, what I'm going to do with you... sigh". Ryan thought ' What does she mean that I took a long time to get here? I've never been here before.' Once again the female voice said, " Ryan why must you make me wait, it never took you a long time like this."

Ryan tried to scream " I don't even know you, how I am supposed to take a long to get here!!!" The female voice replied, " Well it seems you are not fully developed I guess I ….. something wrong, well anyway thanks for helping me I guess I'll see you next time when you're ready."

Suddenly everything went dark. He didn't hear the female voice nor was he in that star-filled room; he was just surrounded by darkness and silence. He stayed like this for a few more hours or maybe even weeks. He didn't know how much time passed in this lonely place in the darkness.

His eyes started to droop and heard something faint yet familiar sound in the distance, then soon enough he closed his eyes to feel the warm embrace of comfort and security that he hasn't felt in a while.

He opened his eyes and saw his beautiful familiar room which he suddenly missed so much. Tears slowly came out of his sudden sliver gray eyes, Ryan didn't know why he was crying but it felt great to let it out. When he stopped crying Ryan suddenly remembered that he has classes, he sighed "I guess I'm going to be late again... sigh".

He quickly got ready and got out of the building, Ryan looked back at the building feeling like he forgot something but decided to ignore it.