
The Dragon Summoner

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What is The Dragon Summoner

Read ‘The Dragon Summoner’ Online for Free, written by the author Caesar_Zealius, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, MAGIC Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: The World of EdenWhere the world of Magic and Mythical beings exist. Gods, Demons, and etc... even Dragons exist.But suc...


The World of Eden Where the world of Magic and Mythical beings exist. Gods, Demons, and etc... even Dragons exist. But such world has many tales, and this is one of them, A Dragon Summoner is unheard of, since they don't exist since dragon are prideful beings that will not bow their heads towards a summoner. Until this day, a new Era of Eden will appear as he would be called as the Dragon Summoner. (NOTES: I'm not a native English speaker, so my grammar is gonna be off, anyway hope you enjoy.)

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【本文一对一,以搞笑为主,系统为辅,不喜勿喷】 爨一一觉得自己真的是太倒霉了,百年都遇不上的穿越硬是让自己遇上了 还自带了一个系统一起,咱不怕,兵来将挡,水来土掩,咱就做做任务,收集足够的灵点就可以回家了,穿越神马的,就当自己来了一次奇妙的旅游罢了 只不过这任务什么的,可以不要这么的坑爹吗?系统啊,你确定你不是故意的? 还有,你这个王爷究竟怎么回事啊,本姑娘都跟你说了,咱们井水不犯河水的,你不要老是撩我可好,咱不谈情也不说爱,求放过~ 小剧场 “报告王爷,王妃今天把丞相府的小姐打了,如今已经在收拾东西准备跑路了”一个暗卫急匆匆的破门而入道 正在办公的某人抬起头,冷声道:“你派人过去把那什么的再打一顿,就说是本王的意思,要是他们要找麻烦,就来找我,我的王妃岂是一个小小的丞相府的小姐可以得罪的” “还有,给我准备一队人马把府上守住了,要是王妃不见了,我就找你们所有人问罪了” 此时某个正准备跑路的人儿一个喷嚏打了出来,伸手摸了摸自己的鼻子,喃喃道:我这是感冒了吗? 系统君:【可能,宿主我这里有上好的感冒药,只需要一百灵点一颗,需要吗,需要吗】 某人:滚,你这个奸商

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