


I groaned again on my bed thinking of how the past two weeks have gone by. During the first week I had to lie to the guys that I got another memory.

I told them that I could fight cause I saw flashes of myself fighting in the past. The only reason I said that was because I found out they had pack training every morning and I wanted to join.

Mikhail finally allowed me to join but he asked Mark to be my trainer. Mark was quite surprised by my skills and had even complimented me on my fighting skills.

Things were going great until Jace brought up an idea that I should be taken to the pack doctor to have a check up and find out more about my memory loss. I've never hated Jace anymore than I hated him at that moment especially when Mikhail agreed that it was a great idea.

I was taken to the pack doctor and after a series of tests he concluded that he didn't see any form of brain damage that could cause amnesia. At that point I was already shaking at the fact that they would find out I was faking it until the doctor added that it was still possible.

He claimed that the damage must have been healed but was still taking time for my memories to be restored. He claimed that my memories should be back completely in a few weeks. He also added that it would have taken less time if I was surrounded by familiar things that could help trigger my memories.

Yesterday Mikhail asked me out on a date. The girls had gotten me ready in a sleeveless short blue dress with glittering pink stones on it. I absolutely loved the dress and I didn't even try to hide that fact. He had taken me to a fancy restaurant and reserved some sort of private chamber that opened up to show the stars. We talked a lot and just had fun, he also apologized for not being able to take me to a romantic place but I had shut him up because I loved all the efforts he made to make the date special.

It got to a point when he had moved closer to me and I assumed he was going to kiss me so I kissed him first, he was shocked about this but kissed me back anyways. My short boost of confidence was lost when we pulled apart and I blushed furiously at what I just did.

How could I have been so forward? I avoided looking at him for the rest of the night and when he walked me to my room door I squeaked out a goodnight before running into my room and slamming the door shut.

I let out another loud groan. I was such a fool for doing that, now he probably thinks that I regretted kissing him or something. I should have let him kiss me first and not the other way round but it was too late now.

I had woken up this morning feeling strange, I felt a little weak and emotional. I took a bath and got dressed but went straight back to bed. Mikhail might think that I'm avoiding him or something even though I'm just tired.

I was already drifting back to sleep when I heard screaming coming from outside, they were accompanied by yells. Maybe it's another Rouge attack I thought, I was tired and didn't want to get up and I'm sure that Mikhail can handle it. He probably wouldn't want me coming out and putting myself in danger anyways.

I closed my eyes again with the intention of sleeping when I heard something that made my eyes snap open and made me sit up Immediately. The unmistakable roar of a Dragon.

The world seemed to freeze for about 5 seconds before I jumped up from the bed, tiredness forgotten I ran out of my room and down the stairs till I got outside.

I was definitely not prepared for what I saw. People were running around in panic as a dragon flew in the sky shooting fire out of it's mouth.

A building's roof was already on fire and people rushed away from it. I scanned the crowd for my friends and saw the guys talking to the warriors while the girls were leading everyone away from the fire.

I quickly ran up to them "guys what's happening?" I asked with a look of panic. They all turned to me with the same look of panic before Mikhail quickly pulled me to his side "what are you doing here? You should have stayed inside" he said nervously as he narrowed his eyes on the flying dragon which had stopped shooting out fire and was instead circling some buildings ahead of us.

"And ignore all this ruckus? You've got to be kidding me"

"how is this possible? Why is a fire breathing dragon which should only be found in fairy tales attacking the pack?" Daphne screamed pointing at the dragon.

"I can't believe this, we're getting attacked by a creature that shouldn't even exist and we can't fight it since apparently none of us can fly" Mikhail said out loud.

It was true though, they probably couldn't defeat a dragon either ways but now all chances of even trying to fight were gone since the dragon was in the sky and they were down here on the ground.

I need to do something about this, I'm the only one who can help them but if I do then my secret will be exposed and I don't know how they will react to it.

I could tell from the size of the dragon that it was a warrior dragon and a powerful one at that. It was probably one of the head warriors of our kingdom but I could take it down.

I was still thinking about what choice to make when it was made for me. The dragon let out a deafening roar and I knew it was about to start shooting out fire again, I had no other choice than to intervene immediately.

I moved out of Mikhail's arms and stepped forward. They guys all looked shocked at my action and Mikhail was already panicking"Fiona what are you doing? Get back here" he said trying to reach for me but I only ran forward and out of his reach.

I looked at the Dragon in the sky and back at my friends... it's now or never. I felt Alice take over as I shifted into my dragon. My dragon had red scales with gold hints, my wings also had gold tips. I let out a roar far more powerful than the warrior dragon's, it was so loud it made the ground shake and I heard the girls gasp.

I shook out my wings and took off into the sky to meet the dragon. Normally the warrior would have recognized me and bowed down but his dragon was in full control. We all knew that the human parts have more respect than the dragons themselves. This dragon was trying to make a show of who was more dominant and I knew it wasn't going to back down without a fight.

The dragon approached me and attempted to ram it's tail into me but I quickly I flew out of the way and this made it growl. I wasn't planning on hurting him since it's not his fault. It's dragon nature to be aggressive and most times it was difficult getting them to obey and recognize people but I needed it to submit now.

It again tried to attack me with it's claws and I dodged but it was quick to realize that I would dodge so at the last minute it swing it's sharp tail at me attempting to catch me off guard. I was fast in swiftly avoiding it's tail and I watched as smoke came out of its nose and it lunged at me with it's full body attempting to slam me into one of the buildings.

I made sure it got close to me before dodging and slamming my tail against it's back and watched as it crashed into one of the buildings, the same building it had set on fire before.

It shook off the debris and growled as he tried yet again to launch at me, Alice sighed in frustration"doesn't he ever learn?" She asked in a bored tone "I guess not, well we'll have to teach him some manners" I said looking at the approaching dragon.

It's attack this time was different though, the moment it got close to me it shot out fire from its mouth and I was quick to do the same. Our fires clashed and we both increased it waiting to see whose fire would overpower the other.

I felt my eyes glow even redder as my fire got hotter and more powerful, my fire finally closed up on him and he was blasted yet into another building. I took this time to look down at my friends and I saw that they were looking at the fight with a mix of shock and anxiety, the pack members had also stopped panicking and were gathered together looking at the fight.

I realized too late that I had made a mistake by looking down. Before I could focus on the fight again, the dragon slammed into me knocking me into a building on my left.

I shook my head to get rid of the dizziness and growled. This fight had gone on for far too long. It's time to end this.

I pounced on the dragon pinning it's wings with my talons as I dived head first to the ground. I slammed the dragon into the ground raising dust all around us. When the dust finally settled my friends ran over but still kept a safe distance from us.

I immediately shifted back into my human form but maintained my grip on his wings. "Shift" I said in a powerful voice mostly because Alice was partially in control so our voices were combined.

The dragon didn't hesitate, he shifted and I stepped back. Before me was a man who looked about 30 years old, he had black hair and light brown eyes which were staring everywhere but at me.

He was ashamed of what his dragon did and was probably scared that I would punish him or worse report him to my father.

My father wouldn't spare him for attacking his daughter and he knew this too. I was grateful when Mikhail dispersed the pack and told them to go back to their various houses.

He assigned people to inspect the three buildings that were affected by the attack and to give him details on the damages done later.

Thankfully the buildings affected were the newly constructed ones that Mikhail planned on using for a new high school and for the pack mall.

He had informed me last week that he had it built so that the pack members could buy things without needing to visit the mall first, it would be quicker and more convenient.

I was thankful that it wasn't one of the buildings accommodated by people or it would have been a problem concerning where to put the people.

After he had given instructions to everyone and the crowd had all gone back to their various homes I realized that the girls were still staring at me especially Daphne who was grinning from ear to ear.

Mikhail turned back to me and he stared at me for a few seconds but those few seconds were enough to convey his emotions. Shock, anger, hurt, sadness, worry. They were all swimming in his eyes as he stared at me and all I could do was to look away.

He stared at the warrior beside me tentatively. I couldn't blame him though, this man had just attacked his pack and so he had to be cautious of him.

I was almost sure that he would attempt to lock him up but I was shocked by his next statement. "Let's go inside, we have a lot to discuss"

I was so shocked by his words that I glanced up but I didn't meet his gaze as he was already heading inside.

Jace gave me a small smile while Mark just looked confused. They both followed Mikhail inside, Amanda and Gina also gave a small smile followed by Daphne who glared daggers at the warrior before huffing and stomping her way inside.

I gestured for the warrior to go ahead and I was the last person to enter. I definitely have a lot of explaining to do.

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