
Chapter 9 Successful Admission

Chapter 9 Successful Admission

"Let me introduce him to you. He is Lo•Lambert."

"Little Lo, this is the famous expert in magic history and magic language, Mage School's lifelong Professor Edgar."

Wearing a mask, Lebel as a broker stood between the two and introduced them to each other.

Lo looked at the kind old man with respect and reached out his hand actively.

"Hello, Professor Edgar. You can call me Lo or little Lo."

The old man shook hands with him with a smile.

"Hello, Lo, I've heard about you from Lebel a long time ago. Nice to meet you."

The information contained in this sentence shocked Lo.

First of all, Professor Edgar called out the name of Lebel directly. He believed that it was impossible for a professor of Mage School to not know the identity of the wanted criminal.

But the relationship between the two seemed not to be unfamiliar. Before entering the door, the two of them greeted each other like old friends.

Moreover, the Professor Edgar mentioned "I've heard about you from Lebel a long time ago", which confused him.

When did he hear that? Didn't Lebel stay with me these days?

"Nice to meet you, Professor Edgar!"

"You are supposed to say, please give me more advice!" Lebel corrected on the side.

Then he patted the shoulder of Lo.

"Because you are going to study in Mage School! If you have outstanding grades, you may have the chance to listen to the lecture of Professor Edgar!"

"Oh? Who is going to enter the school? Why didn't I know?"

An unfriendly voice came from outside. They heard that the man outside knocked on the door two times perfunctorily, and before waiting for an answer, he pushed the door open and came in.

As the saying goes, "Never go to a Buddhist temple for anything." The visitors were not friendly.

"Russell, the director of recruitment office, is the only obstacle to our trip." Lebel whispered in Lo's ear.

"Old man, you are still as impolite as before. You haven't changed at all!" Professor Edgar seemed to have a bad relationship with Director Russell.

Director Russell also retorted, "Fortunately, I have a good ears, otherwise no one knows who send an unidentified bumpkin into the school!"

"No, no, no. He is definitely not some unknown bumpkin." Lebel said softly with a graceful noble salute.

But Russell didn't buy it and looked at him with a frown.

"Humph, I don't remember when there was a person in the Stephen family who likes to pretend to be mysterious."

He was criticizing Lebel for not showing his true face in front of him.

Obviously, he didn't know the true identity of Lebel.

"Because of some special reasons, I have no choice but to do so. If I cause you any inconvenience, please allow me to say sorry here."

There was a saying that "Don't beat a smiling man."

Lebel was with such a humble attitude, even Director Russell, who came to deliberately make trouble, couldn't find fault with a stranger. He just snorted coldly and didn't care about the mask anymore.

"I don't care about anything else."

"I only know that the Stephen family has voluntarily given up this year's quota. I have personally confirmed it with baron. At that time, his reason was that there was no suitable person."

"Now the recruitment time has passed. Even if the son of the dean comes, he can't join the school. He can only wait for the next recruitment after a year."

It could be sensed that Director Russell's tone was very tough. He looked righteous, had reasons not to forgive, and instantly gained the upper hand.

"Yes, so I don't intend to let him become a new student directly." Professor Edgar shrugged and mumbled.

"There are other examples of transferred student in the school."

Director Russell's eyes turned cold and stood solemnly with his arms crossed, "There are indeed some examples of transferred student, but don't forget that there are no spare seats in the current class..."


He suddenly thought of something and stared at them with his wide—opened eyes .

"The day class of 2746?"

Director Russell almost screamed in disbelief. He finally knew why Professor Edgar had been full of confidence since he entered, as if Edgar was not afraid of him at all.

It turned out that he had already found a way!

Professor Edgar gave a weird smile and nodded unfathomably.

Although they couldn't see the expression on Lebel’s face through the mask, guessing that he must be very proud now.

Only Lo repeated the words "day class of 2746".

It seemed that he had heard of it somewhere...

"No, no, no!" Russell shook his head and said, "the Graydon family hasn't gotten the result yet. So, Leo can't be expelled from school. He can only be temporarily missing!"

Hearing the name "Leo", Lo finally understood.

The naughty boy with blond hair appeared in his mind. He sneaked out of Mage School's team and came to the dock alone, shouting, "Let's have a magnificent adventure."

It seemed that he was indeed a member of the count family.

However, that guy really went to "take a risk"!?

And no one else found him?

So "day class of 2746" was the class that the guy had ever been in?

He was shocked.

The other three people present didn't know what Lo was thinking. Because he didn't speak for anything, they chose to ignore him.

When Edgar saw the exaggerated expression on Russell's face, the old rival, he became more complacent.

"It's an established fact that a student is missing in the day class of 2746, whether it's drop out or missing.

At the same time, the teacher Catherine has come to me many times to complain that the normal teaching has been affected because of the shortage of students. She asked me to find a transferred student for her class as soon as possible."

"It seems that the famous Catherine will be very happy to see the little Lo." Lebel added.

"Don't think I don't know that Catherine used to be your student. You are on the same side!" Russell cursed.

Then, Lebel took out the letter from his pocket.

"This is Stephen Baron's letter. Director, do you need to check it?"

Russell glanced at the badges of the Stephen family on the chests of the two people, and then felt the magic mark of the letter. He lost interest immediately.

"Go ahead. It’s no use to read it!"

Judging from his tone, he was in a bad mood now.

Professor Edgar was unreasonable and insatiable. "The sacred stone competition is coming soon. We have to let this child join our class as soon as possible to get along with his classmates!"

"How about we finish the enrollment and transferring procedures today and let the little Lo go study in a few days? Director Russell?"

He deliberately slowed down the last few words, full of provocation.

Russell was so angry that he gritted teeth. He pointed at the nose of the Professor Edgar and then pointed at the Lo standing aside.

"Don't blame me for not warning you. As long as Leo, that bastard comes back, Lo has to get out of school immediately."

Edgar well prepared, he nodded silently without refuting.

Russell continued, "Besides, it's forbidden for transferred student to participate in the sacred stone competition. Don't need me to remind you, right?"

"Of course." Lebel replied.

He knew his purpose exactly.

Let Lo receive magic education and open up talent in magic. At the same time, he took this opportunity to get close to the forbidden area of the school: the clock tower, to explore the deeper secrets about the dragon race.

As for the sacred stone competition, it was not in the plan at all.

On the other hand, Russell thought that he had succeeded in winning the exchange condition and was finally relieved.