
The Dream Anthology

This is a bunch of short stories of my dreams. The only thing different is the names.

NoneOfTheAbovel · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Demon stone

She awoke. She could hear the sounds of her dog from her moms, she was at her fathers, downstairs. What was she doing here?

She walked down the stairs to the basement. She hasn't been in the basement in years. It looked the exact same since the last time she was down there.

The only difference was there was two people. Andrew and Mackenzie. They didn't have a face but I can tell who they were.

She ignored them for now. They starred at her as she passed. She went over to her faceless father. Asking why her dogs were here.

"Your mother couldn't take care of them, so we are keeping them for a bit," He responded.

So that was it? What about the people?

"Why are Andrew and Mackenzie doing here?" She asked

"You know them?" He asked back.

She didn't respond. Did she know them? They didn't look familiar, but she knew their names. She knew who they were, but did she know them?

He never answered her question. So she went over to them and asked them herself. As she near she could hear their conversation.

"I can't believe you were able to beat the first demon that quickly!" Mackenzie gushed.

"Yeah... neither can I," Andrew responded.

"What's the first demon?" I asked as I walked up to them.

"You must be in the new group! I thought that wasn't till next week though..." Mackenzie responded.

"The first demon is the first test in the classroom. Every other week two students battle for who can kill the demon first. Your raking in the class is determined by the time. Oh right I forgot to mention, if the other person kills it before you then you die." Andrew explained.

"You forgot to tell her that the Demon Stone is what gives her powers!" Mackenzie explained. "It gives you a certain weapon based on what type you are. There's attacked based, support based— those are very rare in the classroom— and long range attackers." She pointed to a circle on the table. "This is a Demon Stone. It will split its powers to give to two people. Who ever kills the demon earns the demon stone. Whoever doesn't earn the demon stone gets killed for using the weapon of someone else's."

That explained a lot, but why didn't her dad ever tell her about this? How has she not know about this? She walked over to her father.

"Let me join," she announced.

"I was planning on it anyways," her father responded. "Let me go get the other student that will be going against you. We will be having the next fight today!"

After about an hour, her father came back with a girl her age she thought from the body type. Her name was Alisa.

Everyone that was in the Classroom had gathered in the basement. There was 10 so far. That meant 10 had already died.

While her father explained the rules to Alisa, I looked at the Demon Stone. It looked like a rock with a beautiful blood red jewel in the the middle. There was markings carved in the stone around it.

I want it. I really want it. It was so pretty.

Before she knew what she was doing, she grabbed the Demon Stone. As soon as her hand touched it, she was given a staff and suddenly knew a whole bunch of spells that she could cast.

She looked over at Mackenzie, and saw she had a sword. Soon a creature appeared and her father announced that the demon was here. So that was the target? It was small, but that probably means it's also fast.

Mackenzie got the first swing in. Mackenzie was fast, but not as fast as the demon. Her swipe with her blue virtual looking sword, missed.

Using one of her spells, she enchanted herself to move faster. She flew on her staff, darting back and forth between objects, keeping her eyed on the horned demon. It looked like a human, but it had red skin.

She watched as it stopped on the ground, not even looking to see where anyone was, and then to make of the supposed slow pokes. She used this to her advantage, she took her staff out from underneath her and in one smooth movement, bashed it into the floor, once, twice. Till blood and gore was in a mixture on the floor.

The beautiful Demon Stone was hers. Only hers. Now she had powers. They were her powers. She had a beautiful blue glowing staff. The tip flat but pointed. There was two hand holds, one in the middle of the weapon, the other at the end. It could be used as a staff for casting magic or as a weapon.

Ashlynn awoke to a knocking on her door. Her grandfather telling her to wake up. That was the end of that dream. Now it's time to wait for tomorrow's.