
The Dragon Summoner

The World of Eden Where the world of Magic and Mythical beings exist. Gods, Demons, and etc... even Dragons exist. But such world has many tales, and this is one of them, A Dragon Summoner is unheard of, since they don't exist since dragon are prideful beings that will not bow their heads towards a summoner. Until this day, a new Era of Eden will appear as he would be called as the Dragon Summoner. (NOTES: I'm not a native English speaker, so my grammar is gonna be off, anyway hope you enjoy.)

Caesar_Zealius · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Tragedy of the Sky

2 Years Later 

Himmel is currently 6 years old, he is learning how to use magic with the help of Purpura, the sister of Argenti.

Himmel's magic flow is like a river, it is calm and quick, as he is able to use Magic without a problem. But there is a problem, his Magic for each affinity were horrible, making him impossible to cast a much more powerful magic. 

Himmel's Main attributes for magic were lacking, or sometimes they didn't even exist. He could only use a simple Strengthening Magic that enhanced his whole body and covered it with layers of Mana. 

"Hmmm, Himmel you don't have a talent for Magic at all."

"Figures, considering it's already been 2 years but don't worry Master Sister Purpura! I will handle my own with the help of Sister Argenti!" 

"Aiya, I'm still a second to you?"

"Of course you are, who do you think raised him in the first place?" Argenti remarks.

"Touché, anyway with Himmel wanting to do magic it seems he can only do strengthening and not a single affinity."

"Then it's impossible for him to become a magician."

"Sadly, yes for Human standard he would have been thrown into the cliff due to him lacking in every affinity."

"Those foolish humans, and those stupid rules they made!" Argenti shouted.

"Calm down, even in our home land these rules are almost the same as ours but more strict, if you want Himmel to be accepted then there's only one thing, the Magic transfer." Purpura answered.

"I know, all talks about pride and such no wonder we can't even attain a simple peace, and always resolve into banter of which is true by force." 

"I know that feeling very well, but if you want Himmel to live with us, then prepare him to use Magic transfer. If he is ready I will help you with all of my might."

"Thanks Purpura."

"No problem, Argenti." 

Himmel who listens to their conversation while practicing with the flow of his Magic. He really can't cast magic except strengthening magic to enhance his physical capabilities. 

"This Magic is still useful, but if I want to stand beside my Sister Argenti, then I must become stronger!" He uttered.

Himmel being unable to use magic, he solely uses the strengthening Magic to his own ability to its potential. His mindset is far beyond that of a 6 year old, due to him being around Dragons and not the same kind his mentally had developed far more advanced than the other average children.

"I'll go hunting Argenti and Purpura!" Himmel shouted.

"Do be careful!"

"Yes I will!"

Himmel went down the mountains to explore the deep forest. When he was only 5 years old, he was able to learn that the mountain he lives and loves is called the white mountain, as the Mountain from the distance resembled that of a pure snow with its colors, but below is the forest of the mountains, and it's called the Maple Forest. 

The Maple Forest is known to exhibit large and powerful monsters that roam it. But a Silver Dragon is the true ruler of these mountains and that was Argenti.

While hunting, he hid his scent with a tree that leaks a blood like liquid, those were called the Bloody Tree due to their color and the liquid that they ooze. The Bloody Tree is known for their horrible stench which is great for repelling monsters, except for animals.

Himmel slowly approaches an unsuspected lizard that is almost the same size as Himmel, they are called the Maple Lizards, they are carnivores, so Himmel would need to be careful when it comes to hunting them.

Himmel climbs into a tree, and finally he could see a gap and he plunge himself towards the ground, and he grabs his knife and struck the Lizard through it's brain killing the lizard instantly but the body is still alive as it tried to shake him off, but nonetheless after a few minutes of struggle the lizard's body finally died as all of the nerves stop functioning. 

"Argenti and Purpura must be proud if I return with another food!" Himmel smiled.

Until a melancholy of a roar echoed through the Maple Forest disrupting Himmel's body, terrifying him.

"What's happening to my body?"

Himmel turned to look up at the sky, and he saw a Dragon-like figure, but to be precise it wasn't a dragon, but rather it was a Wyvern.

The Wyvern roared, the trees slowly fell down and revealed a trembling child in the ground. Himmel who tried to stand up but was halted or something is preventing him from moving.

The Wyvern saw Himmel, and in the eyes of the Wyvern he only saw Himmel as a nutrient or food. The Wyvern flapped its wings towards Himmel where he was thrown away by the gust of wind.

"Uwaaahhgg!" He was thrown away, he regained his control over his body and started to run back towards their home.

The bloody tree isn't going to help him, as the Wyvern can track him with its eyes alone, as the eyes of Wyvern are sharp like dragons.

But Dragons are still way superior in everything, as the Wyvern only has two legs, while it has wings for its arm.

Himmel runs away with his life, leaving the food that he hunted. The Wyvern ignored the dead maple lizard and ran towards Himmel instead.

Unlike the Primal Fang, a Wyvern is much more dangerous, and Himmel cannot do anything about the Wyvern; he has no magic to combat it, nor even the physical prowess to defend himself. The only choice was to run as far as he could.

But it was futile, the Wyvern is too fast for him to escape. The Wyvern had caught up to Himmel, and Himmel was thrown away by the wings of the Wyvern, as he was thrown back to a tree which he is now bleeding from the inside.

"Iiihhhhh!" Himmel is struggling to breath, even with his strengthening magic it was futile as it was broken through easily.

Himmel's entire body is broken, as the Wyvern is way too strong for him to handle. The Wyvern approached the Child with hunger in its mind.

Himmel with his last and final breath, he threw his Knife directly at the Wyvern. "I guess that's it…" That was his last word, before he would fall unconscious.

The Wyvern is taken back as the Sharp knife pierces through the first layer of armor in the eyes and directly lands a blow which blinded the Wyvern.

The Wyvern rushes in anger, as Himmel stands up with his remaining strength as the Wyvern sends a magic, which is a wind magic blade that cuts off Himmel's left arm.

"AGHHHHHHH!!" Himmel screams in pain, as his left arm has been mutilated.

Blood began to gush out of his arm, as he fell down in his pool of blood. A child like him isn't going to make it if no one saves him.

Until a raging roar echoed throughout the entire Mountain, it was a dragon raging through the skies, descending from the dragon.

Argenti in her Humanoid form landed beside Himmel. "Himmel! Wake up! Himmel!" Argenti screams for his name, wanting him to wake up.

"Sister Argenti… I… am sorry…" Himmel finally closes his eyes.

Argenti placed Himmel on the ground.

Purpura descended into the ground to see Himmel is about to die in any seconds. "Argenti, I'll take care of him and go take care of that Puny Insect wanting to be a dragon! This deed must be paid with blood!" Purpura shouted.

Argenti was silent, as Argenti approached the Wyvern, the Wyvern slowly felt the atmosphere, the Wyvern felt the raging dragon. 

"You INSOLENT WYVERN!" Argenti shouted, as she opened her mouth and fired her own breath that decimated the Wyvern's wings into pieces rendering it useless to even fly.

"Don't you even escape! You have touched my own Kin with your despicable wings! You imitation of lower life forms! You dare show yourself! I will make you pay for killing him!" Argenti flies towards the dragon with her wings, as she grabs the Wyvern's neck and slams it to the ground. 

Argenti arms turn into draconic scales and rip the scales of the Wyvern's pieces to pieces until her nails pierces the skin of the Wyvern, eventually ripping the Wyvern's head and grabbing the spinal cord and breaking it into two. It was a brutal death, but for a dragon losing control means the majority of the land will be lost, there would be a massive change of terrain, but that didn't happen.

As Purpura manages to heal some of the wounds of Himmel, but the damage that was done inside his body is too far to be healed. Purpura that excels with magic there's always something that she can't do and that is advance healing magic.

"His Heart is torn into pieces, along with the bones… at this rate he wouldn't be able to survive." Purpura gave Argenti a blunt result.

"Then what can I do… tell me Purpura!"

"Argenti, there's only one way to save him. The magic transfer, his heart is now out of my reach to fix, but with the Magic transfer with your own you can save her, but doing so…"

"Then I will do it." Argenti uttered with hesitation.

"Then, let us commence this Forbidden Magic." Purpura said.

"Magic Transfer: Dragon's Heart of Call." Purpura chanted.

The entire forest went blank… it was pure silence.

Himmel woke up from his slumber, as he looked around and he could feel his entire body had changed, and he raised his left arm and saw, it's now different. His left arm has been replaced into dragon-like scales, it was pure silver like Argenti.

"I'm still alive?"
