
Cobra Kai: The Dragon Warrior

On the walls of a hospital room, where the shadows of death intertwine with the destinies of those who still want to live, Dash Hale, who knows that he was near his end, laughs self-deprecatingly when he knows that the time was approaching of his death. By the time he believed that he was at the end of it, his life blossoms similar to a Sakura tree but things are not the same as in his past life. When he realizes that he is in a world where Karate and Kung Fu are more relevant than he thought since he recognized certain people who until before his death were fiction, Dash with his new opportunity to enjoy his life embarks on your most ardent desires. At some point, everyone will fall before the dragon warrior who will grow in values and pride.

SrCuervo · Movies
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296 Chs

The Outcome of the Battle

Finally, the Hidden Dragon tournament had successfully concluded without any problems or deaths, unlike the previous year. Although the final battle was not what many expected, witnessing a fight between three fighters was something new that ultimately satisfied everyone.

As expected, the champion who remained standing was Dash Hale, even though everyone concluded that it wasn't fair to award him the championship because he fainted while still on his feet. Others argued that remaining standing despite losing the fight was more commendable, and everyone agreed to give Dash the title of winner. However, Wei Chen, who was the last to fall, would receive rewards as if he had won first place.

Regardless of what many think, the last one to fall wins; those are the simple rules, and they wouldn't be broken by a simple bet between two magnates.

As for Carpio, he was satisfied with the fight, so he completely ignored anything else and preferred to leave rather than stay in this place and get angrier. What comforted him was that Jack wouldn't end up taking all his cars; he only wanted the newest ones, so he sighed in relief, even though it was a great humiliation.

So, while the winners received their rewards, the others began to withdraw.


In a hospital room, Dash lay still asleep while being monitored around the clock by the best doctors. In addition to bruises all over his body, he had serious injuries to his knuckles and muscles along his arms, but it was not alarming. His right calf was very swollen, but with proper treatment, it was not in danger. It could be said that Dash was lucky; he wasn't in danger, but he ended up very battered.

As the morning approached, Santiago, who was taking care of organizing all the paperwork Dash had to do to receive the money, did it all thanks to Elliot, who was Dash's assistant provided by his father.

"Do you think we should inform Dash's family and update them on his current condition?" Elliot hesitated to inform Frederick, even though it was his job.

Santiago on the side opened his eyes and said, "What you're seeing are battle scars. Do you really think that's a problem? I've seen fighters come out of the arena in worse condition. Do you want to get him into more trouble?"

"His muscles are stimulated by those masks, he has the best medical assistants, and he's recovering after a brutal tournament. Do you really think it's time to call his father?"

"Just call him and inform him that Dash won the tournament. But right now, I'm rested."

Everyone in the room turned to look at Dash, who had awakened, and then breathed a sigh of relief, even though they knew there was no problem.

"Kid, that fight was horrifying; we thought one of you had died." Santiago looked at Dash, who was looking at him, and couldn't help but be amazed.

"Is it really about money?"

Even someone for money wouldn't be so crazy as to fight in that way. The aftermath could leave significant consequences, and most of the time, it's not worth it.

Regarding this decision, Dash didn't say anything. He had his own dreams and goals, so he believed it was time to show everyone who he was.

After this fight, he would indeed take things slower, enjoy life even more, and only participate in truly important tournaments that could enhance his merit. This was the last time he took such a risk.

He wanted to move forward but didn't want to damage the healthy body he had in fights that no longer made sense. Now he had proven that he could surpass himself, that the Dash from before could surpass himself, and the only thing limiting him was his lungs.

"I'll be back home soon, Devon..."

Santiago, who saw Dash fall asleep again, shook his head and said, "I'm going to smoke. Damn, I should be happy, and right now I feel a knot in my balls."

Elliot on the side looked at Santiago and, after hesitating for a moment, made a call.

"Yes, Mr. Hale, your son won the tournament, but this time, he ended up a bit more injured than last time... He's sleeping, tomorrow I'll send you a picture, but there's nothing to worry about."


Hale Mansion

Late at night, Frederick watched the fight that his son had with a guy named Wei Chen and smiled proudly at seeing him win.

"Although I don't know if I'm a good father, I'm certain I have a good son..."

After watching the fight, he felt proud and not scared at all. Each one fought their own battles, even he. Now that his son was ready, it was time to take life more relaxed.

If you want to read my original novels and read more than 40 advanced chapters of this novel, you can visit my P@treon: SrCuervo

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