
The Dramedy Adventures of Tilda Attaway

A commoner maid named Tilda tries to keep Lady Cosaria out of trouble. A feat that may be impossible given the lady's disposition. In a twist of fate, Lady Cosaria gets shipped off to marry the tyrant Duke Delrik Alabaster Arquix and Tilda gets dragged along as her personal maid. Whether it be tyrants, monsters, cultish priests, or a hot knight commander, Tilda will do anything to save her lovely mistress. UPDATES DAILY Check out the AI art on Pinterest and Instagram under my username: CopperTopHero

CopperTopHero · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Chapter 26: The Curse

Delrik and Cosaria were riding back in the carriage. Looking worried, Cosaria nervously shifted in her seat.

Delrik asked, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Fidgeting, Cosaria said, "No, I… well…"

"Go ahead. Speak up." 

"I just. I'm so curious. I wonder." She paused, then said, "How?"

"How what?"

Cosaria looked out the window as if doing so was some form of hiding. She mumbled, "Is it okay for me to ask?"

Delrik said, "Should it be in my power, I'll answer you."

"How did you, how were you cursed?"

Leaning back, Delrik's clouded over in darkness as the memories resurfaced.

Panicked, Cosaria said, "I know, I'm so sorry. I just should not have asked."

"No, it's fine." Delrik said, contemplating his words. After a few taps of his finger he continued, "You deserve to know, I suppose it involves you now. I was about fourteen years of age…"

Delrik began his tale:


"Felux had started as my bodyguard servant, but it took no time at all for him to start calling me a friend."

A young Delrik, with long angsty teenage hair, spared with a young Felux. Their wooden swords thunked fiercely each time they met. Delrik swung the sword in three intricate movements, cornering Felux. Without warning, a smile spread across Felux's face. Felux kicked Delrick down and had him pinned quicker than Delrik could realize he'd lost.

Laughing, Felux held out his hand to help Delrik up. Delrik spat on the ground and glared at Felux. Then, pouting, Delrik struggled to his feet without Felux's help.

Clapping, Mr. Haddock announced his presence. He was a friendly looking man, mid twenties, with small glasses and long hair tied in a polite low ponytail.

"My tutor, he was everything I aspired to be. Smart. Dedicated. Cunning. I looked up to him. We both did."

Mr. Haddock shook Delrik's hand and complimented his excellent growth in swordsmanship. Delrik's blush reached clear to his ears while Felux laughed, his wooden sword resting comfortably on his shoulder.

The memory turned dark.

"Then he turned on us. He was the leader of a group of zealots. I watched them murder my mother in cold blood."

Mr. Haddock unsheathed his sword and pointed for his crazed wild men to charge.

Delrik remembered his mother screaming, "Please! Spare my son!"

She had shielded Delrik when Mr. Haddock slashed. With terror filling his soul, a fourteen year old Delrik watched his mother fall to the ground. However, he wasn't given time to grieve.

Smiling, Mr. Haddock had grabbed the young Delrik.

"They took me to the basement and used me as a vessel to summon a demon."

In the basement at the Arquix castle, Delrik's body floated in the middle of a magic circle as black lightning bolts pulsed all around, striking Delrik's screaming body.

Without warning, natural light flooded the room as Felux and a group of knights charged the zealot band. A battle ensued. 

"Felux came with knights. He pulled me out of the summoning. Then I killed the tutor."

Burning his arms and hands, Felux reached in and ripped Delrik out of the magic circle. Felux had tried to drag Delrik to safety but after he regained his senses, Delrik pushed Felux away, just as Mr. Haddock tried to strike at Felux. Blinded by rage, Delrik picked up Felux's sword and cut down Mr. Haddock.

The memory ended.


Sitting in the carriage, staring melancholy out the window, Delrik finished, "I became the Duke overnight. I kept my most trusted servants and downsized the staff and we dove into secrecy. I fanned the rumors regarding my name and reputation, even encouraged them. The more rumors, the better. The more flood of false information, the less chance someone would have of discovering the actual truth. I've lived that way since. My only truly loyal companion has ever been Sir Felux."

Cosaria felt a swirl of mixing emotions. She said, "That must have been so lonely."

"It was nothing."

"It wasn't nothing. It was painful. I'm so sorry."

Cosaria could no longer resist her urges as she grasped onto Delrik, hugging him tightly. 

Delrik tensed. He wasn't used to affection. His own mother had rarely touched him. Finally, he relaxed and allowed his arm to rest around her. A warmth crept into his heart, breaking past the ice walls he had spent years building.

As Cosaria hugged him, Delrik thought, This is nice.


Tilda's family were all gathered to say goodbye to the travelers. Tilda hugged Carmesta and Tefer saying, "Bye Mama, bye Papa."

Felux knelt down to a wide eyed Mellia. He said, "Sorry. I'll not be able to marry you."

Mellia said, "No, you can. You promised."

Felux shook his head, "Naw. It's not to be."

"But why?" Mellia pouted.

Felux leaned in and whispered in her ear. Mellia gasped and nodded, a big smile on her face.

Mellia said, "That's okay I guess." 

Tilda hugged Mellia and Beniter next. She said, "I love you both!"

Tefer clamped Felux on the shoulder and the trained Knight flinched. Tefer said, "Keep her safe."

Felux said, "Aye, it's my duty."

Felux and Tefer shook hands as Tilda brought Valka into a hug.

Teasing her, Tilda said, "Don't get married too quickly."

Valka said, "No promises," as she winked at Felux. 

When Tilda caught the wink, she glared at Valka.

Valka tried to act innocent, saying, "What?"

Tilda rolled her eyes then went to Felux, who helped her on the horse and quickly followed suit. They all waved goodbye as Tilda and Felux disappeared in the distance. 

Tefer commented, "I like that young man."

Mellia said, "He's going to marry Tilda."

Valka said, "Don't be ridiculous. Tilda's going to be an old maid." She obviously assumed it would be herself that would marry next.

"Valka," Carmesta scolded.

Mellia said, "He told me so himself."

Tefer laughed, "He's got my blessing."

Beniter said, "If he does marry Tilda, do you think he would take me on as an apprentice?"

Valka said, "You're too old to be an apprentice."

Beniter said, "No I'm not. Some men start their apprenticeships as old as twenty. And I'm only fifteen." 

Valka was done with this subject. She said, "Mama, didn't you see how he was looking at me?" She had taken careful note of all the times he looked at her with his manly swoon-worthy green eyes. He was the living embodiment of all her fantasies. She was sure that it wouldn't be long before he realized that they were true loves destined to be together.

Beniter elbowed Valka out of her daydream and said, "He was looking at Tilda, you were just the one sitting next to her."

Valka stomped, "I didn't ask you!"


Felux and Tilda arrived at the Arquix castle walking side by side in the early evening. Looking around Felux observed, "We've arrived before the Duke." 

Tilda said, "Then I'll have plenty of time to prepare the room for Cosaria." 

Felux had been unnaturally quiet on their trip back but it didn't bother Tilda. She trusted that if he wanted to tell her, he would. 

Tilda began to head towards the castle entrance when Felux grabbed her hand, stopping her in her tracks.

Felux said, "Tilda."

"Yes?" Tilda asked.

Felux let her go. 

After not speaking for a time, Tilda asked, "Felux?" 

Felux clenched his hand then relaxed it. Finally, he said, "Friday. On Friday I'll be asking you fer yer time Saturday fer a picnic lunch. With me. But I'm not asking you right now. Come Saturday, if you'll say yes to a picnic, then I'll ask formally fer yer permission to court you. But I'm not asking you that right now. Fer now, please think it over. About accepting my invitation. That's all. Goodbye."

Blushing furiously, Felux hurried off, leaving Tilda blinking in confusion. 

Tilda couldn't think about this right now. She had chores to do. She would have to set this problem aside for now and come back to it later. 


Night had fallen over the castle by the time Cosaria had made it home. Tilda was brushing out Cosaria's hair in preparation for the night's sleep. 

Tilda said, "I'm glad you had such a nice carriage ride with the Duke."

Cosaria gushed, "Oh, yes. It was lovely. Tilda, I need to tell you something. I found out the reason why the Duke needs holy water."

"Oh, that's nice," Tilda said as she was mesmerized by Cosaria's ethereal hair. It seemed to shimmer and gleam in the candle light.

It's so shiny, Tilda thought, Was it always this shiny?

Cosaria whipped around, her satin nightgown flowing as she did. She announced, "He's cursed!"

Tilda dropped the brush.

She said, "What?"

Cosaria explained, getting more and more excited as she went along, "When he was young, a summoner kidnapped him to use in an experiment. It summoned a demon to possess Delrik but then Sir Felux came and stopped it. But he wasn't quick enough and the demon had already left its mark on Delrik and he was cursed. That's why he needs the holy water but now that I know, I can just heal him myself. I might even be able to cure him. I won't even need to make holy water anymore." 

"Cosaria," Tilda said still in shock, "You shouldn't have told me that." 

"Why not?" Cosaria said innocently.

"You just shouldn't have."

"But I tell you everything." 

Tilda moved to lean against the wall and said, "Don't tell that stuff. That could get me killed. If he knows I know his secret…"

Cosaria was confused, "But you won't tell his secret."

"That's not the point!" Tilda snapped, "He doesn't trust me, has no reason to! He doesn't know that I won't tell." Tilda herself wasn't sure she wouldn't tell, especially if telling the information would keep Cosaria safe.

Cosaria said, "So we'll just tell him that you won't tell."

Tilda thought, Yeah, cause nothing builds confidence like saying, 'Hey, I know your secret but don't worry, I won't tell'.

Tilda explained, "And that will most definitely get me killed."

"I don't see the problem."

"That's the problem! Ugh! Remember when I said Lord Delrik was dangerous?"

Cosaria said, "I know better now. He would never hurt me."

Tilda's jaw dropped. She said, "Maybe not to you, but most certainly would hurt me."

"Not if I told him not to." Cosaria nodded to herself as if this solution was the simplest thing in the world.

Tilda's mind was racing as fast as a galloping horse. She said, "Let's just… don't tell anyone that I know, okay? And remember, if I die, it's my own fault." 

Cosaria patted Tilda's hand and said, "You're so dramatic."

But am I?!? 

Tilda pictured the murderous image of Delrik with a bloody sword moving towards her. She couldn't think about this right now. There was too much to think about in general. 

Tilda stepped towards the door, saying, "Goodnight Lady Cosaria."

Cosaria hopped into her big Duchess bed as Tilda put out the candle.

"Goodnight," Cosaria squeaked. 

Once Tilda had left the room, Cosaria climbed to her window and sighed happily. Her hopeful sky blue eyes were illuminated by the night sky.

"I wonder what he's thinking about right now," She sighed.


Delrik stared out his window, his shirtless, perfectly chiseled bare skin glistening in the moonlight as his black cursed scar glowed a soft red.

An image of Cosaria's adorable soft face flashed across his mind. 

He turned away from the window and ran his hand through his dark hair. 

"You're being pathetic Delrik," He condemned.


Felux slept soundly in his bed. Unlike others who were troubled by intruding thoughts, he was one of those rare people with the ability to sleep soundly under any circumstance.


Tilda hadn't gone to bed. She doubted she would. She had no intention to.

She didn't know how long she stood leaning against Cosaria's door, staring down at her own feet.

One thought dominated her mind, but it wasn't about Felux or Delrik or Cosaria. It was about Anra. Cursed dead Anra. There was something in what Cosaria had said that caught her mind's hold. A curse. Delrik's curse was caused by a demon trying to possess him. Possession.

The curse that killed my sister… So it was because a demon tried to possess her. Not because she was unholy.

After years of being tortured by the thought that her sister was unholy, Tilda was free. 

She wasn't unholy.

Tilda repeated that one thought, again and again.

Somehow, the reassurance didn't bring the comfort she always thought it would. 

Anra was still gone.

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