
The Training Begins

I was on my way to meet the person who I thought would be the best one to train me.

"Haha, He's a key to all my problems. I wonder what I would have done without him."

"Huh! Who's that? Isn't that him?" I saw someone and tried to get a clear look on his face.

"Wow. Looks like nature is with me today."

"Lee! Wait!"

The person I was searching for was none other than Lee. He was the key to all my problems.

"Huh, Kai! Hey, do you need something?" He turned back and found out I was calling him.

"Huff" "Yes! I want your help." I took a whiff of breath, I smiled and asked Lee.

"Well, before that, have you dropped Rose to her room?"

Kai was still concerned about Rose even he was struggling with his own problems.

"Yeah, I left her in her room. She was so scared that she made me stay until she fell asleep. I stationed a guard at her door," He replied with a little smile on his face.

"I pity her, I hope she gets all lively again."

"Well, anyway, I'm here to ask for your help. So help me out." I bowed to my only savior, who stood in front of me with my arm raised in front of him to make a gesture of request.

"Ahh! Don't bow, dumb ass. Stand up. And what kind of help do you need that you're so desperate?" Lee was embarrassed because a king bowing to his mere lords was embarrassing and something is taken as an insult for the majesty.

"Train me, please. I'm weak, I don't want to lose. I don't want anyone to worry about me."

"Well, Kai, first it doesn't matter how strong you become, we'll always worry about you," Lee spoke in a composed tone and patted my shoulders with a hint of pure care.

"And about the training, I can't train you."

"What! Ww-why? Why can't you train me?" I was shocked because it was the first time when Lee rejected any of my requests.

"What do you mean you can't train me! You want the other devils to beat the hell out of me? Is that what you want?" I was completely confused and furious about Lee's denial.

"Hey! Hey! Wait, listen to me first!! Let me finish, that was not what I meant!" He interrupted me so I wouldn't jump to any weird conclusions and stop my train of wild thoughts.

"So what? What do you mean?" I yelled with tears in my eyes I was full of emotions of betrayal and insecurity.

"I mean, I've already trained you my best, there's nothing more to teach to you. But don't worry, I know some people who can help you."

"Some other people who can train me? Right? "

"Yeah let's go and meet them!!

Lee was way too much enthusiastic, he was giving a different vibe today.

I didn't ask him why and assumed that he was happy to see me care for him, Skyler and Sabir. He teleported us somewhere in the palace.

"Hey, Victor. Are You free?" He called the guy to whom we came to visit.

"Huh! Hey, Lee—, isn't that the king? Huh, fuck!" The guy who Lee called Victor narrowed his eyes and looked at me, in a second he went from hmm to oh fuck.

"Your grace, how may I help you?" Victor bent his knee in front of me to show his loyalty and respect.

"Kai— I mean Your grace This is Victor Horns, the lord of Horned Serpent house. He's going to train you about serpent fighting style and magic!" Lee introduced Victor, who was a lord in my domain, about whom I had no clue.

"Horned serpent. I guess I have read about him in a book or something." suddenly the library of my brain issued a book to me of this creature, but unfortunately that book was torn after a few pages.

"Train him? Lee What do you mean I have to train him? How can I train him, he's our king, he's the one who dominated "Basilisk." He can crush me with just a stare!" Victor blabbered in worry.

"Haha!! I know it's insane, I know he has the potential to finish everyone in this country with just a snap of a finger, but you know he never had been a fighter, he's an S-rank martial artist but brawns isn't enough in a fight. He needs tricks, spells, and magic and he needs to acknowledge his true strength." Lee said things about me that even I didn't know about.

Woah seems like Lee was a spy living in my soul. I stood there like a mannequin while both of them argued.

"Ahh, I'll train with you, my majesty. Should we start now?"

"Yeah, sure!" I was not willing to get crushed in the upcoming fights. So I was okay to go through this 'special treatment ' of my fragile bones.

"My majesty, before I teach you anything, I need to check your compatibility, so hit me with your best blow. Don't use magic I want to see your raw strength!"

"Alright, but I am warning if anything happened to you, it'd not be my fault!" After defeating Basilisk I had gained nothing else but confidence that I am something more than trash.

"Ahh, you're now scaring me, alright come on!"

I stepped few steps back to make a fine distance from him. Lee, who was watching from a far distance, sensed what I was about to do. I took a deep breath and ran towards Victor with my best speed and jumped halfway.

"Victor BRACE!" Lee yelled


Kai landed a god kick on Victor's face that he didn't see coming. After being hit with Kai's massive blow, Victor landed feet away. The kick was that brutal that blood escaped out of the corner of his lips.

"Are you okay?" I ran towards him as i got worried about him.

"Yeah, I'm okay! I'm okay."

Woah, I thought I died today Ahh now I know why you're a king and I'm a lord. It'll be fun to train with you and thank you Lee for warning me to brace on time. If it wasn't for you, I'd been dead already." He was amazed and thankful at the same moment.

"It's nothing Victor, it's the least I can do for my childhood friend."

"My majesty, let's get ready. This time I won't go easy," Victor yelled with enthusiasm.

"Yeah let's do that!"

—to be continued