


Everyone was silent for a while all lost in our various thoughts until Daphne decided to break the silence. "So you can turn into a dragon" she said looking intently at me.

At this everyone stared at me awaiting my answer even though it was already obvious what it would be. "Yes I'm a dragon shifter" I say and this is all the confirmation they need before questions are thrown at me.

"So you're not human?" Jace asks, well that's pretty obvious but I don't give him an answer.

"Are there more of you?" It's Amanda who asks this but before I can answer another question is thrown at me.

"Are you indestructible?" Mark asks and I feel the urge to facepalm.

"Can you melt the table with your fire?" The last question was asked by Daphne who by the way is looking at me like a child who just bought a new toy.

I glanced around at all their faces as they waited for me to answer their questions and I probably would have but I heard a question I had very much dreaded.

"So you lied to me all this while?" It was Mikhail who asked the question this time and I froze before looking at him. The whole room was silent as they watched me, waiting for my reaction. The guilt on my face must have been enough of an answer to him because he let out a low growl of anger.

"Everything you've said since you got here were all lies" it was a statement not a question. He was already convinced that I was nothing more than a liar and maybe I was, I felt so guilty mostly because of the look he was giving me and Alice was sulking somewhere at the back of my mind.

Our mate was hurt and worst of all we were the ones responsible for it. I felt the urge to say something, anything at least to defend myself and I found myself speaking out in a low voice "not everything"

I saw the confusion on his face and spoke up, louder this time "yes I lied, heck I lied a lot but not everything I said were all lies. There were elements of truth in them" he gave me a blank look but I continued talking "I know that what I did was wrong and I'm sorry, I really am but I had reasons for doing what I did and at the time I felt I was doing what was best"

"What was best?" Mikhail scoffed his face hard, "so lying to me and deceiving us all was best, making me think that you actually liked me when you probably didn't even feel shit for me was also best?" He asked angrily.

He didn't stop at that, oh no, he continued "why? Why did you do it? So you can take over my pack? For money huh? You were going to make me think you loved me then stab me in the back right? Who sent you? The rouges? Alpha Daniel? Who, and how much did they promise you?" He barked at me.

I felt anger swell within me, yes what I did was wrong and I shouldn't have done it but he had no right to accuse me like that especially saying that my feelings for him are lies, how dare he?

Alice was also angry and before I knew it I was already lashing out at him "what? I may have lied to you about a lot of things but my feelings for you weren't a part of those lies. You have no idea what I feel for you and you have no right to disrespect my feelings that way. I could have rejected you but I didn't because I actually want you and I want this relationship to work"

My voice was getting louder and angrier and I felt my eyes turn red "how can you even accuse me that way? So you think I'm after your money, that I want your pack and that's why I'm here? Well you couldn't be more wrong cause I want neither your stupid money nor your 'pack', I want you"

He looked stunned at my confession but I saw the hint of a smile playing on his lips, probably because I admitted to wanting him but he's already crossed the line and no breathtaking smile is going to fix that.

"Well I wanted you, now with your attitude I'm not so sure anymore" I said angrily and I saw his face pull into a frown. 'Yeah you better frown' I thought inwardly and was about to continue my yelling when a voice stopped me.

"Your highness calm down" I heard the warrior say and everyone stared at me with confusion which only angered me further. Before I knew it I was turning my anger on the warrior "did I ask for your opinion?" Alice barked at the warrior with power radiating off her in waves and before I knew it the warrior was on his knees with his head bowed "forgive me for intruding your highness" he said shakily. 'Alice stop it' I said with a sigh, she only growled angrily before retreating to the back of my mind but I could still feel her anger and boy was she angry. She had been thinking about ways to ensure that our relationship with Mikhail works out and to make sure my parents accept him and what Mikhail said had hurt her a lot.

I felt my eyes return to their normal green colour before facing the warrior who was still on his knees "Rise" I said and he immediately got up taking his seat. Everyone was still looking at me and waiting for answers especially the reason why the warrior behaved that way to me. I ignored them and turned my back to focus solely on the warrior.

I was sure that if I looked at Mikhail one more time then I'd get angry again so I'd just focus on questioning the warrior instead.

"What's your name and what post do you hold?" he gave a slight bow before answering "my name is Chandler and I'm the head warrior of the third unit your highness" I nodded at him.

Back at the kingdom we have 10 units ranging from the weakest to the strongest and unit 1-3 were our strongest units. Together they were about 200 dragon shifters.

Everyone was listening to our conversation but I ignored them and asked another question "why did you attack the pack?" Mikhail growled at this probably still angry that the pack was attacked and the warrior looked at him for a moment before focusing on me.

"I was instructed by General Levon" he answered and I was shocked. "Why would my uncle tell you to attack innocent people?" I asked incredulously.

"Your highness two days after you left for this realm the guards who were supposed to lead you home came back to the palace to report that you were missing" he paused and looked at me and I nodded for him to continue

"The king was very angry and it took the effort of her highness and the princes to stop him from having their heads" I groaned, of course my father threw a fit. I'm just glad Mother and my brothers were able to calm him down otherwise I would be feeling even more guilty right now.

"He sent out warriors to look for you and we all feared that you had also been taken by those responsible for our missing people. He was starting to regret sending you to this realm and to worsen it all more people were taken right under our noses"

My heart clenched at this, more people taken and I couldn't do anything to stop it. Now's not the time I told myself. "Okay but why did you attack?"

"During the various searching activities some of the guards found this... Association and reported back to the king. He instructed some other warriors and I to check it out and we found out that a lot of people live here and it's quite advanced"

He looked at me as if expecting me to piece the remaining parts of the puzzle together but I just stared blankly at him. After realizing that I wasn't going to suddenly understand his words, he continued.

"We suspected that they were the ones responsible for the kidnappings and that they might be holding you captive especially since we don't know how powerful werewolves are" Mikhail let out another growl to which we both ignored mostly because I was too shocked by what I just learned.

"Wait you know about werewolves?" I asked shocked. He simply nodded and my jaw dropped "how? When?" I couldn't believe my ears.

"A few years ago some of the men sent to this realm to discover new things encountered one and since then we've known that they exist but we don't know much about them, only that they change into wolves and have a wolf spirit like us dragons"

"General levon sent me here on your father's orders as a last resort to find out if you were here and bring you home. I have been keeping watch since yesterday and I saw you and these girls coming back from somewhere in a red car, that gave me all the evidence that you were indeed being held here so I decided to attack and rescue you"

I wanted to say something about how I wasn't kidnapped and how these werewolves were good people but before I could say anything I realized that something out of all what he had said was still confusing to me.

"What do you mean as a last resort?"I asked with a frown. "The king has already issued a decree and he just sent me here as a last resort before the decree is carried out"

"And what decree is that?" I asked already dreading the answer. Somehow I know I'm not going to like the answer.

"Attack the werewolves and burn them to the ground" he says firmly as my eyes widen and I hear the guys gasp.

Oh what have I caused?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Rae_Zeecreators' thoughts